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How significant is the increase in hydrogen consumption in facilities where higher amounts of heavy VGO and heavy coker gas oil feeds are being treated in the gas oil hydrotreater? To what extent can catalyst selectivity help mitigate hydrogen consumption while treating these feeds?
10/04/2008 A: keith bowers, B and B Consulting, kebowers47@gmail.com
It can be very significant--depending on:
Amount of HVGO and HCGO added to the gas oil hydrotreater. It also depends on the operating pressure, catalyst, average catalyst bed temperature, and product quality level desired.
There are so many different variables not mentioned in your question that it is not prudent to try and provide any numerical guidance.
Catalyst suppliers have many new products that cam be used for your specific situation and objectives. You should consult with them.
You cannot expect a hydrotreater designed for straight run gas oil feed to be able to adequately remove sulfur, nitrogen, and saturate aromatics of the HVGO and Coker GO without substantial modifications. Along with hydrogen consumption increase comes heat of reaction management. The evaluation and engineering is not trivial.