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We have a conductivity loss problem in Jet Fuel produced from a Merox Unit.
Any experiences about the conductivity lost in Jet Fuel after Stadis 450 addition, will be very precious for the determining and finding the solution.
21/07/2020 A: Carlos Mendiondo, CHM Consult, Carloshugomendiondo@gamil.com

A:Compounds that contain O, N and S (also asphaltenes and resins) are natural promoters of conductivity. The presence of carboxylic acid groups, carbonyls, phenols, pyrroles and pyridines are capable of accepting or donating protons. The phenomenon such as could be associated to some extent with these compounds and in the presence of water in the system. Therefore, the higher or lower conductivity of a kero may be related to the higher values of TAN, sulphur and polar, which indicate a higher concentration of charge carriers. Merox is a caustic process so that acidic compounds are removed. Naphtenates accumulate at the oil-water interface and are continuously purged . Perhaps this explains your problem
18/09/2007 A: Amarjit Bakshi, Refining Hydrocarbon Technologies LLC, abakshi@rhtgulfcoast.com
Carry over of caustic from Merox unit will effect the conductivity of the jet fuel, so you need to check how well your Merox unit working and if you can wash the Merox product to remove the caustic which should solve your problem. ......