In our CCRU plant we have two net gas compressors which are discharging 38000 Nm3/ hr H2 gas (95 % H2 purity). Net gas compressors are two stage reciprocating compressors with recontacting section. We have 4500 Nm3/hr (87% H2 purity) of semi regenerative CRU off gas joining the circuit after the first stage discharge. We are facing problems with very high second stage suction strainer PDIs in our compressors (which is probably due to CRU off gas joining the circuit interstage). Recently we had conducted analysis of the muck we found on second stage suction valve plates.
The analysis is :
Sr.NO / Parameter / Unit
1 Moisture (@105ºC) % 5.4
2 Loss of Ignition at 800⁰C % 83.14
3 Ash at 800⁰C % 11.46
4 Solubility in water % 13
5 Oil Content % 16.96
6 Iron (Fe) as Fe2O3 % 8.716
7 Acid Insoluble ( ~ Silica etc) % 0.8
Can anyone provide further insights looking at these results?