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Can someone please tell what global delta T minimum is, in pinch analysis?
13/08/2016 A: Apoorv Gupta, IOCL Haldia, apoorv.work19@gmail.com
Delta T minimum of 20°C is good initial approximation for carrying out Pinch Analysis, However a Techno-economic decision is required for selecting deltaT of your optimum value. It's advisable to keep it between 20-25°C in normal and max. 30°C. DeltaT selected more than 30°C will yield in lesser area requirement for process integration. Lesser Area will have more effect of fouling as time of operation thus reduces unit run length.
21/06/2016 A: Peter Marsh, XBP Refining Consultants Ltd, peter.marsh@xbprefining.co.uk
Delta T min is the minimum permissible temperature difference between hot and cold streams entering and exiting an individual heat exchanger (minimum approach temperature). It effectively sets an upper limit on capital cost for an exchanger because small approach temperatures require large heat transfer areas. A global delta T min can be applied to screen out non-cost-effective design options in the early stages of a heat exchanger network optimisation study.