In our catalytic reforming unit, DM water and CCl4 are used as dosing to keep the water and chloride balance within the prescribed limit. Material of both injection lines is stainless steel 304 whereas the main line of the feed (DSN) is carbon steel as per design. Line pressure and temperature of feed line are 24 kg/cm2 and 151deg C and both injection points are connected to the feed line. From a corrosion point of view, if i replace the injection line of DM water & CCl4 with carbon steel pipe will there be any problem ? If no then please give me the reason for using SS 304, or what type corrosion can take place in the injection line for DM water and CCl4?. Currently we are facing some leakage at the elbow weld joint. In addition, when we tried to repair by welding, again a leak/fissure was found just ahead of the welded point.