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Is there any commercial plant for producing clean syngas from refinery off gases (the tail gas from CRU units having no CO content)?
29/10/2020 A: Joel Kaye, Retired from UOP & Tesoro, kaye13@gmail.com
You will need to specify what you are doing with the syngas. Typically CRU tailgas will go directly to fuel gas, and the volume is too small alone to economically justify another plant.
13/10/2020 A: Jake Gotham, InSite Technical Services, jake.gotham@insitetechnical.com
Shell’s gasification process is one example. Air Products has expanded its range of gasification technologies and they would also be worth speaking to.
13/10/2020 A: keith bowers, B and B Consulting, kebowers47@gmail.com
Not to my knowledge, though I may not be aware of one. A partial oxidation unit will, of course, be designed to make clean synthesis gas, with the H:CO ratio adjusted to what is desired. Since any process needing clean synthesis gas has stringent feedstock requirements, it would not be attractive to try and clean up a highly variable content off-gas to a strict specification syngas. One would start with a clean, well scrubbed methane feedstock.