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Non Edible Vegetable oils contains metals like Ca, Mg, Si, Fe , P etc. and these vary from oil to oil and in ranges from 100 to 500 ppm.
We are looking for a process which can remove these metals to a level of <10 ppm. In addition the process should also work towards degumming of the oil.
17/10/2008 A: SARVESH KUMAR, INDIAN OIL CORPORATION R&D CENTRE, kumarsarvesh@iocl.co.in
Vegetable oils contain hydratable and non-hydratable phosphorous based compounds (phosphatides). The hydrable gums can be removed by water degumming followed removal of non-hydratble gums by acid degumming. After acid degumming, some metals such as Fe, Cu etc. remain in the trace quantity and can be removed by bleaching.
01/09/2008 A: hemanth kumar, student, hemanthnike@gmail.com
We can carry out an oxidation process to remove these metals. They can be removed effectively by repeated oxidation.