Browse Editions : 2012 / Gas
Title Author Edition
A new approach to treating shale gases

 Ralph Weiland and Nathan Hatcher, Optimized Gas Treating

2012 / Gas

Shale gas can be challenging to treat, but mass transfer rate-based simulation and appropriate tower internals can make it no harder to treat than other natural gases


Heat exchange reforming in gas synthesis

 Henrik Surrow Larsen, Haldor Topsoe

2012 / Gas

An exchange reformer design offers a very high reforming temperature and the option to reduce primary reformer size


Micromachined gas chromatography for gas plants

 Les Alberts, Seala Services

2012 / Gas

Onsite gas chromatography is available to troubleshoot, optimise, debottleneck and help identify energy savings in natural gas plants


GTL adds value to gs production

 Neville Hargreaves, Oxford Catalysts Group

2012 / Gas

Distributed GTL plants could provide economic monetisation of shale gas, associated gas and stranded gas.


Using physical solvent in multiple applications

 Jack McJannett, Dow Chemical Canada

2012 / Gas

A physical solvent's properties and versatility in a variety of flow schemes for energy-efficient gas treating in a range of applications are discussed


Solutions for the treatment of highly sour gases

 Francois Lallemand and Gauthier Perdu, Prosernat

Cristina Maretto and Claire Weiss, Total E&P

Julia Magne-Drisch and Anne-Claire Lucquin, IFP Energies Nouvelles

2012 / Gas

Process technologies for the cost-effective treatment of natural gas with high and ultra-high acid gas content


Combating the threat of mercury

 Michael Hayes and Katrin Akerlindh, Linde Gases

2012 / Gas

Emerging legally binding action on mercury emissions highlights the importance of monitoring and quantifying emissions from gas operations


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