John Petri and Stuart Simpson, UOP, A Honeywell Company
A flexible approach features developments in selective catalysts for middle distillate and less conventional production routes based on biomass More
Mustafa Goren and Ahmet Bebek, Tupras Kirikkale Refinery
A stepwise approach solved seasonal issues affecting plans to increae a hydrocracker's capacityMore
Eric Teletzke and Bhavna Madhyani INEOS GAS/SPEC Technology Group
Even with incomplete information, a systematic approach can be used to identify the source of amine losses and the action needed to reduce themMore
Valentin Nilca, Adrian Ionut Tudose and Tiberiu Crudu KMG RompetrolLjubica Simic and Maria Luisa Sargenti Grace
A combination of recent catalyst and additive developments raised a refinery’s output of FCC propylene and isobutylene More
Philip Thornthwaite Nalco Champion
By increasing the volume of quality data, refiners can automate the correct addition of chemical additives to respond to variations in unit performanceMore
Duncan Micklem KBC (A Yokogawa Company)