Search by topic : Revamps
Title Author Edition
Revamping a crude converstion unit to VSS riser technology.

Jorgen Pedersen, Statoil Mongstad

1999 / Q3

An account of the problems encountered - and lessons learned - during a major upgrade of a reduced crude conversion unit, and the efforts of an alliance of specialists that finally brought about a successful revamp.

Improviing profitability of an FCC

Richard J Higgins, Hans A Dirkse, Ron A van Wijk, Shell International Oil Products BV

1999 / Q3

A review of the hardware modifications that can be applied to FCC units to increase their profitability.  The authors also go through the planning and decision-making process for what to apply at a scheduled turnaround.

Keeping down the cost of revamp investment.

Gary R Martin, Process Consulting Services Inc
Bryon E Cheatham, Fina Oil & Chemical

1999 / Q3

A comparison of the standard versus practical approach to the revamping of a crude unit.  In this article the focus is on optimising the use of existing equipment, changing the process flow scheme to minimise flash zone pressure and thereby maximising the yield.

Opportunities for optimising utilities in major refineries.

Ian Dewar, MDC Technology

1999 / Q3

The author deals with the nature of optimisation problems, along with an explanation of applications, such as performance monitoring and equipment selection, which are used to come up with a solution.

Achieving an accident-free turnaround.

Jim Cripps, AMEC Process and Energy Ltd.

1999 / Q3

The emphasis in the planning of a plant overhaul was that everybody should feel personally responsible for safety on the project: the result has been more than a million manhours without one serious accident.

FCC vapour line coking

Christopher F Dean, Saudi Aramco, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia
Scott W Golden, Process Consulting Services Inc, Houston, Texas, USA

2003 / Revamps

Identifying the causes, penalties and possible solutions to coking in the FCC reactor vapour line, particularly with regard to inlet nozzle coking affecting unit capacity, conversion, reliability, pressure and heat balance.

Accurate FCC yield for unit optimisation and revamp

Robert Campagna and Dennis Kowalczyk, Refining Process Services, Cheswick Pennsylvania, USA
Jeffrey Sexton, Marathon Ashland Petroleum LLC, Findlay, Ohio, USA

2003 / Revamps

Measurement of yields and defining key process parameters from reaction mix sampling can be used to tune process models, update LP vectors, audit revamp or catalyst changes and determine optimum process conditions.

Crude column revamp using radial temperature profiles.

Glaucia Alves Da Silva Torres and Silvia Waintraub, Petrobras, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Edward L Hartman, Process Consulting Services Inc, Houston, TX, USA

2003 / Revamps

Designers need to be aware of all the factors influencing packed bed performance such as feed zone mixing problems.  Accurate assessment of temperature variations above and below fractionation zones can pinpoint efficiency problems.

Hydrotreater revamps for ULSD fuel.

R E (Ed) Palmer, Mustang Engineers and Constructors Inc, Houston, Texas, USA
Salvatore P Torrisi, Criterion Catalysts & Technologies

2003 / Revamps

Scope and capital investment for revamping an existing diesel hydrotreater to meet the 15wppm sulphur standard.  The base design is typical of hydrotreaters commissioned in the early 1990s to meet on-road specifications of 500 wppm sulphur.

FCCU gas plant revamp boosts C3 recovery.

Keith Whitt and Charlie Herron, Shell Global Solutions, Houston, Texas, USA
Jenifer Suffridge, Shell Deer Park Refining Company, Houston, Texas, USA

2003 / Revamps

The plant of a large refinery has been revamped using high-capacity trays and other hardware revisions to significantly increase the recovery of C3s and to reduce the C4s content of the FCCU gasoline.

Vacuum unit troubleshooting.

Norman P Lieberman, Process Improvement Engineering, Metairie, Louisiana, USA.
Daryl W Hanson, Process Consulting Services Inc, Houston, Texas, USA

2003 / Revamps

Case studies show how accurate field-measured differential pressure can be interpreted incorrectly when troubleshooting refinery vacuum columns.

Turnarounds and process control.

Lyman Gilbert, Lyman Gilbert Consulting Inc, Alta Loma, California, USA
Guy Weismantel, Weismantel International, Kingwood, Texas, USA

2003 / Revamps

Smart sensors with self-diagnostic capabilities, advances in closed-loop process controllers, and instruments that monitor online conditions and anticipate problems can be integrated into a plant's monitoring and control netowrk during a turnaround.

Managing vanadium from high metals crude oils.

Scott W Golden, Process Consulting Services Inc, Houston, Texas, USA

2003 / Revamps

Improvements in process and equipment design with regard to crude unit and delayed coker distillation column performance can reduce metals content.  Vacuum units with a stirpping section and upgraded coker main fractionator wash zones should be considered.

Better feed entry ups debutaniser capacity.

Henry Z Kister, Fluor, Alison Viejo, CA, USA
David E Grich and Ryan Yeley, BP America Inc, Texas City, USA

2003 / Revamps

Points of transition, where streams enter or leave the tower, are some of the most common and sever tower bottlenecks. Combining hydraulic evaluation with field data and gamma scan analysis is key to identifying and eliminating such bottlenecks.

Catalyst circulation in a pressure-balanced FCCU

David Spires, Farmland Industries Inc, Coffeyville, Kansas, USA
David Hunt, Davison Catalysts, Houston, Texas, USA

2003 / Revamps

Significant improvements have been made in FCC reactor temperature control at Farmland's Coffeyville refinery.  Data interpretation is presented along with points to consider when troubleshooting a pressure-balanced FCCU operation.

Crude unit start-ups: the results of a high liquid level.

N M "Tinus" Erasmus, Sasol, South Africa
Tony Barletta, Process Consulting Services Inc, Houston, Texas, USA

2003 / Revamps

Pressure-measurement techniques can avoid the dangers of rapidly changing flow rates and levels during start-up.  Also, column internals directly above and below flash zones need to be designed for higher uplift forces.

Maximising gas plant capacity

Tony Barletta and Scott Fulton Process Consulting Services Inc

2004 / Q2

Water entrapment and foaming must be avoided to maximise LPG recovery and minimise downstream unit contaminants. Fundamental process and equipment design principles that cause water entrapment and foaming are reviewed


Fluidised catalytic cracker hydrotreater revamp

Raj Patel Haldor Topsoe Inc
Howard Moore Harrell Duff Brian Hamari Marathon Ashland Petroleum LLC

2004 / Q2

Primary revamp of reactors, exchangers and other FCC pretreater components provided return on investment for a complex refining facility. Improved FCC yields, even from heavier feedstocks, increased the facility’s ULS fuels capacity


FCC gas plant stripper capacity

Dave Langdon, Total Lindsey Oil Refinery (LOR) Ltd
Tony Barletta and Scott Fulton, Process Consulting Services Inc

2004 / Revamps

Deethaniser operating difficulties can be caused by water phase formation, water entrapment, foaming and other factors.  "Short-term" capacity improvements implemented at one refinery were able to eliminate these difficulties.

Revamping automation systems

Terry Gebert, Ronnie Villarreal and Frank R Whitsura, Honeywell

2004 / Revamps

To achieve a safe and profitable upgrade, the many factors affecting revamp project scope must be taken into account.  The authors focus on the automation components that maximise performance of process equipment.

Process Equipment specification and selection

Christopher F Dean, Saudi Aramco
Scott W Golden and Richard E Pulley, Process Consulting Services

2004 / Revamps

Process design as well as equipment specifications and selection can cause unintended problems following unit revamps.  Identification of the true constraints may result in significant capital savings.

Conditions influencing coke formation

Tony Barletta, Process Consulting Services Inc

2004 / Revamps

Hotspots in fired heaters can lead to accelerated rates of coking and tube failure.  Two examples show how integrating fireside and oil-side calculations can help identify and correct conditions leading to high localised peak flux rates.

Steam reboiler system operations

Ken Weston, CITGO Petroleum Corporation
Steve White, Process Consulting Services Inc

2004 / Revamps

Basic heat exchange principles are used to explain gas plant thermosiphon reboiler hydraulic constraints.  Field measurements help clarify "off-design" operations that were not apparent and were causing high condensate levels.

Producing sulphur-free diesel

Gordon Low Haldor Topsoe Inc
Jamie Townsend and Tim Shooter BP

2004 / Revamps

A systematic approach to revamping a low-pressure HDT. 10 ppm diesel production at the BP Coryton refinery was possible without the expense of building a new high-pressure unit.

Vacuum ejector performance break

Norm Lieberman, Process Improvement Engineering
Edward Hartman and Daryl Hanson, Process Consulting Services Inc

2004 / Revamps

Understanding vacuum ejector performance is the key to maintaining reliability and distillate yields.  A low VGO yield may result from a breaking ejector system, but bypassing a fouled inter-condenser can restore lost yield.

Targeting overhead exchanger failures

Richard Mathers, Nalco Energy Services LP

2004 / Revamps

A complete risk assessment of severe crude unit overhead corrosion reduced corrosion-related failures.  Costly equipment upgrades were avoided and significant savings generated without any increase in operating expenditure.

Diesel and VGO recovery

Tony Barletta, Process Consulting Services Inc

2005 / Revamps

Fundamental design considerations influencing diesel and vacuum gas oil (VGO) recovery when revamping existing or designing grassroots crude units.  By increasing vacuum column diesel recovery, crude throughputs via major conversion units may also be increased.


Corrosion monitoring improvements

Richard E Mathers, Nalco Ltd

2005 / Revamps

Case study examines prediction, monitoring and mitigation of corrosion-related effects at a West European refinery operating in a high temperature, naphthenic acid environment, and shows how metal loss was prevented when processing heavy acidic crudes.

Crude unit preflash drums and columns

Scott W Golden, Process Consulting Services Inc

2005 / Revamps

Preflash drums and preflash columns have a significant effect on crude charge hydraulics.  The reasons for using preflash equipment are discussed, including general design considerations and problems that are created if they are designed incorrectly.

The role of maintenance in start-ups

Brian Pritchard, Shell Canada Ltd

2005 / Revamps

A multi-billion dollar heavy oil upgrader project emphasised the importance of maintenance management considerations during project development.  The author reviews the critical role that maintenance played in this successful start-up.  Key phase considerations are outlined.

Maximise VGO yield

Greg Cantley, Kevin Basham and Steve Barnett, Marathon Petroleum Company LLC
Edward Hartman, Process Consulting Services Inc.

2005 / Revamps

Fundamental operating principles of vacuum ejectros are discussed, including incidents leading to sudden increases in ejector suction pressure, known as breaking.  Proper ejector component selection and design can significantly prevent breaking and increase VGO yield, while reducing resid production

Dynamic corrosion appraisal

Russell D Kane, Dawn C Eden and David A Eden, InterCorr International Inc

2005 / Revamps

Monitoring time-varying corrosion with technology that inputs corrosion as a real-time process variable lets operators correlate corrosion excursions with operating and process parameters and helps manage chemical and other corrosion prevention treatments.

Improving sulphur recovery

Lorenzo Micucci, Siirtec Nigi SpA

2005 / Revamps

Use of high Claus ratio technology permits operating Claus plants off-ratio, regardless of tail gas technology employed.  Sulphur recovery at 99.8% is possible regardless of flow rates and/or composition changes to sulphur recovery units.

Maximising plant productivity

George DeBakey, AP Netowrks LLC
Bassam Samman, CMCS
Sulaiman Sultan Mohammad, Kuwait National Petroleum Company
Kirk Blanchard, Valero Energy, St Charles Refinery
Dean Edmundson, Primavera Systems Inc

2005 / Revamps

Combined project management, risk assessment and asset management tools and methodologies can achieve the optimum systems integration capable of addressing every aspect of a project.

Reducing refinery heater revamp costs

Tony Tindall, Foster Wheeler Energy Ltd

2005 / Revamps

The current condition of thousands of fired heaters built since the second half of the 20th century requires urgent attention.  This article discusses the importance of being able to deliver a safe, cost-effective heater revamp, in the shortest possible shutdown.

Optimising plant steam systems

Kerrigan Mendicino, Pipe Line Development Co.

2005 / Revamps

How one process facility avoided excessive boiler feed water leaks and steam venting between major turnarounds.  A shear plug system helped maintain steam system temperatures at the desired letdown rates, eliminating significant imbalances.

Catalyst addition in ebullated-bed units

Scott Sayles and Jim Bailor KBC Advanced Technologies Inc

2005 / Q2

A simple theoretical approach is available for calculating the catalyst metals content, catalyst physical properties and the effect on catalyst activity. Different catalyst addition rates are reviewed and compared


Turnaround preparation Don Turner Jacobs Field Services


2005 / Q2

Several work processes have been developed for maintenance turnarounds. Incorporating these processes into a master cost-control and scheduling system ensures materials availability as well as correct staffing levels and timely execution


ULSD production: improved feed stream quality

Daryl Hanson and Steve White, Process Consulting Services Inc

2003 / Q2

Much of hydrotreater revamp investment costs in future will be in dealing with the most difficult-to-remove sulphur species, because of their low reaction rates.  But upstream fractionation improvements could bring significant cost benefits.

Maximising profitability with FCC revamps

Mark W Schnaith and Larry A Lacijan, UOP

2003 / Q2

Three case studies of the way increased capacity and product flexibility were achieved in the face of equipment limitations and operating constraints.  Optimising feed injectors and riser disengagers was among the strategies employed.

Hydrogen optimisation at minimal investment

Nick Hallale and Ian Moore, AspenTech Ltd
Dennis Vauk, Air Liquide

2003 / Q2

Refiners making long-term investments to meet clean fuel specifications could at the same time, with already-available technology, improve their existing hydrogen resources to boost profitability in the short term.  The authors review the options.

C2 splitter retrofit and performance

Sabah Kurukchi and Joseph Gondolfe, Stone and Webster
Antonio Joao Dias Prestes and Sergio Peter, Companhia Petroquimica do Sul (Copesul)
Peter McGuire, UOP

2003 / Q2

High capacity valve trays have been replaced during a tower revamp with a different tray design, providing greater capacity plus ethylene product.  The trays operate at higher turndown in reflux and feed rates and still produce on-spec products.

Converting VGO HDS units to moderate pressure hydrocracking

David A Pappal, Mobil Technology Co
Michael G Hunter, M W Kellogg Technology Co
Lucas R Groeneveld, Akzo Nobel Chemicals BV

1997 / Q3

An introduction to the technology of MAK Moderate Pressure Hydrocracking (MPHC), together with details of a successful revamp at the Chiba refinery of Kyokuto Petroleum Industries, Japan.

Revamp process design - optimum crude unit product yields

Scott W Golden, Process Consulting Services Inc

1997 / Q3

Designing a new crude unit is an unconstrained process, limited only by capital investment targets, while revamping an existing unit to optimise product yields is constrained by the existing equipment performance and design.

Cost effective upgrading of middle distillates

Lee Granniss and Art Suchanek, Criterion Catalyst Co LP

1997 / Q3

SynShift, a process for upgrading poor quality cracked distillate feedstocks, is shown in this article to achieve cost effective deep heteroatom reduction, aromatics removal and cetane/'API gain with substantial liquid yield.

An alkylation unit refrigeration expansion

Anne Z Jezak, STRATCO Inc

1997 / Q3

Revamp case studies have been made for a North American refinery using Freon-12 to cool the reaction zone of its sulphuric acid alkylation unit.  Supply of Freon-12 is running out now that manufacture of the CFC-based chemical has been banned, and the refinery is having to seek alternative methods.

Oxygen enhanced Claus operation: a case study

Churl-Hee Lee, Hanwha Energy Co Ltd
Andy Moore, TPA Inc

1997 / Q3

An alternative to building an expensive new sulphur recovery complex under an expansion programme is to increase existing Claus unit capacity by using oxygen.  This article highlights the successful implementation of TPA's Oxygen Injection system at Hanwha Energy's Inchon refinery sulphur recovery unit.

Revamping crude units to increase capacity

Kirtan Trivedi, Helmy Andrawis, Arif Habibullah, Parsons Energy & Chemicals Group Inc

1998 / Q3

Existing crude/vacuum unit capacity can be increased by revamping heat transfer, distillation columns and other equipment, applying Process Integration concepts.  The authors discuss new approaches to revamping crude columns, incorporating recent innovations in tray technologies.

Speeding up revamps with modern technology

Richard Elliott, Kvaerner Process

1998 / Q3

Greater emphasis on safety and environmental issues is obliging process plant operators to revamp existing equipment, but new technology can now be used to facilitate the process, save time and costs, and enhance safety of the plant.

Hydrocracker revamp for Grangemouth refinery

Marco Giannelli, BP Oil Grangemouth Refinery
Nigel Unsworth and Dave North, Foster Wheeler Energy Ltd

1998 / Q3

BP Oil's Grangemouth refinery has completed an extensive revamp of its hydrocracker and FCC, reducing production of fuel oil and upgrading to middle distillates to meet a growing market need. A case history of the project is given.


Troubleshooting vacuum unit revamps

Scott W Golden, Process Consulting Services Inc

1998 / Q3

While Vaccum unit revamps increase gasoil yield, management is pushing the intervals between turnarounds to four or five years.  To meet the higher operating temperatures, vacuum unit process equipment must be designed for low residence time.

Maximising asset utilisation for improved profitability

Steven F Eshelman, Michael J Humbach, Michael J Wilcox, UOP

2000 / Q3

The authors describe how the profitability of two plants have been enchanced by programmes for getting the best out of existing facilities, and without the need for heavy investment.


Cost effective revamps to meet the environmental challenge

Nigel Unsworth and Philip Brown, Foster Wheeler Energy Ltd

2000 / Q3

Expected legislation in Asia for cleaner transportation fuels face refiners there with a challenge to stay profitable, say the authors, and they suggest the new laws can be met in a way that could still generate profitable returns.


Gas plant revamps for higher capacity and efficiency

Daryl W Hanson and Edward L Hartman, Koch-Glitsch Inc

2000 / Q3

Revamping high pressure distillation columns has become prevalent, with increasing throughput and concerns to keep production costs down.  Two case studies of revamps are presented here: of a C3 splitter and a debutaniser.


Fixed bed reformer revamps for gasoline improvement

Jean de Bonneville and Jean Luc Nocca, IFP

2000 / Q3

With total or partial bans on MTBE and limitations on olefins and benzene, an octane gap is created in the gasoline pool.  The authors indicate how this can be recovered at minimum cost through some ingenious revamp solutions.


Increasing hydrocracker capacity at low cost

Gurunath G Bharne and Christine A Groenendaal, Shell Global Solutions International BV

2000 / Q3

Detailed case studies are presented, illustrating the planning and working methods that were followed in revamping the hydrocrackers at two refineries, in Germany and Canada.


Low-cost methods to improve FCCU energy efficiency

Scott W Golden and Scott Fulton, Process Consulting Services

2000 / Q3

The first step to finding low-cost ways of improving FCC unit efficiency under new enironmental regulations is to determine the true limits of the existing process equipment and flow scheme, say the authors.  They describe ways of influencing heat source temperatures and modifying the flow.   


The importance of grasping new technology

 Andrew W Sloley, The Distillation Group Inc

2000 / Q3

Part of pushing plant productivity is successful use of technology, says the author, and achieving revamp objectives means moving outside the experieince base - making good use of technology separates the survivors from the failures.


Maximising performance with new internals

Richard R Rall, Koch-Glitsch Inc

Bernard DeMulder, TotalFinaElf

2001 / Q3

In ther past few years a structured packing alternative to conventional tray design has been developed which, among other effects, maximises stripping performance.  Initial results from the technology's first commercial installation are presented here.


Vacuum pressure control: impact on profitability

Gary R Martin and Jason M Nigg, Process Consulting Services Inc

2001 / Q3

Optimisation of flash zone pressure and temperature can improve feedstock quality to downstream units.  This article discusses control of column flash zone pressure through the first stage ejector pressure control system.


Cost efficient rervamps in hydrogen plants

James D Fleshman, Foster Wheeler, USA

2001 / Q3

In the quest for acquiring more hydrogen at lower cost, revamping of existing equipment is often seen as the cheapest and most cost effective solution, but this calls for a thorough knowledge of the plant, its capabilities and its limitations.


Recovery system to increase ethylene plant capacity

Robert V McDonald and Colin P Bowen, Stone & Webster

2001 / Q3

An examination of the issues facing European producers and the way they are being resolved, particularly with the options available for steam cracker revamps.  Two case studies are presented.


Organising the plan for turnarounds

Rod Oliver, Meridium Inc

2001 / Q3

In the preparations for any turnaround, a work process must be a part of the company's overall business plan, says the author, so that it takes into account the changing business environment as well as developments in the plan itself.


Vacuum unit design effect on operating variables.

Gary R Martin, Process Consulting Services Inc

2002 / Q3

To revamp vacuum units, process modelling and equipment design know-how are needed, and the understanding of connected equipment performance can lead to higher gasoil quality and yields, with fewer unscheduled shutdowns.


Crude unit integrated energy analysis

 Rakesh Mehta, Onward Technologies Ltd

2002 / Q3

Opportunities for process debottlenecking and improving energy efficiency can be identified with the use of pinch analysis.  This article documents a refinery revamp where this method produced a large increase in crude distillation capacity.


Answering the big turnaround question

James Thompson, Lyondell Chemical Company

Chalres Etter, Equistar Chemicals

2002 / Q3

An account of a risk based model for quantifying the probability and cost of an unplanned outage.  The result is that a defined risk based analysis of turnaround costs and timing is a useful tool for both plant and business management.


Revamps 2006

Rene G Gonzalez, PTQ.

2006 / Revamps

Today's refinery revamps are commissioned with the aim of increasing transportation fuel production by adding 
conversion capacity.  Higher reactor capacity needs significant scope to improve the throughput and efficiency of associated product recovery systems.


Vacuum unit pressure control

Tony Barletta, Process Consulting Services Inc

2006 / Revamps

Nowhere is attention to detail more important than in vacuum column presure control.  Operational issues such as higher heater duty and column pressure must be weighted against avoiding residue entrainmnet in HVGO.


Distributor design and testing

Deepak Dhabalia and Mark Pilling, Sulzer Chemtech Inc.

2006 / Revamps

A new main fractionator designed to separate a range of feed streams incorporates multiple layers of structured packing and a slurry section.   Flow testing to verify the distribution quality of the column distributors is essential.


Fast-tracking an FCC revamp Michael Whatley, Navajo Refining Company

Scott Golden and Tony Barletta, Process Consulting Services

2006 / Revamps

The design, detailed engineering and installatioin of one revamp took just four-and-a-half months.  Unit feed rate, product recovery and product quality objectives were all met after the revamp.


Improving FCCU conversion and yields

Warren S Letzsch, Shaw Stone & Webster Inc

2006 / Revamps

A revamp of a Romanian FCCU included the replacement of old equipment, such as a hot wall reactor with a cold wall design, which significantly improved yields, operation and reliability.


Main fractionator water wash systems

Christopher F Dean, Saudi Aramco

Scott W Golden, Process Consulting Services Inc

2006 / Revamps

When properly designed and operated, main fractionator wash water systems can remove salt with little upset.  Misconceptions concerning the minimum column overhead temperature and operation when producing FCC heavy naphtha are discussed.


Increasing deisobutaniser capacity

Guiseppe Mosca, Gitta Van Hemel and Roberto Tocco, Sulzer Chemtech

Bruno Lestrade, Total Group

2006 / Revamps

Insight into procedures and details involving a distillation revamp can be gained by looking at a project carried out on a deisobutaniser unit separating isobutane from normal butane and heavier hydrocarbons.


Vacuum heater installation

 Giampiero Caronno, Foster Wheeler Italiana SpA

2006 / Revamps

One refinery has proved it is possible to revamp any process unit by modification and/or replacement of key process equipment in situ.  The project was completed in less than 12 months and included a 350-ton fired heater module.        


Digitising plants using laser scanning

James McGill, Quantapoint

2006 / Revamps

In a typical revamp situation, a lack of accurate as-built documentation is frequently encountered.  Digitising plants using laser scanning can provide detailed unit dimensional and layout information, as well as yield significant ROI.


Identifying poor heat exchanger performance

Mark Fernsby and Abe DuPont, Natref

Tony Barletta and Steve White, Process Consulting Services Inc

2007 / Revamps

Identifying root causes of poor crude unit debutaniser reboiler performance and low-cost solutions that help meet exchanger original design conditions.  Of primary importance is the impact factors such as fouling have on the service heat-transfer coefficient.


FCC gas concentration unit stripper revamp

Dave Langdon, Total Lindsey Oil Refinery

Scott Golden and Edward Hartman, Process Consulting Services Inc

2007 / Revamps

Unit charge rate and reactor conversion were increased by the elimination of stripper column flooding.  Chemical-grade propylene specifications were met and C2 excursions in mixed C2/C3 streams were eliminated.


Lube vacuum column revamp

Kevin Basham, Marathon Petroleum Company LLC

Edward Hartman, Process Consulting Services Inc

2007 / Revamps

The basis of a lube vacuum column revamp and its results are discussed.  The primary goals were to increase lube product fractionation, minimise HVGO product contaminants and improve vacuum bottoms specifications for asphalt production.


Reducing a plant's turnaround schedule

Mike Lippold, BJ Process & Pipeline Services

2007 / Revamps

The removal of asphaltenes and residual hydrocarbons from vessels during the cool-down and steam-out phases can eliminate the source of VOC off-gassing and reduce a plant's turnaround schedule by several days.


Revamping atmospheric crude heaters

Michael Whatley, Navajo Refining Company

Scott Golden and Jason Nigg, Process Consulting Services inc

2007 / Revamps

The revamp of an atmospheric crude unit heater, which was suffering from coking caused by asphaltene precipitation and poor burner stability, resulted in a significantly increased heater run length.


Optimising turnaround maintenance performance

Salah Massoud Elemnifi, Arabian Gulf Oil Company

Farag E Elfeituri, University of Garyounis

2007 / Revamps

Case study of a risk-based inspection technique where maintenance and inspection activities were moved from a traditionally reactive or time-based approach to proactive maintenance.  The optimisation of both turnaround duration and interval is discussed.


OSBL considerations for expansion projects

Dominic M Varraveto, Burns & McDonnell

2007 / Revamps

Example cases of refinery revamp and expansion projects, where the aim is to identify and compare the various OSBL requirements for each project.  Guidelines are presented for improving the accuracy of the OSBL definition early in project development.


Revamps 2008: exceeding expectations

Rene G Gonzalez

2008 / Revamps

Overall post-revamp performance is expected to be exceptional against a background of unexpected costs, larger infrastructure requirements and market pressures.    


Leading mega projects and revamps

Paul Hayes and Christne A de Vlaming, Fluor

2008 / Revamps

How to effectively lead a mega project, turnaround or revamp in a highly constrianed resource environment.  The leadership approach for successfully delivering a project with an entire team in stretch roles is discussed.


Starting up a world scale ULSD hydrotreater

Hafedh Al-Qassab, Gregory M Lilburne, Savas Soydaner, Sayed Hamza Alawi and Mark Jones, The Bahrain Petroleum Company BSC (c)

2008 / Revamps

During a successful ULSD hydrotreater revamp, valuable experience was gained in overcoming commissioning and post-start-up problems.  Issues that emerged and lessons learned can be used to avoid pitfalls and enhance start-ups on similar projects.


Phased investment for H2S removal

Jim Abbott and Vince A Row, Johnson Matthey Catalysts

2008 / Revamps

Awareness of H2S removal process steps and how they can be combined to reduce costs compared to the use of a single sweetening unit operation.  Modular process design and a phased investment to project implementation can reduce capital spending.


Regenerator head replacement project

John Payne, Foster Wheeler Energy

Rob Tarbard and Peter Johnson, Esso Petroleum Company

2008 / Revamps

How one of the world's largest FCC regenerator heads with cyclones was removed and replaced during a 30-day turnaround.  Meticulous attention to pre-planning aided by 3D modelling helped overcome tight space limitations and clearances during construction.


Identifying very small equipment leaks

Dave Ferguson, Tracerco

Troy Witherill

2008 / Revamps

Very small leaks in feed/effluent exchangers can be identified using chemical tracing.  This online technique can detect leaks as low as 5.0 ppm, avoiding off-specification effluent and reducing the length of costly shutdowns.


Process design benefits of laser scanning

Julie Martin, Foster Wheeler South Africa (Pty)

2008 / Revamps

The effectiveness of laser scanning and 3D modelling is considered from lessons learned in the field, providing better ways to capture process data.  3D modelling can enhance the process and piping partnership that is so critical to revamp project success.


Automated crude oil tank cleaning

Carlos Legoretta, Oreco

2008 / Revamps

The benefits of Life Cycle Cost (LCC) analysis to automated tank cleaning are discussed.  Examples of tank cleaning in practice are provided by independent tank cleaning service providers who use automated non-man entry tank cleaning methods.


Enchancing heat transfer in Texas Towers

Peter Ellerby and Peter Droegmueller, Cal Gavin ltd

Edgar Vazquex-Ramirez and Graham Polley, University of Guanajuato

Sebastian Erlenkaemper, BP

2009 / Revamps

Retrofit technology enhances heat recovery in feed-effluent exchangers, increases throughput, reduces furnace load and provides cost benefits


Stepwise simulation of vacuum transfer line hydraulics

 Harry Ha, Fluor Canada

Matthew Reisdorf, Fluor Enterprises

Abdulla Harji, Fluor Canada

2009 / Revamps

A stepwise hydrauliic calculation determines the pressure profile of a vacuum transfer line by linking the hydraulic model to process simulation results.


Revamping hydrogen and sulphur plants to meet future challenges

Adrienne Blume, Patrick Christensen, Brett Goldhammer and Thomas Yeung, Hydrocarbon Publishing Company

2009 / Revamps

Revamp opportunities for hydrogen and sulphur plant operations in the era of clean fuels production offer significant benefits for refiners.


A novel process to reduce aromatics and benzene in reformates

 Mikhail Levinbuk, A Meling, V Zuber and A Lebedev, Moscow Oil Refinery

V Khavkin, All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Petroleum Processing

2009 / Revamps

A catalytic scheme for reducing the aromatics and benzene content in reformates without octane barrel loss uses existing reforming units at Moscow Oil Refinery.


Hydroprocessing upgrades to meet changing fuels requirements

 Jay Parekh and Harjeet Virdi, Chevron Lummus Global

2009 / Revamps

 Adapting installed hydroprocessing units through a variety of schemes enables refiners to shift their fuels slates to meet changing demand and specifications.


CFD Study of a VDU feed inlet device and wash bed

 Debangsu Ray, Indian Oil Corporation

Ajay Arora and Anne Phanikumar, Sulzer Chemtech

2009 / Revamps

Analysis of vapour velocity profiles at the entry to the wash zone of a VDU column enables a higher feed rate and improved output quality


Application of CFD and NOx reduction

 Shahebaz Mulla and G Raman, Technip USA

2009 / Revamps

A study of parameters affecting Nox formation in an ageing boiler unit confirmed the measures needed to meet emissions targets.


Amine contactor revamp

 Vilas Lonakadi, Amistco Separation Products Inc

2010 / Revamps

With the old trays in the scrap yard and no working drawings available, an amine still revamp called for engineering detective work.


Additional hydrogen production by heat exchange steam reforming

 Jack Heseler Carstensen, Haldor Topsoe

2010 / Revamps

Applying the heat exchanger principle in hydrogen manufacture can significantly reduce the consumption of hydrocarbon feedstock.


A step-by-step approach to managing emissions

 Barney Racine and Brendan Sheehan, Honeywell Process Solutions

William De Los Santos, Callidus Technologies

Jeffrey Rafter, Honeywell ECC Maxon

2010 / Revamps

A comprehensive review of combustion systems and controls underpins a strategy for emissions reduction.


Optimising the FCC regenerator for reduced emissions

 Ray Fletcher and Martin Evans, Intercat

2010 / Revamps

Increasing scrutiny of FCC stack emissions calls for special attention to be paid to the regenerator's combustion zone.


Debottlenecking a refinery fuel gas absorber

 Darius Remesat, Koch-Glitsch Canada

Michael Beshara, Irving Oil Refining

2010 / Revamps

 A refinery fuel gas absorber was revamped to increase capacity while maintaining H2S in the product well below specification


Debottlenecking hydrogen plant production capacity

 Gregory Panuccio, Troy Raybold, James Meagher, Ray Drnevich and Venkatarayaloo Janarthanan, Praxair

2010 / Revamps

 Retrofitting a steam methane reformer with oxygen enhanced reforming can substantially boost hydrogen production capacity at low capital investment


Revamping centrifugal compressors at an ethylene plant

 Gerald Oving, Thomassen Compression Systems

2010 / Revamps

Technical improvements and increased throughput justify the revamp of a Russian ethylene plant's compressors


Refinery expansion and oil quality upgrading

 Sun Lili, Sinopec Engineeering Incorporation

2011 / Revamps

Optimisation of current resources and effective integration of clean fuels technology enable older refineries to better match the economic performance of new plants.


Tray revamp for demethaniser ethane recovery

 Darius Remesat, Koch-Glitsch Canada

2011 / Revamps

As a first step in an ethane extraction plant's operational improvement plan, a tray revamp was performed to improve both tray efficiency and ethane recovery.


Improved performance from reforming

 Anthony Poparad, Beatrix Ellis, Bryan Glover and Stephen Metro, UOP LLC, A Honeywell Company

2011 / Revamps

Process and equipment solutions help to improve the profitability and reliability of reforming units


Revamping FCC emissions control

 Merle Fritz, HollyFrontier R&M

Kevin Linfield, Airflow Sciences Corporation

Dennis Salbilla, Haldor Topsoe

2011 / Revamps

An upgrade of FCC unit emissions reduction at a Tulsa refinery relied on computational modelling to develop optimal flow control systems


Optimising and revamping a refinery hydrogen network

Zhao Jianwei, Luoyang Petrochemical Engineering Company

Lou Yuhang, Zhang Nan and Keith Guy, Process Integration Ltd

2011 / Revamps

Pinch analysis and mathematical programming support hydrogen network design and retrofit


Updating plant information

Clive Wilby and Gary Farrow, AVEVA

2012 / Revamps

Bringing the structures of existing refineries into the digital information age transforms the processes of upgrading and operating

Hydroprocessing to maximise refinery profitability

David Brossard, Natalia Koldachenko, Theo Maesen, Dan Torchia and H Alex Yoon, Chevron Lummus Global

2012 / Revamps

Low-cost changes in catalyst systems can significantly enhance operational flexibility and increase returns on investment

Fast-track FCC installation

Whitney Strickland and Chad Beckemeyer, AltairStrickland

2012 / Revamps

Upgrading a 1990s millisecond catalytic cracking unit to a 2012 FCC unit took just 60 days at St Charles refinery

Revamp of Slovnaft's hydrocracking unit

Ole Frej Alkilde, Haldor Topsoe

Filip Stancl, Slovnaft

2012 / Revamps

A revamp to maximise middle distillate production and increase unit reliability and safety

Performance audits for burners and flares

Jesse Chambers, Jim Smith and Keith Wade, Zeeco Inc

2012 / Revamps

Performance audits and pre-retrofit checks identify issues and help specify the correct equipment for process heater and flare revamps

Platformer debutaniser revamp and optimisation

Rakan Bilaus, Sajeesh Padmanabhan and Neelay Bhattacharya, Saudi Aramco

2012 / Revamps

Recommendations following a study of high reformate RVP delivered a range of benefits including a significant increase in gasoline production

Planning for Revamps

Alexey Rodikov, NIS - Gazprom Neft

2012 / Revamps

Serbia's petroleum refinery describes its plans for a continuing programme of plant revamps and updates

Improving the distillation energy network

Soun Ho Lee, GTC Technology

Kwang Gil Min, GS Caltex Corporation

2013 / Revamps

Energy -efficient design applied to the refit of a distillation unit was achieved through optimisation between the distillation column and heat network system

Strategies for improved naphtha processing

Mike Armstrong and Martin Brandt, Jacobs Consultancy

2013 / Revamps

To take advantage of dilbit from Alberta and light oils from shale formations, refiners must develop a strategy for processing additional naphthas and light components

Laser surveying a revamp

Gary Farrow, AVEVA

2013 / Revamps

Efficient project workflow in a revamp can be achieved using 3D design technology that integrates with laser scan and engineering data sources.

Retrofitting a glycol contactor to prevent carryover

Anne Phanikumar and Yang Quan, Sulzer Chemtech Switzerland

2013 / Revamps

A revamp of glycol contactor column internals, following CFD studies, resolved problems with gas production caused by glycol carryover

Reactor effluent air cooler safety through design

Eric Lin and Peter Risse, Chevron Lummus Global

2013 / Revamps

Quality-controlled replacement of carbon steel with Duplex 2205 for revamps can increase the service life and reliability of the REAC in the high-pressure loop

Wet scrubbing modifications to reduce emissions

Edwin Weaver and Nicholas Confuorto, Belco Technologies Corporation

2013 / Revamps

Modifications to existing wet scrubbing systems for FCC units can readily be made to achieve additional reductions in particulates, SO2 or NOx

Online cleaning of an integrated distillation unit

Mariusz Holowacz and Rafal Zaprawa, Grupa Lotos

Marcello Ferrara, ITW

2013 / Revamps

Online cleaning technology was validated during a scheduled turnaround at the second largest refinery in Poland

Maximising energy efficiency in grassroots designs

Tim Shire, Andrew Hoyle and Mike Rutkowski, KBC

2014 / Revamps

A novel approach is required to achieve the full potential for energy performance of new plants

Increasing distillate production at zero capital cost

Joe Musumeci, Steven W Stupin, Stephanie Schlosser and Thomas Scholten

Ascent Engineering

2014 / Revamps

Significantly increasing distillate production can at the earliest stages require no more than process tweaks before significant capital revamps are required

Laser scanning for revamps

Gary Farrow, AVEVA

2014 / Revamps

A review of benefits, best practices and emerging opportunities in laser-enabled revamp projects

Revamping heat exchanger tubing

Eduardo Perea, Sandvik Materials Technology

2014 / Revamps

Corrosion aggravated failures in carbon steel tubes prompted a refiner to replace heat exchanger tubing with hyper-duplex stainless steel

Estimating bitumen viscosity for revamps

Tek Sutikno and Carlos Mesta, Fluor Enterprises

2014 / Revamps

Accurate viscosity data for dilbit and its heavy residues define the scope of revamps required to process the feed in crude and vacuum units

Options for CO2 capture from SMR

Goutam Shahani, Linde Engineering North America

Christine Kandziora, Linde Clean Energy and Innovation Management

2014 / Revamps

As CO2 capture from steam methane reforming becomes increasingly important, the economics of retrofit for recovery from process gas streams need to be considered

FCC profitability assessment via advanced modelling

Sayantan Chatterjee, Cian Carroll, Michael Basden and Kevin Kunz, Shell Global Solutions (US) Inc

Charles Burton, MOTIVA Refining

Steve Nelson, Shell Oil Products US

2015 / Revamps

Process and computational fluid dynamic modelling were applied to validate the technology used in an FCC unit revamp at Shell's Puget Sound refinery

On-stream refractory measurement

Dave Ferguson and Carl Tipton, Tracerco

2015 / Revamps

Precise assessment of refractory condition can avoid unwelcome discoveries during unit turnarounds

Energy efficiency in capital projects

Alan Rossiter, Rossiter & Associates

2015 / Revamps

The best economics for energy efficiency improvements occur in new plant designs and major plant expansions

Low cost revamp to process heavy sour crudes

Chiranjib Haldar and Tanmay Taraphdar, Technip India

2015 / Revamps

A significant improvement in refining margin can be achieved through a low to moderate cost revamp to enable processing of heavy sour crudes

Laser scanning for revamps

Michael Smith, Intergraph Corp

2015 / Revamps

3D laser scanning as-built refinery structures and post-processing the data provides an accurate starting point for revamp design

Heat exchanger network retrofit for energy savings

Akram Kamel and Mahmoud Bahy Noureldin, Saudi Aramco

2015 / Revamps

Identifying cost effective energy savings by optimising plant heat integration in the crude preheat section

Advances in benchmarking capital project costs

Shawn Hansen, Asset Performance Networks

2017 / Revamps

A scope based approach to benchmarking project costs can provide insights to improve competitiveness

Silencing hammering in a condenser system

Henry Kistor, Fluor

Casey Mueller and Matt Gunn, HollyFrontier

2017 / Revamps

Detailed analysis leading to correct diagnosis meant that only minor equipment changes were needed to cure severe hammering in a naphtha splitter

Controlling contaminants in vacuum gasoil

Kaushik Majumder, Shell Global Solutions International

2017 / Revamps

How revamps can increase VDU capacity and reliability while controlling contaminant levels to acceptable limits

Planning for a turnaround

Mike Asquini, T A Cook

2017 / Revamps

Without the effects of professional craft planners and logistics professionals, turnarounds will be a serious challenge

Advances in HF acid alkylation conversion and expansion

Shane Presley, Randy Peterson, Diwakar Rana and Jason Nunez, DuPont Clean Technologies

2017 / Revamps

Recent technology developments offer economic conversion and expansion of HF acid alkylation units for sulphuric acid operation

Upgrading an FCC unit

Jag Lall and Michael Bell, UOP Limited

Detlef Abe and Steffen Gorlich, PCK Raffinerie GmbH

2017 / Revamps

Collaboration between technical and project teams enabled the fast-track replacement of an FCC unit

Retrofitting crude furnace burners

Ryan Roberts, Zeeco

2017 / Revamps

A burner retrofit has delivered more robust operation with reduced NOx emissions from a crude process furnace

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