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Need all your expert views on crude oil Basic N2 impact on fouling tendency. This is limiting on crude flex/ optimization as the refinery has CAM limit for basic N2 (150ppm). Need to understand the fouling tendency of Low N2 crude whether this is credible or perceived. Also understand the fouling tendency/reversibility. If credible, please provide if there are ways to mitigate (eg: every low N2 crude processing is followed by crude that can act as cleaning and recover any loss in duty?)
Low basic N2 could be good for LRCCU feed and also hope for HCU where as this limit could restrict such crudes from buying/processing… We always used to be on the basis of waxy vs. asphaltic… every waxy run followed by a aromatic/naphthenic crude run to provide cleaning effect. Antifouling was other alternate only in LR circuit and /or SR circuit.
Blending of crude based on compatibility to mitigate was another option…
There should get some clear guidelines for mitigation if the impact N2 is credible and proven… can you provide any such details and what is minimum technical solution for such mitigations as this will be a clear big lever for crude flexibility.
24/07/2014 A: Ralph Ragsdale, Ragsdale Refining Courses, ralph.ragsdale@att.net
The fouling caused by nitrogen is from ammonium salt formation at locations where the salt is formed. High nitrogen crude experiences more salt deposits. Switching to a low nitrogen crude will not flush out the deposits formed by high nitrogen crude. Water washing is practiced at the locations where fouling has occurred.