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Is there a new and advance technology or method to recover the dissolved ammonia in waste water in a pure form?
08/01/2013 A: Egbert van Hoorn, Hocon B V, Egbertvh@hotmail.com
As far as I know, there is no other way than the 2-stage Chevron process.
This process is working in a limited number of applications.
In a significant number of applications, the 2-stage process does not meet the design requirements.
It would seem that the 2-satge process only works within a narrow set of operating conditions.
28/12/2012 A: Alan Goelzer, Jacobs Consultancy, alan.goelzer@jacobs.com
Most appropriate stream for recovery of ammonia is sour wash water from hydroprocessors via hydroprocessor-dedicated Wash Water Stripper Unit. Ammonia in sour wash water is relatively concentrated, available in daily tonnage amounts, and mostly in the form of aqueous NH3*H2S coordination compound [commonly cited as ammonium bisulfide when in solid form].
In my personal opinion, the best technology to recover ammonia remains Chevron Wash Water Treater Process with secondary ammonia purification option. Chevron WWT is available from Chevron Technology. WWT purified ammonia is regarded as "fertilizer grade" due to trace residuals of H2S and significant wppm water.