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What is Nelson Complexity Index factor for ATF,Gasoline and LPG Merox , Sulphur Recovery Unit process ?
06/11/2014 A: Virendra Kapoor, Petroleum Refining Consultants, vkkapoor9@yahoo.com
It is Index for level of complexity of refinery measured worldwide Higher index means higher complexity. It signifies ability of refinery to alter its product-mix in response to availability of type of feedstock, change in demand of products. Factor to each major piece of refinery equipmen is based on its complexity and cost in comparison to CDU which is assigned complexity factor of 1.0. Index of each piece of refinery unit is calculated by multiplying its complexity factor by its throughput ratio as percentage of crude distillation capacity. Adding up complexity values to each equipment, including crude distillation, determine refinery’s complexity on Nelson Complexity Index. Processing unit factors are:
Unit - Reports
Distillation Capacity - 1.0
Vacuum Distillation - 2.0
Thermal Processes - 2.75
Coking - 6.0
Catalytic Cracking - 6.0
Catalytic Reforming - 5.0
Catalytic Hydrocracking - 6.0
Catalytic Hydrorefining - 3.0
Alkylation / Polymerization - 10.0
Aromatics / Isomerisation - 15.0
Lubes - 60.0
Asphalt - 1.5
Hydrogen - 1.0
Oxygenates - 10.0