In the CDU Desalter can we use one demulsifier for different Crudes. Is it possible to test effectiveness of the Demulsifier in Laboratory?
Berthold Otzisk, Kurita Europe GmbH,
Modern demulsifiers are designed to give a good performance over a wide range of different crude oils. It is not a common practice to change each time the demulsifier, when new crude oils are processed. Some refineries switch all 2-3 days to other crudes and such a practice would require a set of different demulsifiers, which is not practicable. There are several laboratory methods available, which will give an indication of the demulsifier performance. A simple demulsifier test: 1) Intensively mix 1000 ml crude oil with 50 ml water 2) Put centrifuge glasses into a rack and fill each glass with the crude oil/water mixture 3) Keep one sample as the „Blank“ = no injection of a demulsifier 4) Add 10 ppm demulsifier to the crude oil/water mixture. Same procedure for all demulsifiers, which you would like to test 5) Intensively mix the crude oil/water/demulsifier samples 6) Leave the centrifuge glasses in the rack for 24 hours 7) Compare the demulsifier samples with the blank A more powerful test is the „Portable Electrical Desalter (PED)“, which uses an electrical field. The test equipment is fixed in a suitcase. It is a static test, but gives more or less realistic results. This test equipment contains a heating block for the centrifuge tubes and electrodes, fixed in the screw cap.