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Can we use utility water as water injection to desalter? What's the Max TDS in the water injection to desalter ?
19/01/2017 A: Prakash Pimparkar, Environmental Consulting Services , prakash.pimparkar@yahoo.in
You can use service water for desalting purposes, service water would have in general TDS of about 100 -150 mg/l which is acceptable.As the wash water is supposed to pick-up dissolved solids/salts from crude lower the TDS in wash water better it is.You can use say up to 500 TDS water as well but then the quantity of water required will be high.
General practice is to use stripped sour water both phenolic/nonphenolic will do as the TDS is practically nil in these waters.Use of phenolic stripped sour water is practiced as the phenols in it gets transferred to crude reducing phenol load on effluent treatment plant
Choice is yours based on availability and cost
But be careful about calcium contents in your service water if more than 15 mg/l you may get very strong emulsions of oil and foaming, more than 30 do not use it for desalting