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We have replaced lead sulphur guard absorbent in Hydrogen unit. H2S is observed at lead and lag sulphur guard absorbent outlet. What can be the reason for it? What is the max H2S limit for pre-reformer I/L feed? Unit is operating on off gases and Natural gas Plant.
20/09/2016 A: Kaveh Farzadkia, Tehran Oil Refining, kavehfarzadkia@gmail.com
Several parameter are important in sulfur absorbing process like temperature, shelf life and life of catalyst and sulfur pick up capacity of it.
15/09/2016 A: Eric Vetters, ProCorr Consulting Services, ewvetters@yahoo.com
Sounds like you may have a leaking valve that is allowing untreated gas to bypass the reactors. The other possibility (much less likely) is that your reactor loading was not done properly and that you have channeling on both reactors, which is allowing gas to pass through the reactors untreated. If you can go to all natural gas feed that may help. Typical refinery fuel gas can have an order of magnitude higher H2S content that natural gas.
15/09/2016 A: Sridhar Balakrishnan, Bharat Oman Refineries Limited , laksrid@yahoo.com
Maximum hydrogen sulphide should be in the range of less than 0.1 ppm for pre-reformer inlet feed. It has to be strictly controlled.