We are designing an LPG sweetening unit. The sour LPG consists of H2S, methyl mercaptans, ethyl mercaptans, propyl and butyl mercaptans , COS as the sulphur impurities. To remove H2S we are using amine absorption tower using MDEA solvent. Then it is followed by caustic wash for mercaptan removal. We observe that butyl mercaptan is not removed effectively from caustic wash. The caustic wash circulation has to be increased to a very high unreleastic values to achieve 10ppmw sulfur at the downstream of caustic wash. Can you please inform on the various options for butyl mercaptan / H2s levels of sour LPG after amine absorption :
(in ppmw) Sour LPG
Methyl Mercaptan : 0.966
Ethyl Mercaptan : 6.877
Propyl Mercaptan: 12.529
Butyl Mercaptan: 108.822
Hydrogen Sulfide: 15.000
Carbonyl Sulfide :36.316