Waste Heat Recovery from Low Pressure Saturated Steam
We use circulated hot cooling water to cooling our reactors that operate at high temperature, and we use the flash low pressure saturated steam from this system to heat exchangers in our plant.
Since the supply and demand is un-balanced, we use air finned condenser to condense the excess flash steam and recover the condensate.
During normal operation period, 19,600 kg/hr excess flash steam is condensed at saturated condition(2.86 kg/cm2g, 142 oC). 10.5 MMkcal/hr heat release to atmosphere.
We plan to recover this energy using the adsorption chiller technology or other technology.
1. Since the chilled stream we required (-20 oC / -40 oC and -70 oC three grades) may be not suitable from adsorption chiller, we want to know the electrical power recovery from adsorption chiller technology is suitable or not.
2. Is there standard package suitable for the service mentioned above?