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I want to know importance of Real Density and Vibrated bulk density for various type of coke? What does it indicate?
13/12/2011 A: Sridhar Balakrishnan, Bharat Oman Refineries Limited , laksrid@yahoo.com
Vibrated bulk density : Vibrated Bulk Density , is an indicator of calcined petroleum coke porosity .The porosity characteristics of calcined petroleum coke have a significant impact on anode performance. It has been observed that the porosity of calcined petroleum coke affects the coke suitability for use in pitch bonded carbon applications like prebaked anodes for aluminium smelting etc.
Real Bulk Density : Real Density is the mass divided by the volume occupied by the material excluding pores and voids. It is required, therefore,that voids in the coke be eliminated and that pores in the material be filled by the fluid being displaced. The real density of calcined petroleum coke directly influences the physical and chemical properties of the manufactured carbon and graphite artifacts for which it is used.