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I saw an answer in Q&A, that portable electric desalters will screen the demulsifiers. I would like to screen some of my demulsifiers using portable electric desalter (PED). Can anyone suggest the suppliers of PED? it would be a great help.
29/12/2018 A: Eric Vetters, ProCorr Consulting Services, ewvetters@yahoo.com
The only company I know that makes them is an outfit out of San Antonio, TX called Inter Av. They don't actively market them so you have to ask them to build you one.
18/12/2018 A: NS Murthy, Suez, murthy.ns.ext@suez.com
We do not supply PED but we use it with our own proprietary techniques to screen demulsifiers. Further, PED alone will not suffice, one needs to know the 'rules' in effective blending of different crude oils. We at Suez fill this gap as well. If additional details needed, contact nearest Suez WTS service provider.
18/12/2018 A: Eugen Goudsmith, Nijhuis Industries, eugen@goudsmith.eu
Nalco Champion does - https://www.ecolab.com/nalco-champion