Digital PTQ Registration Form

If you've already registered for one or more ePTQ facility log in to my and register to receive the digital edition there (you'll find some of the required information already filled in for you)

Otherwise, register on this page and, if you're eligible, you'll be able to download the current issue of PTQ immediately and will be emailed in future when new issues of the digital magazine become available.

All fields with an * are required

Title *
First Name *
Surname *
Company/Organisation *
Email *
Job Title *
Address 1 *
Address 2
Address 3
Town / City *
Province / State
Postcode / ZIP *
Country *
Tel *
Please type
a password
Retype Password *
What is your role in your company?*

What is the primary area of the hydrocarbon processing industry in which you work?*  

The circulation of PTQ is audited by ABC and, in the absence of your signature, we are required by them to ask you the following Personal Identification Question which will be used for auditing purposes only:
What are the first two letters of your birthplace?    or