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We have three smr plant having 750nm3 capacity.one of the smr syngas header external paint was faded and peeled out from its position. Checked skin temperature on the surface, found higher than normal. What is the cause of burnt paint? Is there any special procedure for measuring skin temperature on syngas header like reformer tube temp measurement?
04/05/2018 A: Peter Marsh, XBP Refining Consultants Ltd, peter.marsh@xbprefining.co.uk
I assume from your description you are referring to either the outlet header of the SMR furnace or the inlet channel to the process gas boiler? If all three SMR plants were painted with identical spec high temperature paint, then the fading and peeling of paint at one plant is probably an indication of gas tracking due either 1) to poor installation or cracking of internal refractory (if on barrel) or 2) to incorrect ceramic fibre gasket selection or poor joint assembly (if near flanged connection). I would recommend conducting regular thermal imaging checks to ensure the maximum allowable metal temperature is not exceeded and provision of steam rings or steam lances to apply external cooling to the hot spot location. You may want to consider reducing the system pressure to try to reduce the amount of gas tracking. I would also strongly recommend you make contingency plans for an emergency shutdown (in case MAWT is reached) and for carrying out remedial repairs to the internal refractory and replacement of any ceramic fibre gasket(s) if applicable at the hot spot location.