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We have experienced frequent leaks and failures of Plate Heat Exchangers in our Sour Gas Treating Units. We have tried varying gasket materials and operating procedures but the maximum MTBF is 6 months. Specs are as follows:
Service:Rich/Lean Amine Solvent
Heat Exchanged: 24.07 Gcal/h
Operating Temp: 86.6/111.3 - 130.8/98.6 (cold - hot side)
Operating Pressure: 8.9/8.3 - 1.8/1.2 (cold - hot side)
Gasket: EPDM
No. Plates: 254
Can anybody suggest alternative approaches or provide advice on type, materials, procedure etc ?
07/09/2007 A: Fabrizio Palmeri, Alfa Laval, fabrizio.palmeri@alfalaval.com
Amine services were, in the past, often faced by gasketed PHEs. EPDM gaskets were considered. For some years, we solving more and more problems on amines (Lean / Rich, Lean trim coolers, condensers) with Compabloc welded HX. Compabloc are openable on both sides for inspection, they are thermally efficient (paticularly when it comes to Lean/Rich units with heavy T crossings), and above all do not have interplate gaskets. Limits are 350°C@35 Barg......