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We have a liquid product named HCGO; ideally it's 280-430 cut material. We are analyzing its distillation by D86 method. same liquid sample when tested with D1160 recovery results were different. Since there is huge difference between 350+ recovery points we are confused as to which method to follow.
1. How to compare D86 & D1160 values - which are more accurate?
2. What is the range of D86 & D1160 test methods wrt. recovery points?
Below is table for reference. Both the results are reported up to atmospheric values and in DegC. (OOR = Out of Range)

S. No Distillation D-86 D-1160
1 IBP 287 280
2 5% 339 337
3 10% 347 354
4 30% 363 385
5 50% 374 403
6 70% 384 420
7 85% 396 437
8 90% OOR 446
9 95% OOR 461
10 FBP OOR 497
10/07/2013 A: Virendra Kapoor, Petroleum Refining Consultants, vkkapoor9@yahoo.com
ASTM D 86 is a standard distillation having good repeatability and reproducibility. It is simple & consume less time and is used to know the boiling range of motor gasoline, aviation gasoline, special boiling point spirit, naptha, kerosene, ATF, &diesel cuts. ASTM DISTILLATION-D1160 is used for heavy petroleum products. Conditions provide one theoretical plate.
ASTM D 86 is not good for Heavy Coker Gas Oil (HCGO) .
Boiling Range distribution by GAS CHRONMATORAGRAPHY is also determined. Various methods are
ASTM D2887– Boiling range distribution of petroleum fraction up to 538°C by GC
ASTM D2887 Extended –High Temperature up to 615°C
ASTM D5307-97 Determination of boiling range distribution of crude petroleum up to 750°C by GC
ASTM D 2887 is a suitable procedure for the stock.
09/07/2013 A: Virendra Kapoor, Petroleum Refining Consultants, vkkapoor9@yahoo.com
ASTM DISTILLATION-D86 IT is a std. distillation having good repeatability/reproducibility. It is simple & consume less time. It is used to know the boiling range of motor gasoline, aviation gasoline, special boiling point sprit, naptha,kerosene, ATF, &diesel cuts etc.
So it is not good for your Heavy Coker Gas Oil.
ASTM DISTILLATION-D1160 is used for heavy petroleum products Having max. temp.400°C@1mm Hg.pressure. Conditions provide one theoretical plate
ASTM D2887 is used for Boiling range distribution of petroleum fraction up to 538°C by GC
ASTM D2887 Extended is for high Temperature up to 615°C
ASTM D5307 is for determination of boiling range distribution of crude petroleum up to 750°C by GC
I am in agreement with answer provided by Mr Alan Goelzer

08/07/2013 A: Alan Goelzer, Jacobs Consultancy, alan.goelzer@jacobs.com
ASTM D86 distillation test method should not be used when EP(D86) will exceed 370C. Preferably, actual still pot temperature in ASTM D86 is kept below 350C. Thus, the heaviest stocks suitable for distillation testing per ASTM D86 are diesel fuels and light gas oils.
Best methods for analyzing distillation envelope of FCC Light Cycle Oil is ASTM D2887 SimDist. Best methods for FCC Heavy Cycle Oil and FCC Slurry Oil are ASTM D6352. Preferably FCC Slurry Oil is filtered first.