How many, and what capacity, Gas To Liquid (GTL) plants are currently operational or under construction?
Navin Baboolal, PETROTRIN,
There is also a GTL plant under construction in Trinidad and Tobago. It is very small though, about 5000 bpd and should be operational late 2008
Raghavendra Sangam, Libra Techcon Ltd.,
Sasol in South Africa is producing GTLs- gas being converted from coal- for more than 50 years. Capacity, in excess of 150,000 bpd. Shell has a commercial GTL plant in Bintulu, Malaysia, feedstock being natural gas. TFB reactors, Co catalyst (??) The Shell Middle Distillates Synthesis plant here has the capacity is 12,500 bpd. Oryx GTL at Ras Laffan in Qatar. Sasol, FW and Technip working with QP, commissioned 34,000 bpd GTL plant in late June 2006. (Use Google on the interent. You will get rich information on GTL.)