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In Continuous Catalytic Regeneration (CCR) plant we have faced a corrosion problem at the downstream of regeneration section which was caused by chloride ion contained vent gas. What are your suggestions to prevent corrosion?
20/01/2011 A: Satish Angadi, HTIN, satish_angadi@rediffmail.com
Do you have a neutralisation facility for this vent gas? If yes, is the circulation of Na-bicarb solution is adequate enough for the neutralisation? Is it checked periodically?
And metallurgy needs to be appropriate.
12/01/2011 A: Roger Haglund, Eprom, r_haglund44@hotmail.com
Judging from the information given the adsorption isn't efficient enough. Could be due to too low circulation rate preventing contact or gas bypass in the scrubber. There can also be mechanical problems in the scrubber.
Another cause could be a too low NaOH strength.
For the first type of problems one needs a thorough inspection if increasing the flow doesn't help.
It is always a good idea to get the licensor to site.
It is usually worth paying them for a visit to site for a few days to pinpoint the problem and to find the causes and what intermediate action that can be taken.
12/01/2011 A: Hubert Mueller, Bayernoil, guhumueller@web.de
Many years ago we installed a small washing column downstream of the regenerator before venting the offgas to atmosphere. More information should be available from the process licensor including other possibilities.
12/01/2011 A: keith bowers, B and B Consulting, kebowers47@gmail.com
Chlorine is continuously emitted from the regeneration section and the metallurgy MUST be selected with this in mind. You must upgrade the corroded sections