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We want to drain CDU Desalter Effluent Brine to Oily Sewer. Any issues of H2S or smell?
08/07/2014 A: Prakash Pimparkar, Environmental Consulting Services , prakash.pimparkar@yahoo.in
Not a good pratice.Will lead to odour problem along the OWS system.It will also be hot (unless cooled in Desalter area). Can also expose working people levels of H2S beyond OHSA limits.Standard practice is to pump it to ETP through pipeline.
24/03/2014 A: David Kujawski, Refinery Water Engineering & Associates Inc, dk@refinerywater.net
H2S will be a major issue at any open vessel downstream of the sewer entry point. H2S can be treated at various stages in its travel, either chemically or biologically. Also expect Mercaptans odour, general hydrocarbon odour, and possibly Ammonia odour if bacterial outbreaks occur along the way.
24/03/2014 A: Eric Vetters, ProCorr Consulting Services, ewvetters@yahoo.com
It will probably depend on the design of your sewer system. If all the liquid entry points into the sewer have a liquid seal then odours should not be a problem. If there is no liquid seal then odours could be a problem. Lots of refineries put their desalter brine and drains from the desalter sampling station/try line sampling points to the oily water sewer.