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In one of exchange PSV was set at 16.5 kg/cm2g. Now its rupture disc got damaged. what will be the new set pressure for PSV without rupture disc considering its flare back pressure of 1.7 kg/cm2g?
31/07/2010 A: G KAMALAKANNAN, Foster Wheeler India Ltd, siddhukamal@yahoo.co.in
There will not be any difference in set pressure with or without RD. RD is used for not allowing corrosive/erosive or dirty fluids entering in the PSV seat and causing the PSV not to act when required.
29/07/2010 A: Ralph Ragsdale, Ragsdale Refining Courses, ralph.ragsdale@att.net
Disclaimer: My comments on matters of safety are not to be accepted for design or operation. No liability is assume or accepted on my part. Having stated that: Assuming the rupture disc is installed below the PSV for the purpose of keeping the insides of the PSV clean, there needs to be no change to the PSV setting.