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Regarding C5-C6 isomerization, has anyone an RVP vs RON correlation of Isomerate product?
06/05/2016 A: Peter Marsh, XBP Refining Consultants Ltd, peter.marsh@xbprefining.co.uk
Any correlation between isomerate RON and isomerate RVP will be affected the specific configuration of the C5-C6 isom unit (eg. Deisohexaniser or Molex to separate out and recycle nC5 and methyl pentanes). Operational problems such as C4 slippage from the NHT Stripper will also significantly affect isomerate RVP.
03/05/2016 A: Eric Vetters, ProCorr Consulting Services, ewvetters@yahoo.com
The relative amounts of C5 vs. C6 will drive the RVP much more than the degree of isomerization. I think it would be very difficult to have a RVP vs. RON correlation unless you have a very stable feed composition.