To avoid surging anti surge controller is provided, while for reciprocating compressor spill-back controller is provided. What is the purpose of a spill-back in reciprocating compressor?
Balasubramanian Iyer, Nexen CNOOC Limited,
Anti Surge is a process witnessed only in Centrifugal compressors as Kinetic Energy of the fluid is converted into the Pressure energy. Surging is not witnessed in Reciprocating Compressors, as they are positive displacement Equipments where the pressure increased is by volume reduction, hence providing anti surge in reciprocating is not envisaged and not proper. Anti Surge is witnessed when the flow to the Centrifugal Compressor is reduced or the density of the fluid entering the Compressor is altered to greater extent, pressure is reduced to a lower extent. the surge valve opens and increases the flow to the suction there by bringing back the condition to normal operation there by saving the equipment from damage. Spill back on the other hand is one way of controlling the exit flow to the downstream section from the compressor. One should not confuse with surge control valve and spill back controller.
keith bowers, B and B Consulting,
'Spill back' on reciprocating compressors is one method of controlling the capacity of the compressor. Other methods include variable speed, clearance pockets, and suction throttling.