Reducing FCCU NOX emissions |
AA Lappas, DK Iatridis and IA Vasalos University of Thessaloniki H Rhemamann and G Schwartz OMV Refining and Marketing GmbH S Lonka and P Heinonen Fortum Oil and Gas Oy G Spyridaki and Y Psichogios Hellenic Petroleum |
2005 / Q1 |
Case studies of the strategies used to reduce NOx emissions at three European refineries. CO and feed nitrogen effects on emissions were taken into account, and a significant reduction in emissions was achieved with the use of additives More
Treatment options for molten sulphur |
Tony Barnette Gas Technology Products LLC |
2005 / Q1 |
A look at some options in the hydrocarbon processing industry for dealing with sulphur during vent handling and the removal of H2S from vent streams, which can fit well into a facility's overall storage and handling system. More
Benefit of revamping a main fractionator |
Dana G Laird Koch-Glitsch LP. |
2005 / Q1 |
Additional FCCU capacity can often be achieved by implementing new packing and distributor designs, even if the main fractionator has already been revamped. The author presents some of the factors to be considered in evaluating a revamp More
Revamps: maximum asset utilisation |
Scott Golden Process Consulting Services Inc |
2005 / Q1 |
Analyses of some common process unit limits, emphasising when equipment systems must be modified or new ones added. Knowing just where to focus investment depends primarily on process fundamentals and equipment basics More
xxxxxxxxxxxx |
Scott Golden Process Consulting Services Inc
2005 / Q1 |
Analyses of some common process unit limits, emphasising when equipment systems must be modified or new ones added. Knowing just where to focus investment depends primarily on process fundamentals and equipment basics More
Increasing hydrogen Production |
Ib Dybkjær Haldor Topsøe A/S |
2005 / Q1 |
The cost effectiveness of increasing refinery hydrogen capacity with compact convection reforming-based plants. Depending on available feedstocks, existing process configurations and operating conditions, medium-scale units are options More
Improving hydrotreater operations |
Gene J Yeh Daniel Longstaff Abdullah Al-Mahrous Olavo C Dias Saudi Aramco |
2005 / Q1 |
Improvements made during naphtha hydrotreater operations at a Middle East refinery focused on the diameter of crude unit overhead line, better corrosion control, an upgraded catalyst grading system and higher furnace temperatures More
Increasing FCC profitability |
Michael Edwards Albemarle Asia Pacific Company |
2005 / Q1 |
Case studies demonstrate how operating and catalytic changes can result in higher FCC rates and improved conversion between turnaround cycles. Even with lower feed quality, the author argues, costs can be controlled and margins improved More
Increasing resid conversion at Curacao refinery |
P Pereira, L Zacarias, J Guitian, R B Solari, PDVSA-Intevep D de Haseth, Isla Refinery, Curacao E Houde, UOP H Feintuch, Foster Wheeler |
1999 / Q1 |
Commercial demonstration tests carried out with a recently introduced low investment technology, Aquaconversion, have shown it as a valuable tool in revamping thermal cracking facilities and boosting a refinery's product slate. More
Development of a refinery petrochemical master plan |
W J Hillier, Maureen FGilber, W C Petterson, Kellogg Brown & Root |
1999 / Q1 |
A master plan for a refinery/petrochemical complex justifies comprehensive study of all the variables, from market forecast to operating costs. This article discusses the methodology and reports the results from a study case involving technology to maximise propylene. More
Design and operation of residue catalytic crackers. |
Simon Tan and Prabhakar Satbhal, Shell Global Solutions. |
1999 / Q1 |
The Shell residue FCC process has been applied to grassroots units in a variety of locations, from Europe to South-east Asia, resulting in higher operating profits for the respective refineries. Three such operations are discussed here. More
Dearomatisation and conversion in hydroprocessing. |
Ernst Kohler, Sud-Chemie AG Dinah Huang, United Catalysts Inc |
1999 / Q1 |
A novel sulphur-tolerant dearomatisation catalyst, ASAT, for LCO upgrading, is featured as a part of integrated hydroprocessing, covering desulphurisation, mild hydrocracking and hydrodewaxing. More
Steam active reforming process for dehydrogenation. |
R O Dunn and L W Shoemaker, Phillips Petroleum Company. |
1999 / Q1 |
The development and uses of the STAR process in the dehydrogenation of C3, C4 and C5 paraffins are outlined in this article, together with a presentation of capital and conversion costs for the production of MTBE and propylene. More
Performance Optimisation of fixed bed processes |
C E D Ouwerkerk, E S Bratland, A P Hagan, B L J P Kikkert, M C Zonnevylle, Shell Global Solutions. |
1999 / Q2 |
An extensive range of hydroprocessing technologies has been developed through a combination of long-term R&D commitment and commercial experience. The result is compact reactor internals that maximise reactor volume use, and superior gas/liquid distribution and quench performance. More
Raising mild hydrocracker profits without capital investment |
Savas Soydaner, Hafedh Al-Qassab, Gregory M Lilburne, Adrian Stander, Bahrain Petroleum Company. |
1999 / Q2 |
By systematically working on improvements to its operating methods, catalyst management and maintenance, a Middle East plant has increased unit converstion and profitability year-on-year with no capital investment. The authors describe how it was done. More
Selective FCC naphtha desulphurisation. |
K L Riley, J L Kaufman, S Zaczepinski, Exxon A R Gentry, Kellogg Brown & Root Inc P H Desai, Akzo Nobel Chemicals Inc |
1999 / Q2 |
By combining specially designed catalyst and process technology, the SCANfining process selectively removes sulphur from FCC naphthas while preserving olefins, so avoiding undesirable octane loss and H2 consumption. More
Coping with sulphur and water in naphtha isomerisation feeds. |
Maureen F Gilbert, Carlos O Mora, Anshumali, F Mike Flloyd, Kellogg Brown & Root Inc Miguel Peez Pasqual CEPSA Ernst Kohler, Sud Chemie AG |
1999 / Q2 |
An examination of the operational and economic benefits of an isomerisation process employing a superior water - and sulphur-tolerant catalyst - in particular, potential capital cost savings by eliminating feed and hydrogen drying and reducing feed desulphurisation. More
Improved FCCU feed and catalyst contact. |
Sidney V Anderson, Saudi Aramco. |
1999 / Q2 |
A series of modifications to the FCC unit at Jeddah refinery, Saudi
Arabia, including an improved feed nozzle design, has resulted in
better product selectivity and unit profitability. Further
modifications are now under way.
Role of asphaltenes cracking in bottoms conversion. |
Toru Takatsuka, Shin-ichi Inoue, Yoshiaki Hori, Chiyoda Corporation. |
1999 / Q2 |
The main factor in choosing upgrading processes for bottoms crude
oil is often the refinery's current and anticipated product slate, say
the authors of this article, but the most important consideration
should be given to the part asphaltene cracking will play in the
particular crude. More
The economics of integrating refining and petrochemicals. |
Ralph Ragsdale, Bechtel Corporation Gary L Ewy, Ewy Services Plus |
1999 / Q2 |
Refining and petrochemical facilities in some countries are designed and constructed as separate entities, with no intention of integrating the plants. For future facilities, integration may be the preferred route. More
Visbreaker operation and conversion enhancement. |
Glen I Jackson and Andre Vanhove, BetzDearborn Inc |
1999 / Q2 |
Among the subjects examined in this article are the phenomenon of fouling in visbreaker units, its location and severity; the impact of operational variables, and methods of fouling reduction by operational optimisation and the application of antifoulant treatment chemicals. More
Increasing efficiency of a fluid catalytic cracking unit. |
Andrea Amoroso, Agip Petroli SpA |
1999 / Q3 |
A combination of improved feed atomisation via new elevated nozzles, control software and latest catalyst technology has resulted in increased feedrate, better gasoline yeields and enhancement of octane at Sannazzaro. More
Maximising FCC propylene production |
Charles L Hemler and Lawrence L Upson, UOP |
1999 / Q3 |
To meet the world demand for light olefins, the authors present the case for designing a fluidised light olefin catalytic cracker. Its capabilities include a yield pattern producing large quantities of propylene, together with big C4 yields and a significant amount of aromatic gasoline. More
Adsorption process for removal of nitrogen and sulphur. |
Robert L Irvine and Dominic M Varraveto, Blac, & Veatch Pritchard Inc. |
1999 / Q3 |
The Irvad process is claimed as a breakthrough for removing heteroatoms from liquid carbon streams up to 240'C endpoint, using a solid adsorbent to contact liquid countercurrently in a multi-stage, fluidised adsorber. The adsorbent is regenerated in a reactivator, using heated reactivation gas. More
Upgrading gasoils by mild hydrocracking. |
Q Chen, Paul van den Oosterkamp, Simon Barendregt, Technip Benelux. |
1999 / Q3 |
MHUG - Medium-Pressure Hydro Upgrading - is a single stage mild hydrocracking process which uses two proprietory Ni-W catalysts. More than 40 units applying the catalysts have been built and operated successfully. More
A proposal for an economic and environmental gasoline. |
Roberto Amadei, Refining Consultant. |
1999 / Q3 |
The author describes how adopting identified C6- and C7+ hydrocarbon concentrations in the reforming and isomerisation feeds can increase profits and transform gasoline into a new, more environmentally friendly grade. More
Technologies to achieve 2000 diesel specifications. |
Joanne Langston, Lyondell-Citgo Refining Company (LCR) Liz Allen and Dilip Dave, Criterion Catalyst Co Ltd |
1999 / Q3 |
A discussion of the options for modifying existing hydroprocessing units to cost effectively produce higher quality, restrictively specified diesel fuels that will meet the demands for reduced sulphur levels in the new millennium. More
Hydrogen flux monitoring devices in wet H2S service. |
Michael S Cayard and Russell D Kane, InterCorr International Inc Carlos J B Joia and Luiz A Correa, Petrobras/CENPES |
1999 / Q3 |
This article discusses a methodology for extending the use of
hydrogen flux monitoring equipment to assess quantitively the severity
of hydrogen charging and relate the response directly to the material's
resistance or susceptibility to wet H2S cracking. More
Low cost process for refinery residue conversion. |
Hans Weiss and Jorg Schmalfeld, Lurgi Umwelt GmbH |
1999 / Q3 |
An outline of the technology of residue oil converstion, dealing with the mild coking of residue oils by the LR process. The authors also describe the process principle, its characteristics and a number of test results. More
Maintaining reliability of the FCC unit |
Warren Letzsch and Reggie Blinkhorn, Stone & Webster Engineering Inc
2003 / Q3 |
A review of catalytic cracking equipment performance, design criteria, turnaround execution and their combined effect on long-term unit reliability and maintenance
Modelling disturbances in refinery operations |
Amir H Mohammadi Institute of Petroleum Engineering, Heriot-Watt University Giti Abolhamd and Mohammad M Montazer-Rahmati, Faculty of Engineering, Tehran University |
2003 / Q3 |
Investigation of the transient state and optimisation of a fluidised-bed catalytic cracking unit for maximum feed while satisfying system constraints. One of the most important goals has been optimisation from an operating viewpoint
Creating value through hydrogen management |
Nitin M Patel William F Baade Leong Wah Fong, Air Products Vinay Khurana, Technip-Coflexip
2003 / Q3 |
The authors discuss new and alternative sources of hydrogen production and the way in which optimising separation technologies allows refiners to unlock the value of H2 currently sent to fuel
Gasoline and LCO Hydrotreating |
Roberto Galiasso Tailleur PDVSA-Intevep
2003 / Q4 |
Hydroprocessing severity and catalyst selection play a significant role in refined product sulphur distribution. But other important factors must be taken into consideration before making an investment to produce ultra low sulphur fuels
Review of fluid bed coking technologies |
D G Hammond L F Lampert C J Mart S F Massenzio G E Phillips D L Sellards A C Woerner, ExxonMobil Research and Engineering Company |
2003 / Q4 |
This review covers the basic aspects of technologies dealing with fluid bed coking, to provide an understanding of their fundamentals and potential applications, along with some considerations for technology selection
Concepts to improve sulphur facility reliability |
Hank M Hudson and Susan M Grigson, Ortloff Engineers Ltd |
2003 / Q4 |
Although many previously discussed concepts differ widely from usual industry practice, the authors have found that in most cases alternative concepts have not only improved reliability but have also reduced capital and operating costs
Integrated approach to unit optimisation |
Derya B Özyurt Ralph W Pike F Carl Knopf Michael K Rich Jack R Hopper and Carl L Yaws, Louisiana State University Motiva Enterprises Lamar University |
2003 / Q4 |
Using the flowsheeting, online optimisation and pinch analysis of an advanced process analysis system, increases in profit and energy saving were projected for an alkylation unit through reduced steam usage in the distillation columns
Hydrogen technology– an overview |
Sanjiv Ratan Technip-Coflexip
2003 / Q4 |
Developments in the area of hydrogen production equipment, configurations, catalysts, materials and automation have brought about improved operational reliability and effluents curtailment, as well as achieving lower operating costs
FCC monitoring and Optimisation |
George Blair Eurotek Refining Services Ltd Trish Ferguson Ferguson Consulting
2003 / Q4 |
A new Excel-based FCC monitoring and optimisation tool has been used to assist in assessing an FCC reactor stripper revamp, a unit troubleshooting problem and a regenerator capacity debottlenecking study
Catalyst design for resid applications |
Scott K Purnell Davison Catalysts
2003 / Q4 |
Higher percentages of heavier feeds can be processed using FCC catalysts designed with improved coke selectivity and metals tolerance. Feedstock properties, along with their dominant bottoms-cracking mechanisms, are also reviewed
Options for achieving lower sulphur diesel |
Rick Beaubien and Alan Goelzer, Jacobs Engineering Group Inc |
2003 / Q4 |
A decision point is approaching where each refiner must determine the level of investment in technology, equipment and incremental operating costs needed for producing ultra low sulphur diesel fuels
Reducing the cost of ultra low sulphur diesel |
Pankaj H Desai Akzo Nobel Catalysts LLC
2003 / Q4 |
Optimisation of process variables such as space velocity and operating pressures, using UD-HDS technology, can help to achieve 15ppm sulphur specifications, especially when processing cracked feedstocks
Integrated solutions for optimised ULSD economics |
Ronnie Maddox Tom Kalnes Dave Lindsay UOP LLC |
2003 / Q4 |
An illustration of low cost solutions to ultra low sulphur diesel
production, with case studies of integrated hydrocracking revamps –
showing up to 70% savings in new units using new reactor internals –
and novel separation and coprocessing
Characterisation and analysis of resids |
James G Speight CD&W Inc
2003 / Q4 |
A description of the properties that are required for a detailed
evaluation of resids and for comparison between resids and how they
play a role in dictating which refinery operations are necessary for
Maximising hydrocracker profitability |
Mike Gunter Criterion Catalyst Company Diana Altrichter Zeolyst International
2004 / Catalysis |
Hydrocracking unit product quality and yields improve with stacked
bed loading technology. The catalysts loaded in each bed are customised
for changes in reactor conditions encountered throughout the unit’s
typical run length
Raising FCC catalyst circulation |
Warren Letzsch David Banks, Stone & Webster Inc
2004 / Catalysis |
Extra cat feed and increased profits with quality products can come
from improved catalyst circulation as a result of better slide-valve
pressure differential, optimised standpipe diameter and withdrawal well
Pre-treatment improves FCC performance |
Per Zeuthen Haldor Topsøe A/S
2004 / Catalysis |
Feedstock hydrotreatment catalyst provides improved HDS and HDN
activity at various unit operating pressures. The resulting economic
benefits are gained through better product yield structures and longer
pre-treatment cycles
Maximisation of FCCU LPG olefinicity |
José Marchena José Manuel Llanes Mari Fe Elía CEPSA Sergio Sobrinos Fernando Sánchez Grace Davison
2004 / Catalysis |
A 35 per cent increase in C3/C4 olefins yield was achieved by a
refinery in Spain using the right combination of operating variables,
additives and catalysts without changing the reactor-regenerator
Advanced FCC catalysts for VGO applications |
Ray Fletcher Akzo Nobel Catalysts bv |
2004 / Catalysis |
High-accessibility catalysts allow more difficult feedstocks to be
processed through the FCC. These new formulations can add considerable
value to refiners running more conventional feeds, but who may have
hardware or operating constraints limiting unit performance
Optimising FCC unit performance |
Hugh Niblock BP Marius Vaarkamp Maarten van Vliet Engelhard Corporation
2004 / Catalysis |
Additive currently used in several FCC units increases
conversion and gasoline yield without exceeding coke or gas limits. The
resulting operating flexibility provided by the additive at an
Australian refinery is discussed
FCC catalyst evaluation |
Sanjay Bhargava KBC Advanced Technologies Ltd
2004 / Catalysis |
A post audit at a Japanese refinery using a proprietary FCC model
and catalyst-evaluation methodology determines a real improvement in
profitability. The methodology for isolating the effect of catalyst
alone on FCC yields is discussed
Gasoline sulphur removal and olefins reduction |
Fang Xiangchen Zhao Leping Hu Yongkang FRIPP/SINOPEC Guo Hongchen Dalian University of Technology
2004 / Catalysis |
Newly developed olefins-to-aromatic-and-alkylate technology
significantly reduces the amount of sulphur and olefins in full-range
FCC gasoline, resulting in higher gasoline yields and low road octane
A forward look at the refinery of the future |
Calvin B Cobb Invensys Inc
2004 / Q2 |
A forecast of the way business and operating fundamentals in a
long-established industry are likely to affect future technical
applications. The author sees present and emerging technology providing
the adaptability to deal with plant disruptions
Refinery hydrogen Management |
Ruth A Davis and Nitin M Patel Air Products and Chemicals Inc
2004 / Q2 |
Managing current hydrogen infrastructure and planning for future
requirements requires careful selection of the best combination of
recovery, expansion, efficiency improvements, purification and new H2
supply options
Selecting partial oxidation in refining |
Peter Hatchman and Martin Williams BP Tony Collins Simon Minge Mike Berg BOC
2004 / Q2 |
BP’s refinery at Brisbane is meeting clean fuels specifications as a
result of improvements to key process units. Collaborative efforts have
increased hydrogen production from partial oxidation, including the use
of heavier feedstocks
Hitting ULS targets through hydrogen management |
Wolfgang Hofer, OMV AG Ian Moore , Aspen Technology Inc Paul R Robinson , Air Liquide America
2004 / Q2 |
Simulation, optimisation and identification of projects for the
hydrogen system at an Austrian refinery has helped to improve its
potential of over †5 million a year. The authors describe the
methodology applicable to hydrogen networks
Handling vent gases in sulphur plants |
Mahin Rameshni Parsons Energy & Chemicals Group Inc
2004 / Q2 |
A review of methods to reduce emissions from vent gas systems such as
sulphur storage tanks and SO2 streams. Ways to increase sulphur
recovery capacity, and the design criteria for achieving emissions
requirements, are also discussed
Role of carbon capture in CO2 management |
Tony Creek Foster Wheeler Energy Ltd |
2004 / Q2 |
Gasification of low-value refinery residuals could be used to raise
utilities and hydrogen, allowing the relatively easy capture of half
the plant’s CO2 emissions. LP modelling also helps to examine balances
between SOx and CO2 emissions
Reducing gasoline sulphur with additives |
Michael K Maholland Intercat Equipment Inc
2004 / Q2 |
Evolution of regulations in an era of limited capital has led to the
development of catalyst additive technologies to reduce FCC gasoline
sulphur. These additives can help to avoid more expensive
sulphur-reducing options such as pretreatment
Membrane separation for clean fuels |
Xinjin Zhao and Gautham Krishnaiah Grace Davison Todd Cartwright CB&I Process and Technology
2004 / Q3 |
An illustration of how membrane separation technology can be
integrated into a clean fuel strategy at low capital cost relative to
hydrotreating. Effective sulphur removal from certain naphtha streams,
avoiding the octane penalty, is described
Fundamentals of ULSD Production |
Salvatore Torrisi, Jr, and P Michael Gunter Criterion Catalysts & Technologies LP
2004 / Q3 |
Determining the best course for producing ULSD depends on four
factors – chemistry, composition, reaction conditions and catalysis.
Guidelines are offered for effective strategies and for deciding how to
optimise future ULSD operations
The role of hydrogen in clean fuels |
Visnja Gembicki Cara Roeseler Chris Anderle Neriman Baykal-Agosta Terry Adamopoulos UOP LLC
2004 / Q3 |
A typical refinery configuration is used to show changes in the
utilisation of hydrogen from 1990 to the present, with a look into the
future. Process strategies to achieve more efficient use of hydrogen
under future regulations are presented
Pretreatment of resid FCC feedstocks |
Byron G Johnson ConocoPhillips Company Brian M Moyse Haldor Topsoe Inc
2004 / Q3 |
How a refinery optimised hydrogen consumption to raise API “shift”,
enhancing FCC economics. The effect of heavy feedstock reactivity on
the operation of refinery units, and its impact on current and future
operations, is discussed
Chemical treatment to solve FCCU problems |
Sandra Garcia-Swofford Nalco Energy Services |
2004 / Q3 |
From fouling and catalyst carryover to high feed nickel levels and
varying feed qualities, FCCU problems can be solved quickly and cost
effectively, says the author, through a well-designed and properly
applied chemical programme
A range of options for resid conversion |
Warren S Letzsch and John Lauritzen Stone & Webster Inc
2004 / Q3 |
Resid cracking through the FCC can be cost effective with
improvements in hardware, catalyst and operational knowledge.
Strategies for processing residual streams with units working in full
and partial combustion modes are discussed
Statistical process control in FCC operations |
J W (Bill) Wilson Barnes & Click Inc |
2004 / Q3 |
Statistical process control techniques can be used in analysing and
monitoring FCCUs. The author gives examples of the use of XmR charts in
evaluating catalyst performance data and coke yield, and reviews other
possible applications
FCC additive demonstrations: Part 1 |
Guido W Aru Intercat Inc
2004 / Q3 |
A review of the issues associated with the FCC additive testing,
data collection and analysis required by the US Environmental
Protection Agency’s consent degrees. There are lessons for refiners in
successful testing and demonstration
Inner workings of the FCC stripper |
Henrique S Cerqueira Claudia M L A Baptista José M Fusco Petrobras Research and Development Center (CENPAS)
2004 / Q3 |
Based on large-scale pilot plant and commercial FCC data, the
authors consider the influence of operational variables in catalyst
stripability, including the use of sampling and radiotracer techniques
Advantages of profit centred maintenance |
Jeffrey Ray Fluor
2004 / Q3 |
An explanation of how profit centred maintenance can be implemented
in an existing facility, and how it can virtually pay for itself using
systematic failure elimination and performance-based contracting
Producing low sulphur gasoline |
Adrian Humphries Pieter Imhof Chris Kuehler Terry Reid Akzo Nobel Catalysts LLC |
2004 / Q3 |
A practical and economic comparison of crude quality, pre-treating,
post-treating, FCC additives and sulphur credit options. Solutions to
meeting future gasoline specifications could involve a combination of
these options
Light crude oil Treatment |
Felipe Suarez and Herbert Wizig Merichem Chemicals & Refinery Services LLC Liu Youchao China National Petroleum Corporation Jack Zhang Jackson International Inc
2004 / Q4 |
A review of caustic treating technologies useful in the removal of
volatile sulphur from sour light crudes. The authors describe how the
caustic treatment of light crude oil at facilities in Kazakhstan has
been profitable and economically sound
Refinery oxidative Desulphurisation |
Chris Gosling V A Gembicki Ron Gatan UOP LLC Agostino Cavanna Eni SpA Daniele Molinari and Franco Baldiraghi EniTecnologie SpA |
2004 / Q4 |
A study of the economics of applying oxidative desulphurisation
technology, with its dependence on the operating pressure of existing
hydrotreating capacity. Two case studies show how this new route can
form an effective ULSD strategy
Sulphuric acid alkylation reactor upgrade |
Steven Ackerman and Paul W Kamienski ExxonMobil Research and Engineering Company, USA Kate D Hart and Derek R Styles ExxonMobil Refining and Supply, Australia
2004 / Q4 |
Upgrading of the sulphuric acid cascade alkylation reactor-settler
system at an Australian refinery decreased acid consumption
significantly and increased product octane. Reactor temperature was
reduced and acid circulation increased
Upgrading heavy oils with new catalyst technology |
Balbir Lakhanpal Darryl Klein Park Leung Advanced Refining Technologies LLC Bruno Tombolesi Grace Davison Józef Kubiak Polski Koncern Naftowy SA |
2004 / Q4 |
Heavy oil upgrading performance and profitability have been improved
at a refinery in Poland by a new low sediment ebullating bed resid
catalyst technology. The authors report improved unit conversion and
reduced need for HCO diluents
FCC additive demonstrations Part 2 |
Guido W Aru Intercat Inc |
2004 / Q4 |
An overview of additive technology for reducing SOx and NOx
emissions, and a review of CO combustion promoter technology and
performance at a refinery. Reduction mechanisms and other factors
affecting performance are described
Improving hydrotreater performance |
Ken J Mills Saint-Gobain NorPro
2004 / Q4 |
An account of the way ceramic technology can reduce hydrotreater
operating cost and downtime by lowering the initial pressure drop. Use
of dual function ceramic media also allows for the initial removal of
nickel and vanadium
Improving crude switching control |
Ariffen Adnan and Nyonya Md Sani Petronas Seung Yun Nam and Y Zak Friedman Petrocontrol |
2004 / Q4 |
Crude unit advance process control has lucrative potential, provided
it performs when it is most needed: during crude switching
disturbances. The authors describe how one company is using first
principles inferential modelling in crude switches
Causes of fouling in hydroprocessing units |
Tai-Sheng Chou H2Advance
2004 / Q4 |
Costly unscheduled hydroprocessing unit turnarounds caused by
fouling can be prevented. This study explores the root cause of process
fouling mechanisms and suggests cost-effective means for implementing
mitigation strategies
Crude oil and quality Variations |
Larry N Kremer Baker Petrolite Corporation |
2004 / Q4 |
An assessment of the impact of crudes on operational and product
quality, with an explanation of the way in which the crude oil supply
chain, combined with the sources of many crude constituents, affects
Maximising plant Availability |
Arturo Grimaldi Andrea Polacchi Claudio Bonventre Technip-Italy SpA
2004 / Q4 |
With a growing demand in the petrochemical industry for extended
plant availability, the authors demonstrate how a new design practice
was applied to a hydrocracker revamp that maximised the technical
availability of the unit
ULSD problems and Solutions |
Scott Sayles Jim Bailor Robert Ohmes KBC Advanced Technologies Inc
2004 / Q4 |
A review of the common pitfalls in scoping, designing, implementing
and operating ULSD units. The authors offer various solutions, ranging
from optimising hydrogen partial pressures to avoidance of
recombination reactions
Foam control in crude units |
Tony Barletta and Edward Hartman Process Consulting Services Inc David J Leake EGS Systems Inc |
2004 / Q4 |
Installation of vortex tube clusters in crude unit preflash drums
has eliminated foam carry-over, increasing diesel and atmospheric
gasoil product yields. By avoiding preflash drum replacement, these
retrofits have cut revamp investment
Recovering precious metals from spent catalysts |
Richard J DeSantis Sabin Metal Corporation
2005 / Catalysis |
Finding and working with the right refiner can make a big difference
in returns, not to mention many of the legal implications involved if
the refiner crosses the line with regard to environmental regulations
when processing spent catalysts
Catalyst performance improvements |
Charles McCloud Criterion Catalysts & Technologies
2005 / Catalysis |
Manufacturing technology advancements have lead to step-out
improvements in catalyst performance and stability for ULSD, FCC
pretreater and hydrocracker pretreater applications
Increasing FCC Yields |
Lori McDowell and Silas Y Wong Grace Davison Refining Technologies
2005 / Catalysis |
Improvements to a FCC unit changed its operating characteristics.
These changes called for a catalyst formulated with higher activity,
stability and metals tolerance at higher throughputs to increase the
yield of valuable liquid products
Catalyst life cycle Performance |
Chris Anderle UOP LLC
2005 / Catalysis |
Refiners can obtain value from solutions beyond the catalyst
selection process if the decision-making process includes a review of
the entire catalyst cycle
Boosting FCC propylene with minimal conversion loss |
Pieter Imhof, Erja P H Rautiainen and Arja Hakuli-Pieterse Albemarle Catalysts bv
2005 / Catalysis |
Catalyst and additive technology can maximise light olefin yields
with minimal dilution of the base catalyst and little impact on bottoms
conversion. It also diminishes secondary reactions such as hydrogen
ULSD production at low pressure |
Lars K Skyum Haldor Topsøe A/S
2005 / Catalysis |
A large number of existing diesel hydrotreaters are operated at
pressures below 30 bar. The catalyst used for production of ULSD in
these hydrotreaters differs from catalyst formulations that perform
well at higher pressures
Reticulated ceramics improve reactor performance |
William “Dusty” Duke and Austin Schneider Crystaphase Technologies Inc |
2005 / Catalysis |
With many hydroprocessing units being pushed beyond their original
design, refiners need to improve the unit’s reactor performance.
Upgrading reactor top-bed loadings that include reticulated ceramics
will improve catalyst performance
Hydroprocessing revamp configurations |
Ujjal Mukherjee, Jerry Mayer and Bharat Srinivasan Chevron Lummus Global |
2005 / Catalysis |
Upgrading existing hydrocrackers from single-stage to two-stage
recycle offers significantly higher flexibility for increasing
high-quality FCC feeds and naphtha/diesel production
Paraffins isomerisation options |
Bruno Domergue and Laurent Watripont Axens |
2005 / Q2 |
A variety of isomerisation technologies are available, from
conventional once-through and deisohexaniser recycle processes to
advanced recycle schemes involving molecular separation processes
High-efficiency coalescers for analyser protection |
Hans Thoma OMV Burghausen Refinery Verena Titzenthaler and Thomas Reisenhofer Pall Corporation
2005 / Q2 |
Coalescers are designed to either separate liquid aerosols from gas
streams or to break liquid/liquid emulsions. Both liquid/gas and
liquid/liquid coalescer technologies have been successfully applied to
analyser technology
Increasing p-xylene production |
Patrick Silady and Gary Marr, UOP LLC |
2005 / Q2 |
Improved catalysts and adsorbents can increase production without
the need for a major revamp. The authors focus on the
combinatorial chemistry used to develop heterogeneous catalysts and
adsorbents from new zeolitic materials. More
Expander inlet piping design |
P T Klumpp Refinery Technology Inc
2005 / Q2 |
The expander inlet piping system linked to the FCCU is one of the
most complex piping systems to analyse and design in a refinery.
Expansion joints used in the expander inlet piping system are also
Controlling FCCU dilute phase reactions |
Warren S Letzsch Stone & Webster Engineering Inc
2005 / Q2 |
Various strategies are available to control unwanted secondary
reactions in the FCCU reactor’s dilute phase, including vapour quench
technology, designed to lower the temperature, or close-coupled systems
to reduce the dilute phase contact time
Bitumen processing developments |
Mazen M Abu-Khader Al-Balqa Applied University James G Speight CD & W Inc |
2005 / Q2 |
Several process options have been tested for upgrading extra heavy
oil at various processing facilities. The possibility of future process
configurations for producing marketable products from bitumen is
Improved residuum cracking |
Mingting Xu and Rostam J Madon Engelhard Corporation
2005 / Q2 |
Catalyst deactivation is a challenge to FCCU yields when processing
residuum. The detrimental effect of nickel and vanadium in forming
contaminant coke and hydrogen can be reduced via appropriate
passivation technology
Simulating optimal tank farm design |
Michael D Stewart Foster Wheeler North America Corp L Dean Trierwiler Haverly Systems Inc
2005 / Q2 |
Development of a computerised model incorporating Monte Carlo
operational risk simulation with the optimisation power of linear
programming. The basis, structure and execution of this model are
Saving fuel costs with WPHEs |
Peter Barnes PBA Consulting Pierre Xavier Bussonnet Packinox SA François Reverdy Packinox Inc
2005 / Q2 |
WPHEs save fuel costs and serve as a cost-effective CO2-trimming
technology by reducing heater duty in reformers and HDS units. The
resulting fuel cost savings add to emission trade benefits
Managing hydrogen to achieve ULS targets |
Dennis Vauk Air Liquide America LP Rob Gardner Irving Oil Ltd David Mercer Fluor Canada Ltd Nick Hallale Aspen Technology
2005 / Q2 |
To meet clean fuel challenges, refiners must manage hydrogen usage to
achieve sulphur reduction targets for 2005 and beyond. Hydrogen network
optimisation can deliver significant benefits over traditional
Reducing CO2 emissions |
Ian Moore AspenTech UK Ltd
2005 / Q2 |
Several long-term challenges and opportunities face refiners after
the introduction of the European Union ETS. These include emissions
monitoring, operational improvements, emissions forecasting and
economic emission reduction
Calcium removal from high TAN crudes |
Jerry J Weers and Scott Bieber Baker Petrolite |
2005 / Q3 |
Crude oils high in calcium naphthenate content are being processed
using technology developed to remove calcium in crude unit desalting
operations, with calcium removal efficiencies averaging 70% on Doba
Optimising refinery profitability |
Brian Lasiuk, R Mark Wilson and M Craig Winslow GE Infrastructure Water & Process Technologies |
2005 / Q3 |
A comprehensive methodology is presented that maximises profitability
when processing opportunity crudes while avoiding operational
disruptions such as high temperature corrosion
Efficient ULSD catalyst systems |
Charles “Chuck” W Olsen and David Krenzke Advanced Refining Technologies
2005 / Q3 |
Staged ULSD catalyst systems are available for the desulphurisation
of multiple sulphur species, using combined high-activity CoMo/NiMo
catalysts formulated at ratios based on expected levels of
alkyl-dibenzothiophenic compounds
LCO upgrading |
Vasant P Thakkar, Suheil F Abdo, Visnja A Gembicki and James F McGehee UOP LLC
2005 / Q3 |
Adding value to LCO is achievable through aromatic ring
manipulation, producing high-octane naphtha and low-sulphur diesel.
Pilot plant results confirm the effectiveness of partial-conversion
hydrocracking technology
Wireless communication in refining |
Peter Jofriet and Stephen Clark Honeywell Process Solutions
2005 / Q3 |
Several wireless technologies are available today. The benefits of
implementing these technologies, and the challenges associated with
adopting this seemingly high-tech approach for furthering a refinery’s
business objectives, are discussed
An atmospheric crude tower revamp |
Daryl W Hanson and Tony Barletta Process Consulting Services John V Bernickas CITGO Petroleum Corporation
2005 / Q3 |
Overall gas oil yield was maintained with heavier crudes due to a
crude tower revamp. The revamp allowed for a crude heater outlet
temperature reduction and a lower vacuum flash zone pressure
Hydrocracker reliability improvement |
Tai-Sheng Chou H2Advance
2005 / Q3 |
Refiners continue to push the envelope of reliable hydrocracker
operation. Optimised process design and operational improvements can
help manage temperature excursions and avoid potential temperature
Technology for SOx removal |
Thomas K Chow, Theresa M Flood, John A Gebur and Vincent W Wong Fluor Enterprises Inc
2005 / Q3 |
A concern for many refiners is the increasing complexity of SO2
removal from flue gases in the presence of O2. Various solutions are
available to achieve 99.99% sulphur recovery without by-product
formation and corrosion problems
Benefits from coking of heavy feedstocks |
Wayne Brown, Robert Pinchuk and Gerard Monaghan Envision Technologies Corp
2005 / Q3 |
Research into the thermal processing of heavy oil using advanced
analytical and laboratory techniques has revealed that huge gains are
possible, thanks to a new reactor configuration based on the marriage
of two commercial technologies
Improving commercial hydrocracking performance |
Stuart Frazer and Warren Shirley, The New Zealand Refining Company Ltd. |
1999 / Q4 |
A description of the commercial success that came from implementing
a strategy to improve hydrocracking unit performance, including the
methods used for controlling polynuclear aromatics and their effect on
performance More
Advances in biocatalytic desulphurisation |
Elaine A Lange and Michael A Pacheco, Energy BioSystems Corporation. |
1999 / Q4 |
Significant advances have been made towards practical applications
of biodesulphurisation technology through reduction in process costs
and development of chemical co-products from waste sulphur
materials. Recent work in process and product development are
reviewed here. More
The drive for refinery energy efficiency |
Steve M Brown, Linnhoff March Ltd |
1999 / Q4 |
Total Site analysis, apart from improving a refinery's energy
effeciency, also brings capital avoidance in site expansion, process
unit debottlenecking and other benefits. This article describes
how it was applied to a real life problem. More
Optimising resid FCC unit catalyst design. |
Stephen J Yanik, Paul O'Connor, Anton H Pichel, Akzo Nobel Catalysts Makoto Nakamura, Nippon Ketjen Company Ltd. |
1999 / Q4 |
A review of the advantages of applying the latest residue FCC unit
catalyst design technologies. The authors also discuss
improvements in small-scale catalyst evaluation techniques for
predicting the commercial benefits. More
A cheaper way of alkylating propylene and amylenes |
J Randall Peterson, David C Graves, Ken Kranz, David M Buckler, Stratco Inc |
1999 / Q4 |
The authors describe how propylene and amylenes can be alkylated
using much less sulphuric acid catalyst. When a propylene-rich
feed is alkylated at high acid strengths, or amylene-rich feed is
alkylated at low strengths, acid consumption is similar to that of
butylenes. More
FCC Catalyst for cleaner gasoline |
Daniel McQueen, Paul A Diddams, Grace Davison, Worms, Germany |
2003 / Catalysis |
Removal of thiophenic and olefinic compounds while maintaining high
octanes is an important challenge facing refiners producing clean
gasoline. More
Ultra-deep desulphurisation of gas oils |
Lars Skyum, Haldor Topsoe A/S, Copenhagen, Denmark. |
2003 / Catalysis |
In order to choose the right combination of catalyst and technology
for the production of diesel with 10ppm sulphur or less, it is
essential to have a thorough understanding of the reaction kinetics in
diesel hydrotreating from SOR to EOR. More
Butane and light naphtha isomerisation |
Scott Graeme, Michel van der Laan, Akzo Nobel Catalysts, The Netherlands |
2003 / Catalysis |
Low-density, platinum-based cylindrically shaped catalysts can
overcome maldistribution problems and improve catalyst performance
measured by PIN, H2/HC and isobutane ratios, and characterised by
higher activity, short loading and lower costs. More
New catalyst formulations for semi-regenerative reformers |
Gary A Marr, UOP, Des Plaines, Illinois, USA |
2003 / Catalysis |
Two European refineries upgrade reformer technology, resulting in
higher reformate and hydrogen yield with improved RONC and longer
intervals between regeneration. More
Grading and topping materials for hydrotreating applications. |
David Berman, Tricat Inc, Hunt Valley, Maryland, USA |
2003 / Catalysis |
Extrudates are being remanufactured into alternative sizes and
shapes for reactor activity grading and void-space grading as well as
to help prevent pressure drop build-up caused by particulates and
polymerisation. More
New catalysts for reformers. |
Pierre-Yves Le Goff, Fabienne Le Peltier, Bruno Domergue, Axens Jean-Francois Joly, IFP France |
2003 / Catalysis |
New-generation catalysts, designed with close attention to the
paraffin conversion mechanisms and pressure characteristics seen in
fixed-bed and CCR units, are further optimised with special
catalyst-loading techniques. More
Comparing the roles of cat coolers with riser quench |
Alan Goelzer, Jacobs Refinery Specialists |
2003 / Q1 |
A review of the issues to consider when disposing of the heat of
combustion from riser coke formation in high severity vacuum gasoil FCC
and RFCC units, with operating conditions becoming increasingly
demanding. More
Role of advances in FCC catalyst technology. |
J B McLean, D M Stockwell, W A Weber, W S Sinkler, M R Greczek, T E Masak, Engelhard Corporation |
2003 / Q1 |
Sulphur-reducing chemistry that preserves gasoline yield and
minimises octane loss while avoiding cut point penalties can help meet
clean fuel specifications where post treatment and additive systems may
not be adequate. More
The oxidative route to ULS production |
Robert E Levy, UniPure Corporation |
2003 / Q1 |
Refinery and terminal applications using modular designs where
extraction of oxidised sulphur and nitrogen species is carried out
without the processing severity and level of investment required with
conventional hydrotreating. More
Production of ULS fuels from heavy feedstocks. |
Romolo Montanari, Sergio Rose, Mario Marchionna, Snamprogetti SpA Nicoletta Panariti and Alberto Delbianco, EniTecnologie SpA |
2003 / Q1 |
Upgrading of extra heavy residues and oil sands bitumen has been
demonstrated with a proprietary two-stage process incorporating slurry
hydrotreatment, using a molybdenum-based catalyst followed by solvent
deasphalting. More
Boosting diesel production with varying feedstocks |
Christer Moren and Michael Heisel, Linde Gas & Engineering Alexander Reichhold, Vienna University Andrea Krause, Holborn Europe Refinery A J Berlanga-Gonzalez, Malaga University |
2003 / Q1 |
Evaluation of technology, chemistry and economy for increasing
middle distillate output and producing less residue, using oxygen
enrichment in fluid catalytic crackers with constrained capacity. More
Mitigating corrosion from naphthenic acid streams. |
David Johnson and Gregg R McAteer, Ondeo Nalco Energy Services Heinz Zuk, Norsk Hydro AS |
2003 / Q1 |
The authors describe how crude and side-cut analysis, laboratory and
field data lead to strategies for managing high severity operating
conditions needed for pocessing opportunity crudes. More
Oxygen contamination of hydrocarbon feedstocks |
M Vadekar, Chem Tech Consulting |
2003 / Q1 |
An examination of the detrimental effects caused by dissolved O2 and
practical solutions to control fouling, corrosion and expensive
unplanned shutdowns when processing feedstocks vulnerable to air or
oxygen ingress. More
Catalyst formulations and FCC unit performance |
Ganesh Gandham and Alok Srivastava, Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd |
2003 / Q1 |
The authors describe how careful selection of catalyst and additives
holds the key to achieving the objectives for improving naphtha RON and
throughput. Each refiner has to develop his own system for
choosing the appropriate catalyst. More
Membrane separation for producing ULS gasoline |
Jeff Balko and Gilles Bourdillon, Grace Davison Nick Wynn, Sulzer Chemtech Membrane Systems |
2003 / Q2 |
Membrane-based sulphur removal technology has emerged as a simple
and cost effective way to minimise the volume of octane-sensitive light
and intermediate FCC gasoline, avoiding capital-intensive and high
operating cost post-treatment. More
Catalytic solutions for improved performance |
Pierre-Yves Le Goff, Fabienne Le Peltier, Bruno Domergue, Axens Jean-Francois Joly, Institut Francais du Petrole (IFP) |
2003 / Q2 |
Replacement of original by new generation catalysts in four CCR
units and a fixed-bed reformer has improved selectivity and run
length. Better performance was also achieved with technology
providing more uniform catalyst distribution. More
Hydrocracking catalyst pre-activation |
Jarmila Vukovic, Daniel Neuman, Ioannis Bouchagiar, Tricat Vladimir Farkas, Slovnaft Emir Ceric, INA |
2003 / Q2 |
Case studies from two European refineries where pre-activated
catalysts were loaded with no indication of self-heating during air
exposure or of exothermic behaviour throughout the temperature range of
unit startup More
Boosting ultra low sulphur diesel margins |
Jean-Luc Rouby and Bernard Martin, Shell Global Solutions Rob van der Meij, Criterion Catalysts & Technologies |
2003 / Q2 |
For cost effective ULSD revamps, the use of technology such as
online analysers, APC and product quality management is considered
essential for finding the best solution for each processing step, for
both short- and long-term objectives. More
Amine purification system to increase crude processing |
Alfred E Keller, ConocoPhillips Inc Arthur L Cummings and Dennis K Nelsen, MPR Services Inc |
2003 / Q2 |
Bringing amine system contaminants down to low levels has reduced
operational problems and, with the use of a regenerable system for
cutting salt, hydrocarbon and solids contaminants, refinery throughput
has increased. More
Improved optimisation of a refinery crude unit |
Sesadri Ranganathan, Arold Offerman, Jossy Cijntje, Refineria ISLA Randall McFarlane and Victor Lough, Invensys |
2003 / Q2 |
A case study of real-time optimisation applied to a crude
distillation unit, and the online results that followed. The aim,
to maintain optimum economic operation against frequent feedback
changes, has also brought improved process consistency. More
Refocusing on refinery profit |
Simon Calverley, KBC Process Technology Ltd |
2004 / Q1 |
Value-generating strategies must be balanced between profit focus,
yield constraints and cost savings. Techniques presented here
consider increasing profit from yields, balanced against energy
costs. More
Improved control of fluegas emissions |
Jeffrey Sexton, Marathon Ashland Petroleum Nicholas Confuorto, Belco Technologies Corporation Michael Barrasso, BOC Process Gas Solutions |
2004 / Q1 |
A proprietary selective low temperature oxidation technology
combined with a wet scrubbing system, was applied to a refinery's FCC
unit regenerator fluegas, resulting in maximum NOx reduction with no
loss of SOx scrubbing performance. More
Balancing octane and hydrogen with ULS fuels |
Jay Ross, Axens North America |
2004 / Q1 |
Options for improving older, semi-regenerative catalytic reformers
and new CCR based reformers, combined with more effective
isomerisation, allow refiners to process straight run and cracked
stocks while adding more octane to the gasoline. More
Using process technology to increase clean fuel yields |
Vasant P Thakkar, Tom N Kalnes, Terry L Makrer, UOP LLC |
2004 / Q1 |
A new approach to the treatment of FCC feed that increases ultra low
sulphur diesel yield is shown in an Asian refinery case study.
The method breaks the link between hydrogenation and cracking functions
and offers a three-year payback. More
Approaches to alkylation: a world review |
Pamela S Pryor, Stratco. |
2004 / Q1 |
Developments in alkylation technology are being influenced by many
factors - not least, fuel specifications - and at a time when many
refiners are considering conversion of HF units for safety reasons,
alkylation capacity must be increased. More
Justification of online optimisation |
Lee Turpin, Aspen Technology Inc |
2004 / Q1 |
Defining the optimisation problem and creating a computer model to
generate benefits in different scenarios will result in a reliable
estimate of what is achievable through the implementation of online
optimisation. More
An alternative option for producing light olefins |
Amy S Len and Tony Pavone, SRI Consulting |
2004 / Q1 |
Examination of a process using a fluidised catalytic reactor system
to convert low value feedstocks into higher value propylene and
ethylene products. More
Direct-coupled cyclone and feed injection |
RJ Glendinning and HL McQuiston ABB Lummus Global |
1996 / Q4 |
Retrofitting key technology elements in vintage FCC units can bring
many of the economic benefits associated with the use of advanced
technologies. Commercial operating data demonstrate the yield
benefits achieved with Lummus direct-couples cyclone and feed injection
methods, plus fast payback. More
Solvent deasphalting and gasification to reduce fuel oil |
H David Sloan, Howard J Simons and David J Bosworth MW Kellog John Griffiths Jacobs Engineering |
1996 / Q4 |
The authors describe the technology and economics of the way a
refinery with a bisbreaker unit can reduce production of heavy fuel oil. More
High olefins feedstocks in stream reformers |
F Giacobbe, O Loiacono, G Iaquaniello, F Vinci, Kinetics Technology International (KTI) SpA |
1996 / Q4 |
Feedstocks for catalytic steam reforming include a wide group of
streams, from natural gas to LPG, naphtha and refinery
offgas. Their uses call for ever greater quantitites of
unsaturated compounds to be treated. This article shows how
feedstocks being steam reformed has solved the problem. More
Removal of trace H2S and COS from liquid streams |
Mark Doran and Dave Harpham, ICI Katalco |
1996 / Q4 |
Non-regenerable absorbents are being used increasingly in refineries
to remove small levels of sulphur impurities, such as copper strip
corrosion. Factors determining the suitability of such processes,
and some operational examples, are presented here. More
Hydrogen effects on cracking catalysts |
Hideshi Hattori, Tetsuya Shishido, Kentaro Higo, Junpei Tsuji, Takahiro Nagase, Center for Advanced Research of Energy Technology (CARET), Hokkaido Univery |
1996 / Q4 |
Catalytically active sites for cracking are formed from hydrogen
molecules, suggesting that when hydrogen is present in a reaction
mixture it affects not only hydrogenation/dehydrogenation but also
acid-catalysed cracking reaction. More
Waste organic coprocessing with coal/oil and recycling |
V R Pradhan, A G Comolli, L K Lee, G Popper, Hydrocarbon Technologies Inc |
1996 / Q4 |
A new technology has been developed for the combined processing of
organic wastes, using feedstocks such as coal and petroleum
residue. It enables clean transportation fuels and value-added
chemicals to be produced economically and in an environmentally benign
manner. More
Aluminised steels for sulphidation corrosion resistance |
George T Bayer and Kim A Wynns, Alon Processing Inc |
1996 / Q4 |
Steel tubing, piping, and vessels aluminised by the pack cementation
process can give enhanced performance and service lifetimes through
increased resistance to high-temperature sulphidation in a variety of
hydrocarbon processing operations, claim the authors. More
Economics of process analyser applications |
Derek Benke and Frank Rutzen, Benke Instrument & Elektro GmbH Alfred Rother, Verba Oel AG |
1996 / Q4 |
Data in this article are based on European conditions at the
beginning of 1996 for refineries with a distillation capacity of about
5 million tons/year. More
Troubleshooting FCCU operating problems |
Jack R Wilcox, Dennis C Kowalczyk, Robert J Campagna, Refining Process Services Inc |
1997 / Q1 |
Important FCC catalyst properties and the way they affect unit
performance are described in this article, which also reviews operating
problems that can be corrected, based on analysis and adjustment of the
catalysts' properties. More
Hydrowaxing process at Danube refinery |
Janos Gergely, Jozsef Perger, Gabriella Szalmas-Pecsvari, Hungarian Oil and Gas Co (MOL) |
1997 / Q1 |
Hungarian Oil and Gas Company has developed a distillate hydrowaxing
process for the purpose of improving the cold flow properties of heavy
gas oils by reducing C16+ normal paraffin levels. This comprises
hydrocracking over a selective catalyst which is bifunctional and
contains ZSM-5 type zeolite. More
Caustic treatment of jet fuel streams |
Patricia Forero and Felipe J Suarez, Merichem Company Abe J duPont National Petroleum Refiners of South Africa |
1997 / Q1 |
Caustic treatment of jet fuel streams using Fiber-Film Contactors
has proven to be practical and reliable, compared with conventional
systems. An acid number specification can be obtained in a single
stage using this technology. More
Meeting the next generation of motor fuels |
Geoff Tobin, Foster Wheeler Energy Ltd |
1997 / Q1 |
Clean fuels legislation, which began in the USA, has now spread to
Europe, and Asia is expected to follow. Its introduction comes at
a difficult time for refiners but short-term compliance should not
prove technically challenging. More
FCC feed preparation for improved quality |
Henyr Chung and Susan Kolbush, Ultramar Inc Emiliano de la Fuente and Preben Christensen, Haldor Topsoe. |
1997 / Q2 |
The benefits of hydrotreating heavy gas oil FCC feedstocks at
different levels of severity are discussed in this article,
particularly the operating success of a combination of processes at the
Ultramar refinery in California. More
Removal of NOX from FCCU regenerator vent gases |
Peter Brook, Bernard Hagger, John Wood, Foster Wheeler Energy |
1997 / Q2 |
Design of FCCUs has traditionally been aimed at optimising process
yields and heat recovery, but legislation on emissions from refineries
required changed investment criteria. At Sweden's Scanraff
refinery a technology that is not in common use is being applied in a
project to reduce NOx. More
Spent catalyst management |
Roger K Clifford, Chevron Research and Technology Company |
1997 / Q2 |
It is each refiner's responsibility to determine how and where to
manage spent catalysts. Options include reuse, regeneration,
metals reclamation and disposal. Government regulations differ in
each country, and they are in a state of flux - it is prudent to
consult the regulators and evaluate the options. More
Integrated refinery and power with fertiliser coproduction |
Yukihiro Kobayashi, Takeshi Yoshimitsu, Kadaba R Umesh, Toyo Engineering Corporation |
1997 / Q2 |
A means of achieving efficient utilisation of refinery residues in
developing countries for the production of power, and the coproduction
of value added product such as urea fertiliser, is described in this
article. More
Vertical integration for refineries and petrochemical units |
D H Purvis, R H Al-Shaikh, H A B Monro, Stone & Webster Canada Ltd |
1997 / Q3 |
A market-driven integrated refinery/petrochemical complex consistent
with current development plans in Asia, including India and China,
where there is strong potential for growth in demand, is described in
this article. More
Catalytic reforming: real-time planning and optimisation |
Lee E Turpin, Honeywell Hi-Spec Solutions |
1997 / Q3 |
The four basic modes of catalytic reformer operation in modern
refineries are summarised. Degrees of freedom for optimisation,
and the need for catalyst deactivation predictions and infrastructure
requirements, are also reviewed. More
Converting sulphide biologically |
Dennis sullivan and Balise Arena UOP Andre de Vegt, Cees Buisman and Albert Janssen, Paques BV |
1997 / Q3 |
The Thiopaq treating process uses a living biological organism and
ambient operating conditions in an improved approach to the handling of
spent sulphidic caustic, with moderate investment and operating costs. More
Simulation aid to main fractionator expansion |
Mark Pilling, Nutter Engineering Paul Mannion Elf Oil Ltd |
1997 / Q3 |
This article describes the simulation methods and data testing
employed to upgrade the main fractionator at Elf Milford Haven's
alkylation unit, a prime aim of which was to improve the ratio of
recycle isobutane to olefin. More
A distillate hydrotreater to meet future regulations |
Alain Pierru, Elf Oil UK Ltd Didier Duee and Christophe Virondaud, Institut Francais du Petrole
1997 / Q4 |
To keep pace with recent trends in diesel fuel, refiners must choose
processes that ensure future regulations are met. Technical solutions
with built-in flexibility are required to achieve present and future
targets, particularly in the fields of distillate hydrodesulphurisation.
Improving refinery integration |
Ryuzo Watari, Chiyoda Corporation |
1998 / Q1 |
With deregulation of electric power production, the question of how
to turn waste products of upgrading processes into assets may be
answered by the combination of the Eureka cracking process and the
Texaco Gasification Power System (TGPS). More
Reaping the rewards of an internal audit |
Brian M Moyse and Johannes Wrisberg, Haldor Topsoe David L Yeary, Phillips Petroleum Co |
1998 / Q1 |
Production of 0.05 wt% S diesel for an acceptable period of time can
present challenges. This article quantifies the effect of a
properly designed distributor to enhance catalyst contacting efficiency
which, in the refinery discussed here, produced a 45'F lower reactor
temperature and double the run length. More
Mid-barrel optimisation |
Gerald A Lambourn, AMEC Process and Energy |
1998 / Q1 |
Refiners face an unprecedented technological and economical
challenge in meeting the European Union's propsed new fuel
specifications. This article develops a planning strategy for the
typical cat cracking refinery with adequate conversion capacity. More
Revamp opportunities for isomerisation units |
Christopher Gosling, Richard Rosin, Patrick Bullen, UOP Toshio Shimizu, Cosmo Research Institute Tetsuya Imai, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries |
1998 / Q1 |
Light paraffin isomerisation technology traditionally has used
either zeolite or chlorided alumina catalysts, each with certain
weaknesses. This article reviews a new isomerisation process,
Par-Isom, based on a high performance sulphated metal catalyst which is
robust and regenerable. More
Integrated choice etherification system: Pt 2 |
Mario Marchionna and Roberto Trotta, Snamprogetti SpA |
1998 / Q1 |
The Integrated Choice Etherification System is aimed at the
production of different components. The most important features
of the etherification technologies employed, and their impact on the
reformulated gasoline pool, are outlined and discussed in this article. More
Refining trends in hydrogen and syngas |
Alan Karp and Ronald L Dickenson, SFA Pacific Inc |
1998 / Q1 |
Hydrogen demand for bottom-of-the-barrel upgrading and fuel
reformulation, together with the power-for-sale opportunities created
by deregulation and the potential for converting natural gas to liquid
products, are raising new and widespread interest in synthesis gas
generation and utilisation. More
Leuna 2000: an example of refinery plant engineering |
Peter Jabulowsky, Lurgi Ol-Gas-Chemie GmbH |
1998 / Q2 |
Leuna 2000 in Germany is the first greenfield refinery to be built
in Europe for more than 20 years. Its design, engineering and
construction is state-of-the-art technology, governed by stringent
standards, resulting in one of the most advanced, efficient and
environmentally friendly plants in the world. More
Effects of ZMS-5 zeolite additive on FCC olefin yields |
Maria Balai, Janos Forstner, Antal Katona, Szabolcs Szoboszlay, Laszlo Szirmai, MOL Hungarian Oil and Gas Company |
1998 / Q2 |
A research project aimed at developing an FCC catalyst additive to
promote octane enhancement has resulted in MAG-O - an additive with
high ZMS-5 content, making it easier for refineries to meet new
gasoline specifications. More
Quality FCC products from increasingly dirty feeds |
Gerard Heinrich and Stephane Wambergue, IFP Industrial Division |
1998 / Q2 |
Heavier FCC feedstocks and increasingly stringent emissions
regulations and motor fuel specifications have led to the integration
of pre- and post- hydrotreatment units into FCC complexes and more
controlled operations. More
Catalytic distillation to enhance gasoline quality: Part 1 |
Kerry L Rock, Richard M Foley, Hugh M Putman, Amarjit S Bakshi, Monoj Som, CD Tech |
1998 / Q2 |
Initiatives towards the improvement of gasoline motor fuel quality
means refiners must modify their processing facilities to meet higher
standards. Catalytic distillation, discussed here, offers
flexibility in fitting to existing facilities new technologies for
treatments such as gasoline sulphur reduction. More
Reducing the danger of maintenance exposure |
Andrew W Sloley, Process Consulting Services Inc. |
1998 / Q2 |
Maintenance cost overruns result from inadequate cost estimating and
the emergence of unidentified work that has to be done. Correctly
defining work in advance reduces costs, and the author discusses how
this can be done. More
Managing operating strategy affecting process reliability |
E Bradford Clark, Martin W Ball, Peter H Haar, KBC Process Technology Ltd |
1998 / Q2 |
A review of the method for combining opportunities for profit
improvement, together with processing and maintenance requirements,
with engineering practices, technologies and expertise. More
Residue hydroconversion processes - New options |
Bob Scheffer, Wim Rozema, K W Robschlager, Shell Global Solutions F A Buhrman, Shell Netherlands Refinery, Pernis |
1998 / Q3 |
The Hycon process has been operated at Shell's Pernis refinery for more than six years, and a moving bed retrofit has been developed to revamp fixed bed LR-HDS units, enabling them to handle heavier, higher metal feeds and to attain a cycle length of two years or longer. More
Two into one - a merger of neighbouring refineries |
Horst Gobel and Bernd Raabe, MiRO Mineraloelraffinerie Oberrhein GmbH |
1998 / Q3 |
It made economic sense to combine two adjacent German refineries, owned by OMW and ESSO, into one unified operation, particularly at a time of tight margins and changing market demands. The authors describe the decisions and engineering that went into the making of the MiRO, Karlsruhe, refinery. More
An advance in fixed-bed alkylation technology |
Johanna H Jonsdottir and Peter Sogaard-Andersen, Haldor Topsoe A/S |
1998 / Q3 |
Fixed-Bed Alkylation (FBA) represents a new generation of alkylation technology, evolved from proven methods in use for many years. The process described here combines the benefits of a liquid catalyst system with the advantages of a fixed-bed reactor. More
Design parameters for feed injectors |
Christopher S Grant, BP Oil International. |
1998 / Q3 |
FCC feed injector technology has advanced from being virtually a centrally mounted pipe stub at the base of the riser to an arrangement of complex radially mounted spray generators. The parameters that affect feed injector design are discussed in this article. More
Development of residue hydrocracker project |
Kenneth G Tasker, James J Colyar, Lawrence I Wisdom, IFP North America Inc |
1998 / Q3 |
Tonen Corporation of Japan started-up its first residue hydrocracker, based on the H-Oil process, last year, after completing field construction of the 25000bpsd unit in a record 13 months. This article outlines the history of the project, from technology selection to startup. More
Maximising distillate production from the FCC unit |
John Black, Jon Petrunia, Robert T Powell, KBC Advanced Technologies Inc |
1998 / Q3 |
In the heating oil season, many refiners switch from a gasoline to a distillate mode of operation of the FCC unit, to increase light cycle oil yield. There are various steps to maximise distillate production; some are discussed here. More
Catalytic distillation to enhance gasoline quality: Part II |
R M Foley, K L Rock, A Bakshi, W Groten, G Gildert, D Weidert, T McGuirk, CDTech
1998 / Q3 |
European regulations covering gasoline quality standards have moved on since Part I of this article appeared in the last issue. With further reductions in sulphur levels now likely, a comparison of catalytic distillation (CD) and conventional technology in benzene reduction is discussed. More
FCC and visbreaker integration to improve bottom conversion |
D Bhattacharyya, S Mandal, S K Das, N S Raman, A K Das, S K Shah, B S Rawat, S Makhija, S Ghosh, Indian Oil Corporation Ltd |
1998 / Q4 |
It is impossible to enhance the overall conversion of heavy petroleum residues in the refinery by integrating the visbreaker with FCC/hydrocracker. The integration involves the separation of heavy gasoil/vacuum gasoil cut from visbroken residue and processing in the FCC/hydroracker. More
Fluidised bed coking - utilising bottom of the barrel |
D S McCaffrey, D G Hammond, V R Patel, Exxon Research and Engineering Company |
1998 / Q4 |
Recent economic studies have indicated that Fluidised Bed Coking could be an attractive option for maximising use of the bottom of the barrel. It is described as a continuous and relatively low cost thermal conversion process. More
Recovery of olefins from refinery offgases |
Margaret M Shreehan, ABB Lummus Global Inc |
1998 / Q4 |
Low pressure recovery of refinery offgases is discussed in this article, describing the Lummus process which eliminates the multi-stage feed gas compressor yet maintains over 90 per cent recovery of ethylene while cutting capital cost and reducing energy consumption. More
Tapping capacity potentials for residue FCC |
Tsing Wu, Zhenhai Refining & Chemical Co Ltd |
1998 / Q4 |
An innovative approach to eliminate bottlenecks on a residue FCC unit has resulted in much-increased tapping capacity. The fluidisation quality and catalysis circulation after the revamp, together with the technical transformation and an economic analysis, are discussed in this article. More
Sulphuric acid recovery from sulpurous waste streams |
Ole Rud Bendixen, Haldor Topsoe A/S |
1998 / Q4 |
The WSA process is a catalytic system for producing concentrated sulphuric acid from any sulphur-containing offgas, without the use of chemicals. Among its uses in refineries has been treatment of hydrotreater sour gases and onsite regeneration of spent sulphuric acid from alkylation. More
Results from an ex-situ presulphiding process |
Daniel J Neuman, Hans Klaver, Brunu, Laakmann, Wolfgang, Schnabel, G Karl Simper, TRICAT |
1998 / Q4 |
Commercial tests have been completed on a system which presulphides hydroprocessing catalyst before it is loaded. XpresS-treated catalyst is loaded in air into the hydroprocessing unit. Startup is simplified, and results show the presulphided catalyst is as active as those sulphided in-situ. More
Thermal use of residues in a combined heat and power plant |
Werner Auel, Wolfgang Benesch, Hannes Reichel, Lurgi Lentjes Service GmbH |
1998 / Q4 |
The major Leuna refinery complex in Germany is now drawing its energy from a heat and power plant specially built for the purpose. The authors describe features of its design and experience gained in its operation. More
Refining hydroprocessing strategies |
Rene G Gonzalez, PTQ
2005 / Q4 |
No room for error: planning and implementation of refinery strategies
for optimal hydrotreating performance, hydrogen utilisation and
sulphur-recovery unit expansion. More
Optimising cooling water systems |
Daniel A Meier, Nalco Energy Services LP
2005 / Q4 |
An integrated approach to chemical treatment can improve reliability, reduce costs and extend the life of cooling systems. Cooling system problems can be overcome by combining cooling water programs with analytical tools.
Delayed coking advances |
Rick Wodnik, ConocoPhillips Gary C Hughes, Consultant
2005 / Q4 |
New technologies and procedures for building and upgrading delayed coking facilities are enhancing health, safety and the environment while increasing economic viability.
EU regulations on the horizon |
Frank M Bohnen and Timothy J Dougan, Davison Catalysts
2005 / Q4 |
Recent commercial applications in Europe and elsewhere have demonstrated that additives can effectively and reliably control both SOx and NOx emissions to very low levels, thus helping refiners to comply with new EU regulations.
Benchmarking FCCU performance |
Warren Letzsch, Stone & Webster Engineering Inc
2005 / Q4 |
The value of upgrades to FCCU riser nozzles, cyclones, stripper and other key mechanical components is estimated in terms of yields, capacity, environmental objectives and reliability.
Supply chain logistics challenges |
Stephen Clark, Honeywell Process Solutions
2005 / Q4 |
Integrating the complexities of multi-site refinery supply chain logistics using advanced forecasting, planning and scheduling tools gave one refining company the ability to monitor its supply chain in real-time or near real-time.
Optimising FCC profitability |
Xia Rong'an, Liu Huaiyuan, Wu Kai and Guo Jian, PetroChina Corporation Lanzhou Petrochemical Company David He and Solly Ismail Engelhard Corporation
2005 / Q4 |
The use of additives has helped a chinese refinery to yield increased profitability of more than $3 million per year by transforming low-valued slurry into high-valued gasoline.
Advantages of partial-burn regenerators |
Rene Samson, Huub Dries, Ye-Mon chen and Paul Willbourne, Shell Global Solutions International BV
2005 / Q4 |
Single-stage partial-burn FCC regenerators can provide a low-cost residue processing option for high flexibility and low emissions. Examples of specific solutions include improved cyclone designs and catalyst circulation enhancement technology.
Recovering base oils from lubricants |
W A Gorman Jr, SwRI Detlev Bruhnke, Mineralol Raffinerie
2005 / Q4 |
A process to separate light ends, catalyst, base oils and asphalt extender from used lubricating oil. The underlying principles of the process are the cyclonic vacuum flash and minimisation of the exposure of the oil to high temperatures.
A new approach to FCC unit optimisation |
Terry L Goolsby and Howard F Moore, Ashland Petroleum Company Dennis C Kowalczyk, Refining Process Services Tiffin E Johnson, Mario L Zampieri, B Karl Bussey, The M W Kellogg Company
1997 / Q4 |
The MagnaCat process for removing spent catalyst uses permanent
magnets to separate metal-laden particles from newer ones, enabling the
refiner to return the most active FCC catalyst particles to the unit,
with economic benefits.
Debottlenecking options and optimisation |
Donald F Schneider, Stratus Engineering Inc
1997 / Q4 |
Debottlenecking continues to be a viable option for enhancing unit
performance - altering existing facilities has less risk and, often,
reduced cost compared to new construction. Today's technology
makes the necessary prior assessments and evaluation easier than ever
to make.
Cost effective production of environmental distillate fuels. |
Dilip Dave and Justin Swain, Criterion Catalyst Co Ltd
Mario Baldasari, ABB Lummus Global Inc. With co-authors
1997 / Q4 |
The SynSat process of customised diesel hydroprocessing has been
used in a variety of circumstances since the beginning of the Nineties,
and in this article its commercial effectiveness in three different
refineries is analysed.
MTBE and alkylate via the Isoether process: Part I |
Roberto Trotta and Mario Marchionna, Snamprogetti SpA
1997 / Q4 |
The Isoether Dimerisation/Etherification Process (DEP) produces at
the same time IsooctaneGas, an isooctane-based high quality alkylate,
and MTBE or ETBE, thereby greatly enhancing the flexibility of these
Hydroprocessing solutions to Euro diesel specifications |
D Farshid, A J Dahlberg, S J Nutting, D V Law, A S Krishna, Chevron Products Company
2000 / Q1 |
In anticipation of new diesel specifications in Europe, a technology has been developed which claims low initial investment but maintains maximum flexibility in upgrading.
Crystallisation technique to simplify dewaxing |
Vicente A Citarella, Evelino A Ruibal, Sam Zaczepinski, Exxon Research and Engineering Co Brent E Beasley, Exxon Research and Development Laboratories
2000 / Q1 |
A spherical wax-crystal structure described produces higher lube dewaxed oil yeilds and filter rates, and allows refined wax production by warming the dewaxing slack wax to deoiling temperature - without recrystallisation
Ammonium bi-sulphide corrosion in hydrocrackers |
Walid A Al-Naim, Saudi Aramco
2000 / Q1 |
Factors in the corrosion of effluent condensers in hydrocrackers are the subject of this article, which includes a case study of the problems experienced at Riyadh refinery, Saudi Arabia, and the corrective actions that were taken.
A novel approach to attain new fuel specifications |
Alain Billon, Frederic Morel, Institut Francais du Petrole John Duddy and Lawrence I Wisdom, IFP North America |
2000 / Q1 |
The authors describe a novel T-Star-based approach that can be used to meet new low sulphur fuel specifications and allow refiners to significantly increase their diesel to gasoline production ratio.
Optimal management of catalytic operations |
Frederic Girardier, Eurecat SA Eric Gaillard, Petroval SA
2000 / Q1 |
A review of the technical and financial advantages of the services - offsite and onsite - that are available to help refiners keep down costs and obtain the best performance from catalyst management.
Competitive advantage with process safety management |
N H Kosaric, Bahrain Petroleum Company
2000 / Q1 |
In a proactive philosophy of refinery management, all personnel-operating, maintenance and engineering - need to be mobilised to identify potential problems and to cooperatte in a strategy that prevents them from happening.
Hydroprocessing atmospheric and vacuum residues |
Pascal Tromeur, Isabell Guibard, Virginie Harle, IFP Martin Pike, Procatalyse
2000 / Q2 |
A description of the way in which the Hyvahl technology for atmospheric and vacuum residue hydroprocessing associates a permutable reactor system with a novel HDS catalyst for improving run length and product quality.
Improvements in paraffin isomerisation catalysts |
Sebastien Decker and Raphael E Gall, TotalFina
2000 / Q2 |
A high active catalyst has been developed for the isomerisation of low octane C5/C6 light naphthas into high octane products, and for the isomerisation of butane to produce isobutane for alkylation and synthesis of MTBE. They are aimed to be a cost-effective way of debottlenecking for future specifications.
Synergy effect of improved accessibility catalysts |
Luiz Fernando Leite and Claudio Remeo Schlosser, Petrobras SA Jose Geraldo F Ramos, Fabrica Carioca de Catalisadores SA King Yen Yung, Akzo Nobel Catalysts BV
2000 / Q2 |
An FCC catalyst technology has been developed which enhances the accessibility of large molecules to the functional sites and the egress of reaction products.
Crude unit revamp to increase diesel yield |
Tony Barletta, Process Consulting Services Inc Matthew Smith and Catherine Macfarlane, Caltex Refineries NSW
2000 / Q2 |
An account of a crude vacuum unit revamp in which detailed calculation of the true performance of existing equipment, plus a realistic calculation of the benefits a revamp would bring, raised diesel production by 14.5 vol% on crude.
Environmental catalytic cracking technology |
Steven W Davey, Grace Davison
2000 / Q2 |
Catalytic technologies for the control of Nox and SOx have been developed and commercially proven in a number of different FCC units around the world. They provide a low-cost route for environmental compliance.
An advanced asphaltene pelletisation process |
Murugesan Subramanian and Jon Moretta, Kellogg Brown & Root Inc
Rick Bloom and Michael Martin, The Devco Companies
2000 / Q3 |
A description of a new process for pelletising asphaltene from solvent deasphalters to produce solid asphaltene pellets with a higher heating value, and which are claimed to have improved fuel properties over petroleum coke.
A method for improving plant reliability |
Gert Koppen, Det Norske Veritas
2000 / Q3 |
Risk Based Inspection methodology allows risk to be measured in terms of personal safety, damage to equipment, environmental damage and business or financial impact. The author describes its development and effectiveness. More
A less expensive route to IGCC power generation |
James S Falsetti and Richard A De Puy, Texaco Power and Gasification Daniel Brdar and Ashok Anand, General Electric Power Systems Jerry Paolino, Praxair Inc
2000 / Q3 |
A report an an exercise to harness the technologies of three companies, in the refining and power industries, to establish a more cost effective way of producing electric power from integrated gasification combined cycle.
Aiming for safe plant design and operation |
Adrian Fletcher and Fabrizio Gambetti, Snamprogetti SpA
2000 / Q3 |
A look at the reasons behind the development of the IEC-61508 standard, with a description of the techniques that can be used for integrity level evaluation.
Long-life flare tips - a challenge to old notions |
J Keith McCartney, Kaldair Inc
2000 / Q3 |
Several refinery operators have had to reexamine preconceived ideas about flare performance and maintenance requirements, with the result that they are looking at flare tips with a new awareness
Integrating a refinery and petrochemical complex |
Partha Maitra, Reliance Petroleum Ltd John Folkers, UOP LLC Peter Coles, Bechtel Ltd
2000 / Q4 |
An account of the planning and organisation that went into a project to converge the operations of a combined 540 000bpd refinery and petrochemical plant, thereby minimising processing costs and optimising product distribution.
Upgrading heavy oil using iron/active carbon catalyst |
Satoshi Terai and Hidetsugu Bukuyama, Toyo Engineering Corporation (TEC) Kaoru Fujimoto, University of Tokyo
2000 / Q4 |
Iron/active carbon catalyst has effectively cracked heavy residual oil, restricting formation of asphaltene and suppressing coke formation at higher conversions under low hydrogen pressure. It also showed strong activity in sulphur removal.
Solvent deasphalting and gasification: a synergy |
Andrea Bernetti and Mauro De Franchis, ERG Petroli SpA Jon C Moretta and Pankaj M Shah, Kellogg Brown & Root Inc
2000 / Q4 |
An analysis of the different refinery bottoms processing schemes, identifying configurations that produce the lowest cost feedstock for the integrated gasification combined cycle complex while maximising refinery profitability.
Processing feedstock having high nitrogen content |
Ruichi Zhang, Research Institute of Petroleum Processing, Sinopec
2000 / Q4 |
A description of the way in which the denitrogenate catalytic cracking (DNCC) process can abate the contamination of basic nitrogen in cracking catalyst, and also increase FCC conversion and gasoline octane number.
Hydrogen: innovative business solutions |
Graham Phillips, Foster Wheeler Energy Ltd
2000 / Q4 |
The author presents a systematic approach to the problems that follow from the increasing demand for hydrogen in the search for clean, low sulphur fuels - and which can result in greater CO2 emissions which refinereis are anxious to reduce. More
Retaining know-how with Knowledge Management |
Laurence M Myers, RWD Technologies
2000 / Q4 |
Economic pressurs tempting plants to delay turnarounds means that some of their most experienced operators will have moved on by the time their expertise is needed. The author describes how Knowledge Management can anticipate this.
Troubleshotting FCC standpipe operations |
Joseph W Wilson, Barnes & Click Inc
2000 / Q4 |
An outline of the fundamentals of standpipe flow - the author discusses problems often encountered in standpipes, diagnostic tools that can be used to identify the nature of the problem and possible corrective actions that can be taken.
Revamp options for improved diesel |
Gary L Hamilton, ABB Lummus Global Bert van der Linde, Shell Global Solutions
Dave DiCamillo, Criterion Catalyst Company
2001 / Q1 |
Integration of cocurrent and countercurrent reactor systems into existing hydrotreaters makes various revamp options possible, providing opportunities for meeting changing specifications for diesel.
Implications of producing ultra low sulphur diesel |
Bradford L Bjorklund, Timothy L Heckel, Neil D Howard, David A Lindsay, David J Piasecki, UOP LLC
2001 / Q1 |
The practical implications of producing an ultra low sulphur diesel (ULSD) are reviewed in this article. The authors define ULSD as a diesel transportation fuel with 5ppm or less of sulphur and with no other specification changes imposed.
Calculating atmospheric residue FCC product slate |
William Gilbert, Claudia Baptista, Marco Antonio Teixeira, Petrobras
2001 / Q1 |
A set of atmospheric residues was cracked in a circulating riser pilot plant and the results interpreted with the help of a process simulation model. New heavy feed properties were identified as being important factors in product yield prediction.
Hydrocracking: past, present and future |
David V Law, Chevron Texaco
2001 / Q1 |
Modern hydrocracking continues its importance as a refining process of choice in the current era of rapidly changing product specifications, particularly for transportation fuels. Its process and catalyst characteristics are reviewed here.
Beating pressure drop with a trash baskets redesign |
Byron G Johnson, Phillips Petroleum Company Brian M Moyse and Kenneth Lee Smith, Haldor Topsoe Inc
2001 / Q1 |
Unscheduled turnarounds of hydrotreaters can be expensive in terms of catalyst and manpower costs, as well as the value of lost production. The authors describe how a refiner saved three such turnarounds per year on a naphtha hydrotreater.
Oxygen enrichment to reduce Nox emissions |
Kirk Limbach, Satish Tamhankar, Subodh Ganguly, Vijay Balse, Raghu Menon, Ram Ramachandran, BOC Gases
2001 / Q1 |
An account of studies of the effect of FCC regenerator oxygen enrichment on NOx and SO2 emissions, showing that oxygen enrichment significantly decreases NOx emissions and those of SO2 when SOx transfer agent is present. More
Catalyst management for ultra low sulphur gasoil |
Constant Bruyninckx, Belgian Refining Corporation Daniel J Neuman, Maarten van Vliet, G Karl Semper, Tricat Companies
2001 / Q1 |
By purchasing high quality regenerated catalyst rather than regenerating its own catalyst during turnaround, a Belgian refinery was able to reduce downtime from 12 days to six and also shorten startup with the XpresS presulphiding process.
FCC cyclones - a vital element in profitability |
Robert McAuley, Shell UK Oil Products Huub Driess, Shell Global Solutions International
2001 / Q2 |
When it was found that standard cyclone designs did not always work reliably, an extensive development programme was initiated to design and produce cyclone systems specifically to form part of a refinery's overall FCC operations.
Advanced recycle paraffin isomerisation technology |
Bruno Domergue, IFP Industrial Division
Russel Matthews, Holborn Europa Raffinerie GmbH
2001 / Q2 |
An examination of how combining chlorinated catalyst, molecular sieves and well designed process configurations can maximise the value of C5/C6 streams. A case study outlines a refinery's programme for meeting Euro 2005 specifications.
Preventing salt fouling in FCC main fractionators |
David O Martin, Nalco/Exxon Energy Chemicals
Richard O Allen, Texaco Ltd
2001 / Q2 |
Results of using sale dispersant additives on a badly fouled FCC unit has shown that the method allows refiners to avoid more costly methods of naphtha fractionation and, potentially, water washing of the main fractionator.
Steady state simulator to monitor treater performance |
Michael C Hu and Robert T Powell, KBC Advanced Technologies Naoki Yomoji and Danichiro Ohshima, Kashima Oil Company
2001 / Q2 |
A description of a procedure used successfully at a Japanese refinery in which a steady state hydrotreater model was used to monitor the effects of feed quality, so that changes in key process factors could be matched against catalyst age.
Economic treattment options for effluent caustics |
Malcolm G Sharpe and Ramiro G Vazquez, Merichem Chemicals and Refinery Services LLC
2001 / Q2 |
The authors describe how selective application of technologies involving partial oxidation, total oxidation and deep neutralisation could add value to caustic streams while meeting environmental quality standards.
An economic approach to future fuel specifications |
Jorg Reinhard, Veba Oel Verarbeitungs GmbH Ulrich Balfanz, Aral Forschung FDT
2001 / Q2 |
In anticipation of the extra burden forthcoming fuel specifications will impose on the industry, a joing venture in Germany has gone ahead with a project to convert a surplus heating oil based stream to high-value petrochemical feedstock.
Treating options to meet clean fuel challenges |
Rik B Miller, Aristides Macris and Arthur R Gentry, Kellogg Brown & Root Inc |
2001 / Q2 |
The multiple challenges of meeting fuel specifications and upgrading low value streams, such as LCO and heavy naphtha, call for a comprehensive understanding of various hydroprocessing options. This article discusses some of them.
Using laboratory lessons to maximise profitability |
Steven J Yanik, Akzo Nobel Catalysts
2001 / Q3 |
A review of the progress made in catalyst evaluation methods, brought about by the formulation of new and improved testing equipment and methodology plus an understanding of the mechanisms driving catalyst deactivation processes.
A hydrocracking strategy for a competitive market |
P Marion, D Duee, E Benazzi, IFP
2001 / Q3 |
A description of a novel hydrocracking technology that offers refiners a cost effective way of complying with European 2005 diesel specifications, taking into account new configurations necessary to meet capacity and quality targets.
Hydrocracking solutions for reducing sulphur |
D R Cash, A S Krishna, D Farshid, G J Forder, Chevron Products Company Laszlo Toth, MOL Hungarian Oil & Gas Edmund Monkiewicz, Rafineria Gdanska
2001 / Q3 |
A growing requirement to produce higher yields of high quality products call for significant modifications to many of the world's singe-stage hydrocrackers. How two refineries successfully met this challenge is discussed by the authors.
FCC catalyst technology for maximum residue upgrading |
James R D Nee, Paul A Diddams, Steven S Paloumbis, Grace Davison
2001 / Q3 |
New zeolite and matrix components, designed with high intrinsic stability and low delta coke and metals tolerance properties, have demonstrated an ability to process high boiling range feedstocks, with improved FCC gasoline quality.
Bioslurping treatment for subsurface contamination |
E Gidarakos and J Thomas, Battelle Ingenieurtechnik GmbH I Gaglias and D Lambrinoudis, Hellenis Petroleum Aspropyrgos Refinery
2001 / Q3 |
An unconventional bioremedial technology has been used to clean up the contamination of subsoil and ground water resulting from a refinery's leaking oil tanks, at the same time achieving a cost effective recovery for lost product.
Ultra low sulphur - low aromatic diesel |
Alain P Lamourelle and Douglas E Nelson, Haldor Topsoe Inc Jerry McKnight, San Joaquin Refining Inc
2001 / Q3 |
Moves to minimise sulphur emissions are causing refiners to consider more active hydrodesulphurisation catalysts in revamp projects. For obtaining ultra low diesel, the authors discuss the benefits of NiMo and CoMo catalyst combinations.
Selective H2S removal for the refining industry |
Harald Linga, Erik Nilsen, Finn P Nilsen, Framo Purification Per Age Sorum, Sigfred Johansen, Tore Pedersen, Statoil Mongstad Refinery
2001 / Q3 |
An account of the development and testing of a unit designed to remove H2S more efficiently from offgas process streams. The authors conclude that it enables offgases to be purified to an exceptional level with minimum CO2 co-absorption
Overcoming constraints to maximise FCCU feed rates |
John Black and Jon Petrunia, KBC Advanced Technologies Inc
2001 / Q4 |
A discussion of the typical restraints encountered in FCC operation and the methods available to alleviate them, specifically through changes in operation or catalyst, or both - the objective being to increase the fresh feed to the FCC unit.
Getting the maximum from hydroprocessing reactors |
Justin Swain, Criterion Catalyst & Technology Co Marja Zonnevylle, Shell Global Solutions Int Dieter Pohl and Franz Geerdes, SRS Salzbergen
2001 / Q4 |
Recent advances in hydrotreater catalyst formulations mean that, with careful attention to distributor design and other mass transfer improvements, it is possible to effectively overcome reactor volume limitations.
Meeting the low sulphur mogas challenge |
Norman H Sweed and Edward S Ellis, ExxonMobil Research & Engineering Company
2001 / Q4 |
Aimed at helping refiners to understand the issues in selecting the appropriate technology for meeting new limitations on sulphur in gasoline, this article reviews current and future specifications and offers a range of available options.
High capacity distillation revamps |
Daryl Hanson and Edward Hartman, Process Consulting Services Inc
2001 / Q4 |
A review of fundamental tray design principles used to increase column capacity. It is argued that understanding how high-capacity trays work assists in the selection and design process and can also help in the avoidance of failures.
Benzene reduction in naphtha catalytic reforming |
Rafael Larraz, University of La Laguna
2001 / Q4 |
Refiners in Europe and elsewhere are having to deal with new specifications for gasoline, which are likely to be followed by even tougher regulations in the future, including benzene and aromatics restrictions affecting naphtha reforming.
Online gasoline and gasoil blending optimisation |
C Bozzini, C Swart, H van de Kamp, Invensys Process Systems M Sinatra, G Di Battista, G Petrillo, D Longhitano, ERG Petroli SpA
2001 / Q4 |
Rising crude oil prices and proliferating regulations have persuaded a major European refinery to increase the efficiency of its product blending and offsites operations by replacing analogue controls with a new computerised system.
Comparison of clean diesel production technologies |
C K Lee and Steve McGovern, PetroTech Consultants
2002 / Q1 |
Technology is available for meeting 15ppmw sulphur for road transport diesel, but technologies required to produce ultra low sulphur diesel are not necessarily the same as those for producing diesel with high cetane and low polyaromatics.
Revamping conceptual process design |
Tony Barletta and Gary Martin, Process Consulting Services Inc
2002 / Q1 |
With the desirability of getting the maximum use out of existing equipment when revamps are planned - not least to minimise investment costs - a rigorous approach to CPD is required to avoid scope growth.
New developments in resid hydroprocessing |
K Fujita, S Abe, Y Inoue, Nippon Ketjen Co Ltd F L Plantenga and B Leliveld, Akzo Nobel Catalysts
2002 / Q1 |
A comparison of fixed bed and ebullated bed hydroprocessing rom the viewpoint of the process and sediment formation. The authors also look at new grades of catalysts for fixed bed and ebullated bed units.
Understanding gas treating fundamentals |
James L Jenkins and Randy Haws, CCR Technologies Inc
2002 / Q1 |
While much is being placed on the study of conversion and hydroprocessing units, refiners are finding that primary amine units and associated sulphur plants require study and optimisation to meet the new environmental challenges.
Cost benefit evaluation of risk-based maintenance |
Klaus Stucker, Dagmar Kalkhof, Ludwig Hoin, Wilhelmshavener Raffinerie GmbH Jurgen Hofmann, DNV Germany GmbH
2002 / Q1 |
A cost effective maintenance strategy is of prime importance to the profitability of a refinery. This article compares various strategies - like condition-based maintenance and reliability-centred maintenance - with risk-based maintenance.
Using surplus equipment in hydroprocessing units |
Weldon H Lybarger and Gerald D Lamb, Mustang Engineers and Constructors
2002 / Q1 |
An exmination of the economics, maintenance considerations, design and other questions in purchasing used versus new equipment for plants, not only in revamps but also for installation in new grassroots facilities.
Effect of feed properties on FCC unit performance |
Robert J Campagna, Dennis C Kowalczyk, Jack R Wilcox, Refining Process Services Inc
2002 / Q1 |
Hydrotreating FCC feed is a viable option for refiners wishing to produce ultra low sulphur gasoline and diesel fuels, and the economics are superior to product-treating, say the authors, but they warn of the high capital costs that this entails.
FCC refinery solutions for the European market |
L A Lacijan, M W Schnaith, P J Van Opdorp, S G Simpson, J G Woodwock, UOP
2002 / Q2 |
The authors look at the options available to refiners for meeting the latest legislative constraints, the trend towards greater diesel fuel demand and changes in refined product ratios and values.
Inventing the future in RFCC catalysts |
S J Yanik (Singapore), A Humphries and R Pinto (USA), R Fletcher (Netherlands), Akzo Nobel Catalysts
2002 / Q2 |
Individual innovations to improve RFCC catalysts, the authors believe, must be an open process and combined to produce continuous development: a wall of secrecy around new developments only serves to constrain future advancement.
Clean Fuels: online analysers and laboratory methods |
Robert J Schaefer and Kathryn Brtko, BP Chuck Lieder, Equilon
2002 / Q2 |
Analytical laboratories in the USA, charged with testing refineries' produced fuels, are having to cope with current and future government specifications that will demand far more complex analaytical methodology.
Controlling fluegas emissions |
Nicholas Confuorto and Edwin H Weaver, Belco Technologies Corporation
2002 / Q2 |
This article reviews the latest developments in a wet scrubbing system that is used to reduce particulate SO2 and SO3 within one simple process. It can be applied as a particulate-only device and later be converted to particulate and SOx.
Meeting the demands of low sulphur gasoline |
E S Ellis, J P Greeley, E M Roundtree, T J Davis, T R Halbert, G F Stunz, G B Brignac, ExxonMobil Research and Engineering Company
2002 / Q2 |
The refining industry has not been slow in developing and making use of new processes and catalysts designed to reduce sulphur levels in gasoline, and so meet burgeoning clean air regulations. This article reviews one such technology.
A flexible approach to refinery olefin alkylation |
Andrew R Tyas and Tony Parker, Stratco Ltd
2002 / Q2 |
Safety issues concerning HF alkylation units, combined with incentives to process a wider range of olefin feedstock has resulted in options for converting these units to sulphuric acid technology.
Getting total performance with hydrotreating |
Didier Duee, Dominique Admaski, Michel Dorbon, Axens Magalie Roy-Auberger and Clementina Lopez-Garcia, IFP
2002 / Q2 |
If the most refractory compounds are to be treated successfully, say the authors, new hydrogenation mechanisms must be considered. Refiners need to prepare for probable - as well as certain - legislation in the middle distillate fuel market.
Rigorous hydrotreater simulation |
Michael C Hu, KBC Advanced Technologies Zbigniew Ring, Jenny Briker, Mure Te, National Centre for Upgrading Technology
2002 / Q2 |
The authors describe an integratd approach to dealing with the complexities of producing ultra low sulphur diesel, involving analytical support and process research as well as computer simulation.
Advances in residue upgrading technology |
G Phillips, Foster Wheeler Energy Ltd
2002 / Q2 |
A combination of mature technology and innovative catalyst design and process improvements provide the flexibility to upgrade heavier feeds, while the search continues to make mature residue upgrading technologies truly cost effective.
Catalyst management to improve profitability |
Glenn W Guglietta, Gautham Krishnaiah, Alan C Kramer, E Thomas Habib, Davison Refining Services
2002 / Q3 |
The authors describe a catalyst managment tool for improving FCCU profitability where metal variations affect operating conditions and addition rates. It is argued that refiners have the opportunity to increase their margins considerably.
Best practices for producing ultra low sulphur diesel |
Sal Torrisi, Dave DiCamillo, Richard Street, Criterion Catalysts & Technologies Tom Remans, Shell International Chemicals Research Jahn Svendsen, Shell Global Solutions
2002 / Q3 |
This article presents a methodology for approaching low sulphur diesel design with low pressure reactor solutions. It reviews commercial cases showing proven best practices can be applied to existing hydroprocessing assets to produce ULSD.
Refinery energy efficiency and environmental goals |
Zoran Milosevic and Wade Cowart, KBC Process Technology
2002 / Q3 |
Cheaper fuels do not always reduce costs, say the authors, and an alternative is cogeneration. It is argued that fuel saving programmes and cogeneration, applied worldwide, could reduce world fuel consumption by some 26 million tons a year.
Fluid catalytic cracking: meeting the challenges |
Warren Letzsc, Stone & Webster Inc |
2002 / Q3 |
The key to survival in the face of incresing pressures on refineries is adaptability, says the author, and from fuels to fine chemicals, refiners can diversify their product portfolios with a variety of FCCU improvements.
Foam control methods in delayed cokers |
Lawrence N Kremer, Baker Petrolite Timothy G Hueston, Dow Corning
2002 / Q3 |
Injection of high viscosity PDMS fluids for controlling the buildup of foam in delayed cokers reduces costs while at the same time increasing capacity and maintaining downstream quality control.
Managing the molecule: an update on 2005 |
Simon C Clarke, Foster Wheeler Energy Ltd
2002 / Q3 |
An overall look at the opportunities for gas-to-liquids projects in Europe as tighter gasoline and diesel specifications loom. The author comments that refiners are beginning to run out of options, but are also using some successful strategies.
Continuous catalytic process for diesel desulphurisation |
Brian Turk, Raghubir Gupta, Blaise Arena, Research Triangle Institute.
2002 / Q3 |
With the production of ultra low sulphur diesel now threatening to become a major investment cost for refineries, work is going ahead on a technology that can be used to desulphurise naphtha and diesel in the vapour phase.
Improvements to increase fuel capacity and quality |
Christopher F Dean, Saudi Aramco Jay L Ross, Axens, IFP Group Technologies
2002 / Q4 |
By using staged technology upgrades, fuels production at the Jiddah refinery in Saudi Arabia was expanded and quality improved, meeting market and regulatory criteria, at the same time mitigating capital constraints.
Catalytic reduction of nitrous oxide emissions |
Timothy J Dougan and J Robert Riley, Davison Catalysts
2002 / Q4 |
An account of how interactions of unit-specific operating variables, combustion promoters and additives on high temperature fluegasees will affect environmental objectives. Novel catalytic additives can effectively reduce NOx emissions.
Operating an FCCU at multiple constraints |
Greg Tragitt and Gloria Chukman, KBC Advanced Technologies
2002 / Q4 |
Integration of an FCCU operational model within a rigorous refinery-wide flow sheet, incorporating the use of software for process modelling, say the authors, enables refineries to increase profitability without the need for capital investment.
Delayed coker design and project execution |
Ram Malik and Gary L Hamilton, ABB Lummus Global Inc
2002 / Q4 |
This article presents insights into the key considerations for residue upgrading and details some of the advances in technology, including online computer control and an innovative water management/coke recovery system.
Neural software to estimate vacuum residue quality |
Francesca Faranda and Alberto Servida University of Genoa Nicoletta Aloi Iplom Refinery
2002 / Q4 |
Efficient implementation of control and optimisation systems depends on the online product quality index of residue from a vacuum unit operating in asphalt mode.
Global clean fuels and the Middle East |
Leslie P Antalffy, Claus-Peter Haelsig, George West, Fluor Daniel
2002 / Q4 |
The Kyoto Protocol has been one of the drivers, together with mounting regulations and a variety of environmental issues, behind the efforts being made by refiners in the Middle East to develop more cost effective technology.
Flash drum options and systems |
Alan Goelzer and Alan Ganster, Jacobs Engineering Group Inc
2002 / Q4 |
An explanation of the optimised interactions between flash drum and stripper in diesel HDS and light distillate hydrotreaters. The authors point out that selection of a flash drum option is an important element in revamps and new unit designs.
New options for flexible hydrocracking |
Han Chongren, Fang Xiangchen, Shao Jingchun, FRIPP/Sinopec
2002 / Q4 |
Refiners in China are having to tackle problems on two fronts: a growing demand for gasoline and diesel in an expanding national economy, against a raft of new regulations. One answer has been the development of a new hydrotreatment.
Rigorous process simulation for troubleshooting |
C S L Narasimhan, Kaushik Basak, R P Verma, Indian Oil Corporation Ltd
2002 / Q4 |
A case study demonstrating the operational improvements obtained in using rigorous process simulation for pointing out specific conversion problems in the second stage reactor of a refinery's hydrocracker unit.
Adding value to FCC operations |
Solly ismail and Eugenio Macaluso, Engelhard Corporation
2005 / Catalysis |
Three case studies demonstrate how a distributed matrix
structure-based additive enables the conversion of low-valued
heavy-cycle oil and slurry into gasoline and LPG.
Catalyst catastrophes in hydrogen plants |
John R Brightling, Peter V Broadhurst and Mike P Roberts, Johnson Matthey Catalysts
2006 / Q1 |
Processing mishaps can occur if catalyst is placed in abnormal conditions. These catastophes include temperature runaways, the formation of toxic nickel carbonyl, steam-reforming disasters, unplanned exotherms and side reactions.
Improving gas flow measurement |
Dave Ferguson and Simon Xu, Quest TruTec LP
2006 / Q1 |
An on-site gas meter proving method, based on the radioactive tracer pulse velocity technique, can help reduce gas flow rate measurement errors, especially in large-diamter pipelines in natural gas transmission and refinery flare systems.
Increasing FCC propylene |
M Lesemann, W C Cheng, James R D Nee, Sergio Sobrinos and Gordon H McElhiney, Grace Davison Refining Technologies.
2006 / Q1 |
ZSM-5-based catalysts are being used in FCCUs to increase propylene yields by as much at 15%. Case studies demonstrate technology capable of providing coke - or LPG - constrained FCCUs more flexibility to improve propylene yields.
Meeting Euro IV fuel specifications |
Georgy Andonov, stefan Petrov, Dicho Stratiev, Lukoil Neftochim Bourgas AD Per Zeuthen, Haldor Topsoe A/S
2006 / Q1 |
Pretreating technology and special catalysts can help refiners meet the current and forthcoming European environmental regulations and improve their FCCU performance. HDS and MHC modes of pretreater operation are compared.
Octanizing reformer options |
Bruno Domergue and Pierre-Yves le Goff, Axens
Jay Ross, Axens NA
2006 / Q1 |
Staged investment and reformer technology improvement strategies are available for increasing hydrogen production, cycle time and reliability. Options include revamps to SR reformers and hybrid SR/CCR Dualformers, as well as new CCR unit investments.
Increasing crude unit preheat |
Scott W Golden & Steve White, Process Consulting Services Inc |
2006 / Q1 |
Cost-effective exchanger network solutions, designed to increase crude
preheat temperature and reduce energy consumption, need to rely on more
than just pinch technology if theyt are to be successful.
Upgrading heavy oil products |
David K Lifschultz, Genoil Ltd
2006 / Q1 |
Until recently, hydrogen addition-based technology and carbon rejection upgrading technology have been hindered by their low potential profitability, owing to high capital costs and low price spreads between light and heavy oil products.
Hydrogen management |
Axel Duker, Sud-Chemie AG Rainer Basse, Uhde GmbH
2006 / Q1 |
Several possibilities exist for the recovery of hydrogen from offgases and the processing of different sources of refinery gases through the hydrogen plant. Catalysts play an important role in efficient hydrogen generation and recovery. More
Increasing Value of ULSD assets |
Justin Swain, Criterion Catalysts & Technologies |
2006 / Q2 |
Two new proprietary catalyst manufacturing technologies have been developed that provide a range of products, extending ULSD performance and operational flexibility beyond the level delivered by current technology. More
Crude column relief design |
Uwe Nagel, OMV Deutschland GmbH Howard B Jemison and Cal Depew, SimSci-Esscor Ralph-Uwe Dietrich, Invensys Process Systems
2006 / Q2 |
Examination of a crude unit's behaviour using a dynamic model can provide significant insight into the operation and transient behaviour of the process, preventing unnecessary investments in relief system upgrades.
Enhancing FCC performance |
Carel Pouwels, Albemarle Catalysts Company BV
2006 / Q2 |
Laboratory data demonstrates the performance of catalyst technology designed to address the three fundamentals of heavy feed cracking: coke and dry gas selectivity, metals tolerance and bottoms upgrading.
Metathesis for maximum propylene |
Robert J Gartside and Marvin I Greene, ABB Lummus Global
2006 / Q2 |
Using metathesis technology to process refinery-based C4 feedstocks can maximise propylene. The economic advantages of flow schemes using alpha-olefins, such as ethylene or isobutylene, in the metathesis reaction with C4 olefins are discussed.
Residue desulphurisation and conversion |
Cecile Plain and Eric Benazzi, Axens Denis Guillaume, IFP
2006 / Q2 |
Technology and market imperatives converge to enhance residue desulphurisation and conversion value. The current market forces that presage a boom in resid hydrotreatment are examined along with recently reported progress in technology.
Processing resid through FCCUs |
Warren Letzsch, Shaw Stone & Webster Inc Derek Lawler, Shaw Stone & Webster Inc |
2006 / Q2 |
While residual feeds can be run in any FCCU, it is important to consider the riser design, termination selection and stripper technology along with independent two-stage regeneration to minimise catalyst deactivation.
Converting SO2 to elemental sulphur |
Mahin Rameshni and Stephen Santo, WorleyParsons
2006 / Q2 |
Historically available processes for large-scale SO2 recovery as elemental sulphur are inherently problematic in terms of operability, emissions, product quality and fuel consumption. An SO2 reduction process can overcome these drawbacks.
Residue upgrading |
Edward J Houde, UOP LLC Michael J McGrath, Foster Wheeler, USA
2006 / Q2 |
An examination into the feedstock and process conditions where solvent deasphalting is the most appropriate technology for upgrading residue. Process variables, key design issues and finding a use for the SDA pitch are discussed.
Reducing refinery SOx emissions |
Eric Butler, Kate Groves and John Hymanyk, Chevron Canada Ltd Michael Maholland, Patric A Clark and Guido Aru, Intercat Inc
2006 / Q3 |
Through an extensive study and 18-month trial, a Canadian refinery chose SOx reduction additive technology to reduce its SOx emissions. Variations in FCCU operating conditions and changes in SO2 emissions targets were taken into consideration.
Benchmarking FCC operations |
C J Farley and Dennis Newell, Engelhard Corporation Atula V Saraf, Astron International Inc
2006 / Q3 |
Benchmarking is an important tool in routine FCC data evaluations. It can be used to validate unit data as well as identify areas for improved performance and show important shifts in FCC operation due to catalyst, technology or feedstock changes.
FCC safety and reliability |
Eric W Hennings, Shaw Stone & Webster
2006 / Q3 |
Inbuilt design and operational safety practice in fluid catalytic cracking. Changes to FCC processing over time are described with examples of improvements. Safety instrumentation is discussed, along with the best way of operating the vapour line blind.
Profiting with FCC feestock diversity |
Natalie Petti, Larry Hunt and George Yaluris, Grace Davison.
2006 / Q3 |
Despite the availability of hardware for treating FCC feedstocks to comply with clean fuel regulations, gasoline sulphur-reduction catalysts and additives can provide additional options and flexibility while maximising refinery profitability.
Hydrocracker fractionation modification |
Ken Sherman, Dino Chakraborty, Sam Pun and Vince Guarrasi, Colt Engineering
2006 / Q3 |
Modification of a hydrocracking unit's fractionation section was re-evaluted and an alternative processing scheme developed, which reduced the total installation cost by almost 50% while mitigating safety annd metallurgical concerns.
Coke drum design |
Coby W Stewart, Aaron M Stryk and Lee Presley, CB&I
2006 / Q3 |
Issues to consider for extending the turnaround schedule of a delayed coking unit. Theory behind coke drum failure is discussed, with detailed solutions centred on drum design and support structures.
Evaluating wet scrubbers |
Edwin H Weaver, Belco Technologies Corporation.
2006 / Q3 |
The use of both regenerative and non-regenerative wet scrubbing systems to control the emission of particulate and SO2 is well proven and established. Several scenarios, design and selection criteria for each type of system are discussed.
Refining developments and aromatics prospects |
Andy Nicholson, DeWitt & Co Inc
2006 / Q3 |
Catalytic reforming will be of growing importance as a source of aromatics. Capacity constraints will underpin aromatics prices for the next three to five years, while the location of refining capacity will dictate future aromatics investment.
Improving sulphur recovery units |
Steven F Meyer and Christina Kulczycki, MECS
Ed Juno, Sinclair Oil Corporation Nick Watts, CEntry Constructors and Engineers
2006 / Q3 |
A new alternative to the Claus unit tail gas treatment has been found in the wet gas scrubber. This can maintain or increase acid gas feed rates to the front end of the sulphur recovery unit, while reducing SO2 emissions.
Integrating power recovery into FCCU operations |
Keith Couch, Leonard Bell and John Yarborough, UOP LLC
2006 / Q4 |
Case studies of FCC flue gas power-recovery systems, beginning with traditional maximum electrical power generation configurations. New PRTs are presented, with a focus on reducing total erected cost and optimised energy integrations with improved ROI.
Risk-based maintenance |
Brian G Hudson, ABB Engineering Services
2006 / Q4 |
Top-down approach case studies use qualitative and semi-quantitative asessment models to build a picture of risk, review current mitigation and identify immediate action to improve risk management and increase reliability.
Refinery CO2 challenges: part IV |
Vicente de Pablo Burna, CEPSA Gibraltar Refinery Jem Hart and Allan Rudman, KBC Process Technology Ltd
2006 / Q4 |
Reducing CO2 emissions with a strategic energy-improvement programme. The strategic energy review approach is summarised and results from recent studies conducted at a European refinery are discussed.
Benchmarking og linear programming |
J C M (Hans) Hartmann, Hans C M Hartmann Refinery Consultancy
2006 / Q4 |
As the preferred decision-support-tool for the oil industry supply chain, benchmarking of linear programming is as important as benchmarking actual refinery operations.
Hydrogen sourcing for refinery expansions |
Dennis A Vauk, Air Liquide Large Industries US LP Pietro Di Zanno, Air Liquide SA Scott Savage, Air Liquide Large Industries US LP
2006 / Q4 |
Many factors influence the decision to build or outsource the supply of hydrogen. Synergies obtained from a third-party OTF supply should be evaluated in addtion to typical recovery routes from fuel gas, revamped SMRs or new SMR projects.
Control room consolidation part II: design trends |
Bob Shepard, Invensys Process Systems
2006 / Q4 |
Part I identified the operating factors to consider when consolidating a group of distributed control rooms. Part II explores the design and systemic measures that can enchance productivity while satisfying needs for process safety and risk management.
Managing training simulator projects |
Nick Harbud, Foster Wheeler Energy Ltd
2006 / Q4 |
Operator training simulators are not cheap, yet their value in preparing personnel for the fast startup and operation of new process plants is significant. Tight control of information and a well-manageed OTS supplier are key to success.
Evaluating opportunity crude processing |
Thomas W Yeung, Hydrocarbon Publishing Company
2006 / Q4 |
Is processing opportunity crudes for every refiner? Technical challenges and economic benefits from processing high-acid crudes and botton-of-the-barrel feedstocks are identified.
Selective asphaltene removal from heavy oil |
Keng H Chung, Zhiming Xu, Xuewen Sun, Suoqi Zhao and Chunming Xu, China State Key Laboratory of Heavy Oil Processing.
2006 / Q4 |
Case study of a selective asphaltene extraction process for heavy crude or residuum. Desirable oil components are recovered and the asphaltene-free heavies can be processed in conventional refining operations.
Overcoming unpredictable industry challenges |
Frank Whitsura, Honeywell Process Solutions
2006 / Q4 |
Integrated solutions help refiners overcome unpredictable industry challenges. through a continuous improvement cycle, refiners can derive insight from the plan, perform and perfect stages.
Integrated expander control system |
Krishnan Naryanan and Farooq Sheikh, Compressor Controls Corporation
2006 / Q4 |
Commissioning of an integrated turbomachinery controls system at a world-scale PTA plant. The expander control system requirements described are applicable to power recovery trains found in process units with hot-gas energy.
Vacuum unit design for high metals crudes |
Scott W Golden, Tony Barletta and Steve White, Process Consulting Services
2007 / Q1 |
Vacuum unit design can influence vacuum gas yield, product quality and run length. A wet vacuum unit with residue stripping achieves the highest cutpoint and produces the lowest metals content.
Converting a DHT to ULSD service |
Kirit Sanghavi, Alon USA Sal Torrisi, Criterion Catalysts & Technologies
2007 / Q1 |
One refinery overcame the challenge of converting its diesel hydrotreater from LSD to ULSD service with creative solutions for a low investment cost, much below the industry average cost.
Avoiding boiler feed water corrosion |
Kari J Enqvist, Borealis Polymers Oy
2007 / Q1 |
Investigating corrosive chemicals in BFW, defective analysing systems and incomplete treatment of steam systems, resulting in serious transfer line exchanger failures. A number of incidents initiated the thorough investigation of root causes.
Exploiting unconventional heavy oils |
Jeffrey S Plotkin, Nexant Inc
2007 / Q1 |
Potential opportunities exist for developming the heaviest of the non-conventional hydrocarbons. The decline of conventional oils can be mitigated through the ingenuity and technology brought to unconventional heavy oil upgrading.
Gamma scanning fractionators |
Brian Kirmse and Kevin Krase, Tesoro Refining & Marketing Company Dave Ferguson, Tracerco Inc
2007 / Q1 |
Gamma scanning is a powerful tool that can be used to determine the cause of flooding and regain column efficiency. Debutaniser capacity and performance were improved after tower scanning technology pinpointed mechanical and hydraulic defects.
Optimising heat recovery with CPHEs |
Eva Andersson, Alfa Laval Packinox
2007 / Q1 |
Compact plate heat exchangers are an efficient way to optimise heat recovery in refineries, especially when installation space or weight is crucial and exotic materials are needed to deal with corrosion issues.
Asset management strategies |
William D Turner, Jacobs Constructors Inc
2007 / Q1 |
The Six-Sigma approach to asset management describes the level of variations or defects present in a process. Identifying critical processes and their contributing input variables provides opportunities to remedy the sources of defects.
Magnetic imaging of pyrolysis feedstocks |
Preetinder S Virk, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
2007 / Q1 |
Olefin feedstock characterisation fills the need to engineer and predict the performance of modern pyrolysis coils that must crack diverse feedstocks at ever-increasing temperatures, reaction severities and product selectivities.
High-severity FCC operation |
Y Fujiyama, N Nakanishi, Nippon Oil Corporation C Dean, M Al-Tayyar, Saudi Arabian Oil Company A Aitani, M Saeed, King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals
2007 / Q1 |
High-severity catalytic cracking using a proprietary down-flow reactor can maximise propylene production. The new process features a high reaction temperature and high catalyst-to-oil ratio along with a short contact time.
Gasification technologies for hydrogen manufacturing |
Joachim Wolff, Shell Global Solutions International BV
2007 / Q2 |
Gasification technology can follow on from upgrading and treating technoloiges to convert a wide range of heavy residues into syngas, which can be used as clean fuel for high-efficiency IGCC power generation or to produce H2 and/or CO.
Hydrogen plant safety |
V G Bahad, Bharat Petroleum Corporation Ltd
2007 / Q2 |
Hydrogen-generation unit safety during startup and shutdown is based on experience sharing. The safe startup of any process unit depends on the knowledge base of the operating and maintenance personnel.
Hydrogen recovery from refinery offgases |
A K Jain, G D Goyal and M K Joshi, Engineers India Ltd
2007 / Q2 |
Use of pressure swing adsorption to extract hydrogen from offgases that would otherwise be combusted in the refinery fuel system. Increasing hydrogen purity by steam reforming, effect of tail gas pressure and other considerations are discussed.
Alkylating isolbutylene with isobutane |
Todd Vogt, Catalytic Distillation Technologies (CDTECH)
2007 / Q2 |
Pairing of isobutylene pretreatment with low-temperature alkylation offers dehydro-based MTBE operators the opportunity to incorporate isobutane with isobutylene to produce large volumes of high-quality gasoline blendstock.
Self-inflicted contaminants and fouling |
Allison A Fielder and Mark B Schmidt, DuPont Sabine River Works Raghu K Menon, Sud-Chemie Inc
2007 / Q2 |
Pairing of isobutylene pretreatment with low-temperature alkylation
offers dehydro-based MTBE operators the opportunity to incorporate
isobutane with isobutylene to produce large volumes of high-quality
gasoline blendstock. More
Sulphuric acid alkylation developments |
Amarjit Bakshi, Refining Hydrocarbon Technologies LLC
2007 / Q2 |
A recently developed alkylation technology incorporates low-temperature isothermal operation and a refrigeration compressor. The acid-hydrocarbon separation incorporates simple coalescers and readily available reactor-contactor internals.
Meeting changes in plant production targets |
Dieter Krenz, Linde AG
2007 / Q2 |
Overview of a syngas plant automatic load controller shows how reliability is maintained. The functionality built into the plant automation concept allows the plant to remain in operation, even in the event of a unit trip.
Integrated treating options for sour natural gases |
T J Brook, Shell Global Solutions International BV
2007 / Q2 |
Two cases for treating sour natural gas with H2S, CO and mercaptans are discussed. These configurations are designed to prepare a treated gas that is suitable for GTL and LNG applications or normal pipeline gas specifications.
Reformer technology for hydrogen |
Suresh Chandra Gupta and Kamalesh Karkun, NOIDA, Projects & Development India Ltd
2007 / Q2 |
Various retrofitting and debottlenecking options are available for improving the rated capacity, operating efficiency and energy efficiency of steam hydrocarbon reformers in hydrogen plants.
Ethylene cracking furnaces influence burner design |
Richard Martin, Callidus Technologies LLC
2007 / Q2 |
Burner testing and CFD modelling can assure a burner will perform properly. Special considerations are discussed for improving burner combustion characteristics in new compact thermal cracking furnace radiant sections.
FCC fundamentals: coke yield/delta coke |
Ziad S Jawad, Shaw Energy and Chemicals
2007 / Q2 |
A summary of FCC fundamentals and technology options. Understanding the options available to control the FCC unit's coke yield and delta coke is significant due to their direct impact on FCC operations and refinery profitability.
Reliability of IGCC power-generation units |
Christopher Higman, Syngas Consultants Ltd
Salvatore A DellaVilla and Robert F Steele Jr, Strategic Power Systems Inc
2007 / Q2 |
Reliability is key to improving IGCC power-generation unit economics, provided it can be achieved with excessive Capex increases. However, focus on a single subsystem such as gasification is insufficient for the success of the overall IGCC concept.
Maximising hydrogen availability |
Mahendra C Shah, Dharnendra C Jawali and Rajesh K Patel, Reliance Industries Ltd
2007 / Q2 |
Case study of a hydrogen complex discuss interaction of hydrogen processing steps with overall refinery productivity. Hydrogen partial pressures, pinch options and other important operating parameters influence economics.
Advanced combustion system for cracking furnaces |
Roger Poe, Ashok Patel, Charles E Baukal and Daniel Wright, John Zink Company LLC
2007 / Q2 |
A discussion of design considerations for burner technology used in cracking furnaces. Significant improvements include more uniform heat flux profile, wider turndown, stable flame, high combustion efficiency, and low CO and NOx emissions.
Determination of crude properties |
Didier Lambert, Topnir Systems
2007 / Q2 |
Real-time knowledge of crude properties is obtained via management software applied to a crude network. With the resulting better characterisation and optimisation, an increase in throughput from the additional crude processed leads to increased revenue.
Turbine oil conditioning in process facilities |
Brian McNeil and Tim Mills, Kaydon Custom Filtration
2007 / Q2 |
Strategic modelling for turbine oil conditions in refineries and petrochemical plants focuses on different types of filtration equipment and the philosophy that accompanies each.
Realities of rising costs |
John Jenkins, Jacobs Consultancy Inc
2007 / Q3 |
Material costs, inflation, shortage of engineering expertise and other risk factors have changed the way contractors and operating companies work together to control project costs. Business practicies that address these issues are discussed.
FCC propylene production |
Ketih A Couch, James P Glavin, Dave A Wegerer and Jibreel A Qafisheh, UOP LLC
2007 / Q3 |
Factors influencing the selection of propylene yield design points and a comparative study of an absorption-based gas concentration unit relative to cold-box recovery design show how refiners can leverage existing assets to close the market gap for propylene production.
The FCC unit as a propylene source |
Charles Radclife, Intercat Inc
2007 / Q3 |
The FCCU is an important source of propylene production. Hardware and catalyst design changes can increase the propylene yield, but ZSM-5 and other additives are essential to optimise and retain the flexibility to respond to today's and tomorrow's challenges.
Crude overhead system design considerations |
Tony Barletta and Steve White, Process Consulting Services
2007 / Q3 |
Proper crude unit overhead system design is important when building a new unit or revamping an existing one to process different crudes. Overhead condenser designs should meet the specific processing objectives, such as distillate yield, run length and energy recovery.
Elimination of refinery sour gases and trace components |
Hans-Peter Kaballo, Ulvi Kerestecioglu and Harald Klein, Linde Enginering Division, Linde AG
2007 / Q3 |
Case study concerning elimination of sour gases and trace components from gasifiction gases. The objective is to produce pure hydrogen for hydrotreating within a refinery, and a feed gas for energy production in an IGCC. More
Evaluation of sulphur-reducing technologies |
Lauren Blanchard, Grace Davison Craig Borchert and Min Pu, Valero Energy Corporation
2007 / Q3 |
Case study where the impact of a FCC feed hydrotreater outage was minimised by running carefully selected feeds combined with sulphur-reducing technology appropriate for the type of sulphur species expected to be processed during the outage.
Selective hydrogenation of hydrocarbons |
Amarjit Bakshi, Refining Hydrocarbon Technologies LLC
2007 / Q3 |
Selective hydrogenation and isomerisation of diolefins using fixed-bed conventional technology in a two-phase reactor configuration can help refiners to meet sulphur and aromatics limits for fuels such as gasoline, kerosene and diesel.
Upgrading an olefin polymerrisation unit |
David Verbitsky, Mitrajit Mukherjee and James Nehlsen, Exelus Inc
2007 / Q3 |
A solid-acid catalyst (SAC) alkylation process can be used to effectively revamp an olefin polymerisation unit with minimal costs. An engineered SAC has been designed at multiple levels to give long life, resistance to poisons and high product octane.
Fieldbus technology in LNG and GTL plants |
David Wood, David Wood & Associates Saeid Mokhatab, Tehran Raymund Consulting Engineers
2007 / Q3 |
Complex LNG and GTL processing facilities at remote sites can benefit from Fieldbus technology. Its predictive maintenance and plant interrogation capabilities can add to the overall reliability of the digital-based control system.
Expanding FCCU wet gas compressor capacity |
Tek Sutikno, Fluor Corporation
2007 / Q3 |
Parametric correlations can predit WGC performance curves at different speeds and molecular weights. However, performance curves in a range of speeds and suction pressures must first be made available.
Dynamic simulation of a FCC unit |
Yiannis Bessiris and Vassilis Harismiadis, Hyperion Systems Engineering Ltd
2007 / Q3 |
Increasingly complex FCC operations, such as predicting FCCU operation after switching from a conventional feed to a hydrotreated one, can benefit from simulation applications that improve the unit's real-time control system.
Upgrade of a tail-end acetylene converter |
Edgar Mohundro, BASF Fina Petrochemicals Sam Valleru, Scott Miller and Juergen Fuchs, BASF Corporation Dimitri Mertens de Wilmars and Bruno Leaustic, Total Petrochemicals
2007 / Q3 |
An acetylene converter's poor performance was improved through the implementation of a succession of changes. Over a period involving several strategies, all acetylene off-specification incidents and flaring events were eventually eliminated.
Distillate fuels from Coal-to-liquids processing |
J Mark Landrum and Jon Warzel, Baker & O'Brien Inc
2007 / Q3 |
Numerous factors affect CTL economics and the technology for converting different qualities of coal into transportation fuels, chemicals and intermediates. Potential yields are based on future market conditions relative to crude prices and conventional refinery operations.
Industrial flaring: efficiency and smokeless combustion |
Olavo C Leite, Flare Industries Inc
2007 / Q3 |
Flaring large volumes of gas by combustion should be safe, cost-effective and environmental friendly. Criteria ang general rules for industrial flaring steam include flare size and design, ability to entrain atmospheric air and other parameters.
Recycling of polyethylene production wastes |
A S Sultanov and S A Berdiev, NHC Uzbekneftegaz Shurtan Gas Chemical Complex
2007 / Q3 |
Various rubber products including glues and rubber seals can be manufactured from compounds derived from the recycling of low-molecular polyethylene waste (LMPE)
Engineering emails for success |
Gregory M Lilburne, Hafedh Al-Qassab and Savas Soydaner, The Bahrain Petroleum Company BSC (c)
2007 / Q4 |
PTQ has just published the Bapco Technical Writing Style Guide, based on two decades' experience of written communication in the technical services department of The Bahrain Petroleum Company. This article is based on the section relating to eamil. The Style Guide can now be downloaded from www.eptq.com.
FCC fundamentals: cyclones and vendor datasheets |
Ziad S Jawad, The Shaw Group
2007 / Q4 |
A summary of FCC cyclones and their design. Understanding FCC cyclone vendor process datasheets and how to effectively use this valuable tool. Quick design checks of vendor cyclone process datasheets using cyclone fundamentals are provided.
Hydrocracking for heavy feestock conversion |
Vasant Thakkar, Don Ackelson, Rich Rossi, Bart Dziabala and Jim McGehee, UOP LLC
2007 / Q4 |
As refiners move to process heavier crudes, hydrocracking and hydrotreating have taken on a more prominent role. The technical challenges posed by the chemical composition of heavy feedstock is analysed along with results of catalyst development efforts.
Unconventional crude upgrading challenges |
Scott Sayles, KBC Advanced Technologies Inc
2007 / Q4 |
Case studies of upgrader technology selection such as blending of syncrude with bitumen and other intermediates. Unconventional crude quality is dependent on production location and method, design and final blending.
FCC unit revamp meets multiple objectives |
Mary Richardson, Suncor Energy Inc Ye-Mon Chen and Richard Sanborn, Shell Global Solutions (US) Inc
2007 / Q4 |
Reliability improvement and MACT II compliance for an FCCU were achieved with regenerator modifications and new third-stage separator system. Benefits included five-year run turn around cycle and less after-burn.
Crude unit corrosion-control programme |
Randy Rechtien, Baker Petrolite Corporation
2007 / Q4 |
An overview of crude unit corrosion-control techniques using low- and high-temperature case studies. Overhead corrosion control for low-temperature zones and naphthenic acid corrosion control for high-temperature zones are detailed.
Increasing FCC unit performance |
Divya Jain and Grandham Sri Ganesh, Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd
2007 / Q4 |
How one refinery's low-investment revamp strategy boosted FCC performance. Unit limitations are discussed in detail, followed by the options that were explored and the final revamp carried out for overcoming unit constraints.
Oil/water interface control for desalters |
Paul Hewitt, Tracerco
2007 / Q4 |
Profiling instrument provides vertical real-time phase density measurement in desalter vessels. Benefits include reduced process upsets from interface excursions, optimisation of crude blends, minimisation of chemical usage and reduction in chloride carry-through.
Troubleshooting tail gas amine treaters |
Nathan A Hatcher and Alfred E Keller, ConocoPhillips Company Ralph H Weiland and M S Sivasubramanian, Optimized Gas Treating Inc.
2007 / Q4 |
Simulation of a tail gas-treating unit contaminated with sodium and heat-stable salt anions. Comparisons are made between plant performance data and the simulations. Accurate solvent analysis leads to improved simulation accuracy.
Ammonium salt removal in fuel gas burners |
Torsten Diestelkamp, Hermann Kempen and Berthold Otzisk, Kurita Europe GmbH Bernhard Hugot, BP Gelsenkirchen GmbH
2007 / Q4 |
Chemical removal of ammonium salts allows refiners to clean fouled burner nozzles during normal operation without removing them for mechanical cleaning. Regular maintenance work is reduced to a minimum with less material stress for the equipment.
Carbon capture in petrochemical operations |
Bollapraqada K Bhaskararao, MVGR College of Engineering
2007 / Q4 |
A major obstacle to greenhouse gas reduction in refinery and petrochemical operations is the need for CO2 storage or sequestration. However, chemical convertion of captured CO2 to CO, which can be converted into valuable hydrocarbons, may be possible.
Tray technology enhances extraction |
Waldo de Villiers and Jose L Bravo, Shell Global Solutions (US) Inc Glenn Shiveler, Sulzer Chemtech USA Inc Frank Siebert, The University of Texas at Austin
2007 / Q4 |
A case study involving the revamp of two rotating disc contactors in aromatics service highlights the most important design considerations for enhancing capacity and efficiency in high-performance extraction sieve trays.
Computation of blending indices |
Didier Lambert, Topnir Systems
2007 / Q4 |
Prediction of blending indices and characterisation of fuel components have increased in complexity with the blending of biofuels and additives. Case studies show how a real time system for the computation of blending indices has improved fuel recipe quality.
LCO upgrading at moderate to severe conditions |
Rene G Gonzalez, Editor, PTQ
2008 / Q1 |
Several routes are available for processing LCO to diesel and gasoline, depending on economics and process objectives. For LCO upgrading, recent developments promote a two-stage process for separate hydrodesulphurisation and dearomatisation of thiophenic compounds.
Performance-minded, character-driven safety |
David G Lynn, Fluor
2008 / Q1 |
Zero-incident techniques for excelling in health and safety performance involve commitment, involvement, analysis, prevention and training. The challenge is to translate these fundamental principles into action.
Minimising FCC slurry exchanger fouling |
David Hunt, Bill Minyard and Jeff Koebel, Grace Davison
2008 / Q1 |
A case study shows when to expect reductions in slurry/FCC preheat exchanger duty from a variety of factors, including organic and inorganic-based fouling, asphaltene precipitation and atypical feedstock characteristics.
Designing FCCU internals |
Robert Giuricich and Anthony Schmitz, Emtrol LLC
2008 / Q1 |
The proper evaluation for new FCCU cyclone equipment or the risk assessment can substantially impact profitability. The combination of assumed pressure, corrosion rates, mechanical loading and fluctuating temperature must be taken into account.
Canadian crude processing challenges |
Scott Golden, Process Consulting Services LLC
2008 / Q1 |
Vacuum unit design influences liquid volume yields, run length, product yield and product quality when processing bitumen crude oils These crudes require special design considerations to maintain a reasonable run length without significant economic loss.
FCC regenerator design: part I |
Warren Letzsch and Chris R Santner, Shaw Stone & Webster
2008 / Q1 |
To minimise catalyst deactivation, a regeneration system should be operated in counter-current flow with a superficial regenerator velocity that is well into the turbulent flow regime. Part II will explore factors in regenerator design that relate to emissions.
Coker naphtha hydrotreating |
Rasmus Breivik and Rasmus Egebjerg, Haldor Topsoe A/S
2008 / Q1 |
Highly exothermic olefins saturation and silica contamination can occur when hydrotreating coker naphtha. Recent studies show how optimum process and catalyst technology can help find the best unit layout and operation conditions.
Chemical cleaning and degassing refinery equipment |
Berthold Otzisk, Kurita Europe GmbH
2008 / Q1 |
The safe removal of volatile hydrocarbons, hydrogen sulphide gas and pyrophoric iron sulphide from refinery equipment before inspection is indispensable. A chemical cleaning programme reduces downtime and the need for mechanical cleaning.
Ethylen furnace heat flux correlations |
Joseph Colannino, John Zink Company LLC
2008 / Q1 |
Equations are presented that correlate and predict heat flux as a function of operating, burner and furnace parameters for all major ethylene-cracking furnace configurations. Similarity relations correlate heat flux with elevation or temperature in test and field units.
Evaluating process profitability |
Joseph McMullen, Invensys Process Systems
2008 / Q1 |
Case studies from the energy industry explain strategies for extending the benefits of simulation and modelling across the value chain. Benefits include the ability to make the decision-making process more efficient using an intuitive bidirectional interface.
Evaluating FCC flue gas emission-control technologies |
Martin Evans, Intercat Inc
2008 / Q1 |
Comparing technologies for reducing FCCU flue gas emissions. Special emphasis is placed on selecting cost-effective solutions, particularly in the area of minimising SOx, NOx, CO and particulate emissions from operations in either full-burn or partial-burn mode.
Optimising refinery CO2 emissions |
Mike Stockle, Daniel Carter and Lucy Jones, Foster Wheeler Energy Limited
2008 / Q1 |
Assessing the impact of changing emissions costs. Case studies of typical European refinery configurations show how the inclusion of CO2 LP-based modelling costs can change operations in the short term and impact configurations in the longer term.
Reducing ether and biodiesel productions costs |
Amarjit Bakshi, Refining Hydrocarbon Technologies LLC
2008 / Q1 |
Advantages of ethers produced through wet ethanol and biodiesel through vegetable oils as esters of hydrogenated vegetable oil provide major advantages in blending and fuel properties and meet the renewable fuels requirements.
Revamping a mild hydrocracker to an ULSD hydrotreater |
Hafedh Al-Qassab, Gregory M Lilburne, Savas Soydaner and Sayed Hamza Alawi, The Bahrain Petroleum Company BSC (c)
2008 / Q2 |
Revamping a mild hydrocracker to a world-scale ULSD hydrotreater presented some unique design challenges and highlighted several factors that are key to success, including an experienced client team and strong licensor and contractor teams.
Unlocking current refinery constraints |
Rashid Iqbal, Asif Khan, Odette Eng and Raymond Floyd, KBR
2008 / Q2 |
When processing heavy feeds, technology based on residuum supercritical solvent extraction provides higher volumes of gas oil and DAO for conversion units. Potential constraints through existing vacuum and coker units can also be resolved.
FCC regenerator design: part II |
Chris R Santner and Warren Letzsch, The Shaw Group
2008 / Q2 |
Options for minimising catalyst deactivation and reducing emissions are discussed. In the previously published part I, catalyst deactivation in the regenerator was addressed. Here, regenerator design as it relates to regenerator emissions is considered.
Alarm management - the human factors challenge |
Rob Turner, ABB Global Consulting
2008 / Q2 |
Refinery alarm systems are supposed to support the operation, yet in several notable accidents they have proved to be ineffective. Part of the problem is that these systems are not being designed or managed with human needs in mind.
Reducing FCC SOx in partial-burn regenerators |
Martin Evans, Intercat Inc
2008 / Q2 |
Latest developments in SOx - reduction additives are discussed along with their relative merits and appropriate applications. Examples show how refineries have chosen to meet SOx emissions limits, and the rationale behind the choices made is explained.
Acid gas enrichment part II: maximising selectivity |
Ralph H Weiland, Optimized Gas Treating Inc
2008 / Q2 |
By recycling about 70% of enriched gas back to the front end of an acid gas enrichment unit, an almost two-fold improvement in SRU feed quality can be enjoyed simply for the minimal cost of providing a recycle line and no increase in operating costs.
Managing integrity risks of aged assets |
Laza Krstin, Ron Hewson and David Stanier, ABB Global Consulting
2008 / Q2 |
A practical approach to asset integrity management is provided along with an insight into a suitable methodology of how this can best be achieved. This includes all essential aspects of operations.
Minimising refinery costs using spiral heat exchangers |
Eva Andersson, Alfa Laval
2008 / Q2 |
Case studies explore how fouling has been minimised or eliminated from high-fouling applications in oil refineries, such as the FCC and visbreaking bottoms cooling dutes. Performance of spiral heat exchangers is compared with shell and tube heat exchangers.
Conversion of syngas to diesel |
Stephane Fedou, Eric Caprani, Damien Douziech and Sebastien Boucher, Axens
2008 / Q2 |
An overview of Fischer-Tropsch technologies for the production of diesel from syngas using a variety of feedstocks. Process technology, reactor design and catalyst requirements to achieve industral-scale diesel and petrochemical production are discussed.
Securing fuel supply and reducing GHG emissions |
A M Blume, T B Garrett, B P Goldhammer, E J Mace, M W Wunder and T W Yeung, Hydrocarbon Publishing Company
2008 / Q2 |
Six strategic options are available to refiners to satisfy future energy and environmental requirements in the light of surging oil prices and public concerns over global warming, including refinery upgrades and revamps and the production of green fuels.
Turbomachinery assett management: part I |
Valter Quercioli, GE Oil & Gas
2008 / Q2 |
As financial resources drive most business practices today, a clean understanding of the asset management levels for optimising the return on capital employed (ROCE) is mandatory for an operator to be successful with the owner and board of directors.
Improving refinery distillation operations |
Bernard Hagger, Foster Wheeler Energy Limited
2008 / Q2 |
The outline of a route map or staged approach to unit process improvements, for better distillation, follows similar steps to those taken when installing advanced controls on a unit, and depends on individual needs and the benefits that can be delivered.
Impact of bitumen feeds on the FCCU: part I |
Keith A Couch, James P Glavin and Aaron O Johnson, UOP LLC
2008 / Q3 |
The impact of processing bitumen-derived feeds on FCC operations and product yields is assessed, and the capital investments required to process varying quantities of bitumn feeds are discussed.
CO2 and refining trends and challenges |
John H Jenkins, Jacobs Consultantcy Inc
2008 / Q3 |
A look at the refining industry as a carbon emitter from a process and chemistry standpoint. Data regarding the carbon/hydrogen content of various crudes and products are presented. CO2 controlling projects and their implementation are also discussed.
Effect of hydrocarbon partial pressure on FCC propylene |
Ruizhong Hu, Gordon Weatherbee, Hongbo Ma, Terry Roberie and Wu-Cheng Cheng, Grace Davison Refining Technologies.
2008 / Q3 |
The results of a series of cracking experiments are discussed, where the hydrocarbon partial pressure was varied by altering the total reactor pressure, feed rate and amount of lift gas. Light olefin yields and gasoline sulphur are also considered.
Making the right investment choice |
Joseph R Jacobs Jr, Robert A Ohmes and Scott Sayles, KBC Advanced Technologies Inc.
2008 / Q3 |
Gasoline or diesel? US market forces skew the product slate towards diesel, but each refiner's target market and required configuration are unique. A rigorous analysis methodology can help examine alternate configuration options.
Reducing benzene in gasoline |
Maarten J Almering, Kerry L Rock and Arvids Judzis, CDTECH
2008 / Q3 |
The simultaneous processing of light reformate and light straight run is a cost-effective solution for more complete benzene reduction and the isomerisation of hydrogenated C5/C6, particularly with regard to MSAT II requirements.
Analysing economic viability of opportunity crudes |
Adrienne M Blume and Thomas Y Yeung, Hydrocarbon Publishing Company
2008 / Q3 |
Challenges to refinery heavy oil upgrades are discussed. Demand for heavy and high-TAN crudes continues to rise as light sweet crude reserves decline. These upgrades will remain lucrative for refiners, provided they develop strategies for mitigating higher carbon emsissions.
Processing heavy ends: part I |
Phillip K Niccum and Aldrich H Northup, KBR
2008 / Q3 |
The synergy of solvent deasphalting and FCC can provide economic access to heavy ends. Pilot plant data on bottom-of-the-barrel processing options are examined, which can be used as presented or combined with other options such as coking.
Biofuel economics, CO2 balance and energy efficiency |
Stephen McGovern and C K Lee, PetroTech Consultants
2008 / Q3 |
When comparing biofuel processes, it is important to perform accurate and consistent material and energy balances, as these balances reveal the limitations of biofuels. Currently, petroleum requires the lowest capital investment.
Scenarios for Russian refinery modernisation |
Mikhail Levinbuk, Gubkin Russian State Oil and Gas University A Lebedev, Moscow Oil Refinery V L Kalachev, Scientific Manufacturing Corporation
2008 / Q3 |
Effective strategies for placing high-value oil and petrochemical products from Russia into international markets can benefit from partnerships with Russian design, R&D institutes and leading Western engineering companies, together with proper funding.
Optimising a reactor's catalyst distribution |
S Reza Seif Mohaddecy, Islamic Azad University Sepehr Sadighi, Research Institute of Petroleum Industry
2008 / Q3 |
Catalyst distribution in the semi-regenerative catalytic reforming reactors at the Tehran refinery, Iran, was studied, and optimised distribution for high RON was determined.
Improving hydrotreater reactor performance |
Garry E Jacobs, Fluor Enterprises Inc
Gerianne D'Angelo, Advanced Refining Technologies
2008 / Q3 |
Case study of a kerosene hydrotreater shows that combining new and old technologies - a unique inlet diffuser with Raschig rings - can significantly improve liquid distribution and catalyst utilisation when producing ultra-low-sulphur products in a trayless reactor.
LCO upgrading for increased distillate demand |
Rene Gonzales, Petroleum Technology Quarterly
2008 / Q4 |
A shortage of straight-run diesel and other more desirable paraffinic feedstocks sees refiners turning to higher volumes of FCC light cycle oil to meet the growing demand for diesel, but not without challenges.
CO2 infrastructure development: CCS options |
Tim Bullen and Michael Stockle, Foster Wheeler
2008 / Q4 |
How CCS options can be combined with linear programming to ensure optimum levels of CO2 reduction across the region. Capture schemes can be optimised against such targets as carbon price, injection gas requirements and total emissions.
Refinery water management |
Gert-Jan Fien, KBC Energy Services
2008 / Q4 |
A holistic approach to refinery water management requires many aspects of the process and utility systems to work together. Waste minimisation and loss prevention for improving effluent water quality and rendering more water suitable for reuse are discussed.
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2008 / Q4 |
Reducing FCC emissions without affecting reliability |
Rene G Gonzales, Petroleum Technolgoy Quarterly
2008 / Q4 |
Both increasing demand for refined product and environmental regulations are affecting FCC operatons and require changes in equipment design. Operational concerns such as afternburn and hardware deterioration are but a few of the challenges.
FCC reactor design: part I |
Warren Letzsch, Chris Santner and Steve Tragesser, The Shaw Group
2008 / Q4 |
An overview of the kinetics, important reaction mechanism consequences, fluidisation and hydrodynamics considered in the design of a FCC reactor, which is used to explain the reuslts seen in actual operations.
Impact of bitumen feeds on the FCCU: part II |
Keith A Couch, James P Glavin and Aaron O Johnson, UOP
2008 / Q4 |
Refinery configuration optimisation through LP modelling identifies attractive investments for processing Western Canadian Select. These investments involve FCC, VGO hydrotreating or VGO hydrocracking.
Processing heavy ends: part II |
Phillip K Niccum and Aldrich H Northup, KBR
2008 / Q4 |
Improvements in the SDA technology incorporated into ROSE units, together with expanding options for asphaltene product utilisation, have led to an increased rate of capacity for producing high-quality FCC feedstocks from asphaltenes.
Alkylation with solid acid catalyst |
Emiel H van Broekhoven and Edwin van Rooijen, Albemarle Catalysts Company
2008 / Q4 |
Results of an environmentally friendly alkylation process using a variety of olefinic feedstocks to produce clean gasoline are discussed. Operating conditions, energy concumption, product purity and uutilisation of existing assets are considered.
Strategies for infrastructure reliability |
Thomas Kline and George Fischer, Structural Preservation Systems.
2008 / Q4 |
Case studies assess the effects of civil infrastructure deterioration on a plant-wide basis or on a critical specific structural level, including the importance of employing an engineered approach to crumbling infrastructure challenges.
LP modelling for profit maximisation |
Reza Seif Mohaddecy, Islamic Azad University Sepehr Sadighi, M Bahmani and S Zahedi, Research Institute of Petroleum Industry
2008 / Q4 |
Optimisation of a feed blender, CDU, VDU, visbreaker and product blender under changing feed specificiations. Central composite experimental design and response surface methodology are used to obtain a second-degree polynomial model for maximising profitability.
Improving process control with TDL technology |
Sam Miller, SpectraSensors, Inc
2008 / Q4 |
Ultra-fast and highly accurate TDL-based analysers are replacing conventional sensors at refineries and gas processors, saving on maintenance while providing enhanced control over process integrity.
Staged FCCU main fractionator revamp |
Darius Remesat, Koch-Glitsch Canada Michael Popowick, CCRL
2008 / Q4 |
A refinery column is debottlenecked in steps to address operational concerns and strategic goals. Understanding the site specific operational nuances and developming a representative revamp plan to accommodate the maintenance plan improves the project's success.
FCC reactor design: part II |
Warren Letzsch, Chris Santner and Steve Tragesser, Shaw Energy & Chemicals Group
2009 / Q1 |
In part I, reaction kinetics, cracking chemistry, pressure balance, catalyst andvapour residence times, and fluidisation were considered. In part II, feed injection technology and riser termination devices to minimise dilute-phase cracking are reviewed.
Stabilisation of asphaltenes |
Berthold Otzisk and Hermann Kempen, Kurita Europe
2009 / Q1 |
Asphaltenes can plug refinery equiment and can decrease or stop production. Stabilisation of asphaltene particles is an efficient and cost-effective way to avoid undesired asphaltene agglomeration or precipitation.
Maximising diesel recovery from crude |
Scott W Golden, Process Consulting Services Inc
2009 / Q1 |
The CDU/VDU process flow scheme is reviewed, including equipment design and operating fundamentals used to maximise straight-run diesel recovery. Factors important to increasing diesel yield are discussed in detail.
Online cleaning improves operational excellence |
Marcello Ferrara, ITW
2009 / Q1 |
Online cleaning, followed by degassing and decontamination, can result in a significant reduction in downtime, increased run length, operation under cleaner conditions and potential avoidance of a turnaround, leading to an increase in production.
Increasing FCC yields with oxygen enrichment |
Jack Olesen, Praxair
2009 / Q1 |
With the demand for diesel increasing faster than that for gasoline and other refined products, an increase in FCC distillate yield can provide a low-cost route to capturing margins opportunities. Oxygen enrichment can help to achieve these goals.
New roles for FCCU: carbon capture unit and coke gasifier |
Erich J Mace, Adrienne M Blume and Thomas W Yeung, Hydrocarbon Publishing Company
2009 / Q1 |
Environmental and energy security concerns may evoke new roles for the FCCU in addition to the production of liquid fuels and light olefins. Gasification and carbon capture are two such possiblities.
Oil sands industry status |
Tony Pavone, SRI Consulting
2009 / Q1 |
The steady progress made in the oil sands industry up to Q3 2008 will eventually resume. For now, an examination of the favourable market conditions and upgrading scenarios that are required for future profitability are presented.
Beyond turnaround planning |
Brian Cormier, Resource Development Company Charles F Gillard, C F Gillard and Asscoociates
2009 / Q1 |
Utilising process and unit-specific knowledge transfer to improvide turnaround execution. A better approach is needed to ensure the transfer of critical event information to an experience and discipline-diverse workforce.
Clean diesel hydrotreating |
Ed Palmer, Stan Polcar and Anne Wong, Mustang Engineering
2009 / Q1 |
Design considerations for clean diesel hydrotreating. Critical issues are discussed when designing a hydrotreating facility to produce diesel fuel with very low levels of total sulphur.
Control of primary fractionator fouling |
Bob Presenti, Dan Frye and Sandra Linares-Samaniego, Nalco Company
2009 / Q1 |
Optimal operation and chemical treatment of primary fractionators requires an in-depth knowledge of many parameters. A combination of analytical tools and benchmarking information can help predict fouling severity.
Reducing FCC regenerator emissions |
Chris Kuehler, Pieter van de Gender and Subramani Ramachandran, Albemarle Corporation
2009 / Q1 |
There are several ways of meeting emission limits, but SOx and NOx reduction additives are very attractive as they require little or no capital investment and have reasonable operating costs, resulting in an overall lower cost than a WGS or SCR.
FCC fundamentals: turnaround best practices |
Ziad S Jawad, Shaw Energy & Chemicals Group
2009 / Q2 |
Basic procedures and activities are presented for the unit engineer and other support personnel, designed to ensure a successful and safe FCC turnaround.
Improving energy efficiency |
Brendan P Sheehan, Honeywell Process Solutions Xin (Frank) Zhu, UOP, A Honeywell Company
2009 / Q2 |
Major opportunities for energy efficiency and reduction of GHG emissions with a refinery/petrochemical complex are identified. Work process methodology for capturing these opportunities is proposed.
Design challenges for future CO2 pipelines |
Paul Andrews and Sub Parkash, Fluor UK John Barrie and Peter Hatcher, Fluor Canada
2009 / Q2 |
Overview of some design issues that need to be considered when planning, engineering and constructing pipelines to transport CO2 in its supercritical state from process facilities to remote storage.
FCC catalysts for resid processing |
Simon Reitmaier, Daniel McQueen and Colin Baillie, Grace Davison Refining Technologies.
2009 / Q2 |
The diversifying feedstock scenario for FCCU operations has resulted in significant growth in the resid feed sector. Case studies describe how FCC catalyst developments are being utilised to process increasingly heavier feedstocks.
Hydrocracker parametric sensitivity study |
Mjid Bahmani, Tarbiat Moalem University
Reza Seif Mohaddecy, Sepehr Sadighi and Maryam Mashayekhi, Research Institute of Petroleum Industry.
2009 / Q2 |
Product yields and hydrogen consumption were predicted using a discreet lumping model. The model was used to study unit responses to changes in operating conditions, to show that small changes in catalyst loading and recyle ratio can significantly improve yields.
Optimising crude unit design |
Soun Ho Lee and Ian Buttridge, GTC Technology Jay J Ha, GS Caltex Corporation
2009 / Q2 |
Real retrofit examples demonstrate how crude units can be successfully optimised with the crude slates currently being processed. Process design strategies are discussed in detail and highlight how retrofit targets are achieved.
Visbreaker optimisation: a step change |
Marc Rijkaart, Mario Vanacore and Christopher Russell, Nalco Europe.
2009 / Q2 |
Optimising visbreakers is not just a matter of monitoring and adding chemicals. Opportunity crudes demand a more integrated approach. Linking field results with research simulation adds another critical dimension that can boost visbreaking economics.
Hydrogen-induced cracking and blistering |
Berthold Otzisk and Agnoula Gourzoulidou, Kurita Europe Frank Dean, Ion Science Klaus Bernemann, Evonik Oxeno
2009 / Q2 |
Hydrogen damage to steel is a well-known consequence of corrosion in sour service. A corrosion inhibitor program can reduce hydrogen entry into the metal. This decreases or eliminates hydrogen damage, resulting in higher profitability and plant availability.
Continued gains in FCC pretreating: part II |
Desiree J deHaan, Andy Shivaram and Kevin D Carlson, Criterion Catalysts & Technologies.
2009 / Q2 |
Case studies show the application of MHC systems in FCC pretreaters to increase middle distillate yields, while achieving reasonable conversion and cycle length. These systems offer stable operations at high temperatures and moderate pressures using low-quality feed.
Cost-effective and reliable revamps |
Scott W Golden, Tony Barletta and Steve White, Process Consulting Services
2009 / Q2 |
Test run hydraulic measurements and analysis, in conjunction with fundamental principles and equipment know-how, can help refiners to identify profitable, low-cost revamp opportunities.
Competitive driving force for integration |
Sanjeev Kapur and Shankar Vaidyanathan, Fluor Corporation
2009 / Q3 |
Case study for refinery-petrochemical integration. Product portfolio diversification in integrated complexes will increase the production of higher value products.
Troubleshooting complex FCCU issues |
Jack R Wilcox, Albemarle Corporation
2009 / Q3 |
Identifying the leading causes of FCCU feed outages and unscheduled shutdowns, including unexplained or increasing catalyst losses and erratic catalyst circulation.
Ambient conditions impact CO and NOx emissions: part II |
Wesley R Bussman and Charles Baukal Jr, John Zink Co LLC
2009 / Q3 |
Effects of air temperature and humidity on burner NOx emissions are discussed, including considerations for factoring in these effects.
Multiple corrosion mechanisms in crude distillation overhead system |
George Duggan and Randy Rechtien, Baker Hughes Lionel Roberts, Irving Oil
2009 / Q3 |
Extensive troubleshooting efforts determine distinct corrosion mechanisms simultaneously attacking multiple areas of an atmospheric tower overhead system.
Residue value upgrade opportunities |
Bill Howe and Jason Miles, Quadrise Fuels International
2009 / Q3 |
Overview of a process for upgrading residue to an emulsion-based fuel and the results of refinery manufacture, handling and combustion in a supercritical boiler.
Passivation of ethylene cracker transfer line heat exchangers |
Abbass A Ezzat, Egyptian Petrochemicals Company
2009 / Q3 |
Case study based on four years of applying DEHA-based passivation treatment technology to the TLEs of Egyptian Petrochemicals' ethylene crackers.
Coal liquids as refinery feedstock |
Katerina Deem and Scott Sayles, KBC Advanced Technologies Inc
2009 / Q3 |
Is the refining industry ready for coal liquids processing? Case study shows potential benefits of processing upgraded coal liquids in a high complexity refinery.
Hydrocracking catalyst and processing developments |
Robert Wade, Jim Vislocky, Theo Maesen and Dan Torchia, Chevron Lummus Global
2009 / Q3 |
Improvements to hydrocracking catalyst activity and selectivity at various operational and feedstocks conditions are discussed.
Additives for real-time FCC catalyst optimisation |
Ray Fletcher and Martin Evans, Intercat
2009 / Q3 |
The ability to optimise the circulating inventory composition remains an elusive independent variable. A solution to this often overlooked variable is discussed.
Surviving the global economic and legislative tsunamis |
Patrick J Christensen, Thomas B Garrett, Brett P Goldhammer, Erich J Mace and Thomas W Yeung, Hydrocarbon Publishing Company.
2009 / Q3 |
Changes and challenges are sweeping the refining industry into a new era. Primary processing units will remain essential, but their roles will change drastically.
Future road map for shale gas |
Chirag Shah and Priyanka Kumar, Evaluserve.
2009 / Q3 |
As the process industry contemplates future availability of hydrocarbon feedstocks, shale gas could provide an added option to its mix of sources.
Predicting CO combustor performance |
Tek Sutikno, Fluor Corporation
2009 / Q3 |
Detailed description of a CO to CO2 reaction kinetic model for estimating performance of an RFCCU CO combustor.
Improving turbocompressor availability |
Filippo Cinelli, Riccardo Valorosi, Gianni Mochi, Antonio Pumo and Dante Sabella, GE Oil & Gas
2009 / Q3 |
Modular replacement maintenance can reduce major overhaul downtime by nearly 50% and time between combustion and major overhauls can also be extended.
Romanian refiner adopts electronic learning to raise efficiency |
Cristinela Budin, Rompetrol Refinery Brian Cormier, Resource Development Company Arun Palit, Solomon Associates
2009 / Q4 |
Following Romania's accession to the EU, a local refiner reassessed its approach to training to ensure a supply of skilled operators.
Flexible solutions for increased diesel production |
Robert Karlin and Aris Macris, Shell Global Solutions (US) Inc Raul Adarme and Kathy Wu, Criterion Catalyst & Technologies LP
2009 / Q4 |
Distillation changes and optimised hydroprocessing units represent a broad range of technical and economic options for increasing production of diesel.
Has the time for partial upgrading of heavy oil and bitumen arrived? |
Jim Colyar, Colyar Consultants
2009 / Q4 |
Partial or field upgrading of heavy oil produces transportable synthetic crude oil and eliminates the need for diluents for transportation to refiners.
Upgrading residues for high levels of distillate production |
Dan Gillis, Mark Vanwees and Paul Zimmerman, UOP
2009 / Q4 |
A slurry hydrocracking reactor technology demonstrates a high level of conversion of vacuum residues to distillate and gasoline.
Strategies for increasing production of light cycle oil |
David Hunt, Ruizhong Hu, Hongbo Ma, Larry Langan and Wu-Cheng Cheng, Grace Davison
2009 / Q4 |
Refineries should consider several strategies, including recycle and enhanced catalyst activity, to increase LCO output from the FCCU while minimising bottoms production
Wireless technology in the refinery |
Jeff Becker and Jerry Stanek, Honeywell Process Solutions
2009 / Q4 |
Wireless data gathering can mean lower capital costs and gains in efficiency, provided the limitations of available bandwidth are taken into consideration.
Developing standards in refinery energy management |
Herve Closon and Ulrika Wishing, Belsim Jean-Claude Noisier, Societe Ivoirienne de Raffinage
2009 / Q4 |
Precise validation and reconciliation of site data is required for an effective energy management system in a refinery.
Real-time refinery energy manangement |
Diego Ruiz, Carlos Ruiz and Fernan Serralunga, Soteica
2009 / Q4 |
An online model installed at Repsol Cartagena refinery enables optimal balance between internal energy production and demand.
Salt deposition in FCC gas concentration units |
Michel Melin, Colin Baillie and Gordon McElhiney, Grace Davison Refining Technologies Europe
2009 / Q4 |
Various operational problems can arise when ammonium chloride deposition occurs in FCC gas concentration units, and there is a range of likely causes.
Achieving optimal visbreaker severity |
Gaetano Petralito, ISAB Marco Respini, Baker Hughes Europe
2010 / Q1 |
A refinery has managed to run a visbreaker unit continuously for more than two years without any loss of conversion
Increasing diesel production from the FCCU |
Maurice Korpelshoek, Gary Podrebarac, Kerry Rock and Rajesh Samarth, CDTech
2010 / Q1 |
FCC naphtha desulphurisation technology produces low-sulphur heavy catalytic naphtha as a separate product for blending into the diesel pool
Achieving excellence inprocess safety management |
Graham Bennett, DNV Energy
2010 / Q1 |
The management of major accident hazards in refineries must recognise that all areas of the business have vital roles to play to ensure process safety management.
Choosing a hydroprocessing scheme |
Alpesh Gurjar, Fluor Daniel India
2010 / Q1 |
A systematic approach to selecting hydroprocessing technology meets process objectives with optimal operating and capital costs
Interface management in complex projects |
Richard Collins and Robert Durham, Foster Wheeler Raafat Fayek and Walid Zeid, GASCO
2010 / Q1 |
Managing the interface between contractors, owners and a host of authorities and affected groups is vital to the success of large and complex energy projects.
Can refiners afford carbon capture? |
Erich Mace and Thomas Yeung, Hydrocarbon Publishing Company
2010 / Q1 |
CCS is not widely considered an economical way of reducing refiners' carbon footprints, but case studies indicate great variation in the cost of implementation.
Are there alternatives to an expensive overhaul of a bottlenecked flare system? |
Detlef Gruber and Dietmar-Uwe Leipnitz, BP Lingen Refinery Prasad Sethuraman, BP Refining Technology Miquel Angel Alos, Jose Maria Nougues and Michael Brodkorb, Inprocess Technology and Consulting
2010 / Q1 |
Changes in regulation or the revamp of an existing plant need not require an upgrade to a refinery's flare system configuration.
Planning for a pipestill clean |
Cody Nath, Refined Technologies Uwe Klingler, BP
2010 / Q1 |
A combination of proven technology, setting expectations and developming a detailed plan helped a refiner achieve optimum results from unit clearing and cleaning plans
Choosing quench interbed technology |
Ed Schouten, Jan Stolwijk and Ed Ouwerkerk, Shell Global Solutions International Sujatha Degaleesan, Wenhua Yang and Sandro Mazzini, Shell Global Solutions US
2010 / Q1 |
A design for hydroprocessing interbed internals favours separate mixing of gas and liquid phases before contacting of the two phases occurs
Unique qualities of Canadian bitumen and synthetic crudes |
Pat Swafford, Spiral Software
2010 / Q1 |
As production of Canadian bitumen and synthetic crude oil expands, North American refinery feed slates enter new territory in terms of crude oil quality.
Entrainment issues in vacuum column flash zones |
Mark Pilling, Mario Roza and S M Wong, Sulzer Chemtech
2010 / Q1 |
For a vacuum tower to operate effectively, the flash zone and the wash section must work together to provide the best possible feed quality to the sections.
Installing a power recovery system on FCC or RFCC units |
Tek Sutikno, Samsung Engineering America
2010 / Q1 |
Full examination of the design options and operating issues related to the installation of a PRS on a FCC or RFCC unit will increase energy efficiency and unit availability.
Monitoring heat exchange systems |
Loree Fields, URS Corporation
Jason Bradford, Marathon Petroleum Company
2010 / Q1 |
Anticipating final federal standards, the cooling tower monitoring programs at two refineries have been beneficial in estimating VOC emissions from the towers.
Anode-grade coke from traditional crudes |
Mitra Motaghi, Kanu Shree and Sujatha Krishnamurthy, KBR Technology
2010 / Q2 |
A combination of solvent deasphalting and delayed coking is an option to minimise fuel oil production and produce anode-grade coke.
Catalytic reforming options and practices |
Tom Zhou, Fluor Enterprises Frederik Baars, Fluor BV
2010 / Q2 |
Design and practice in catalytic reforming is evolving to meet refinery challenges, including lower gasoline pool benzene content and increased demand for hydrogen.
Planning for carbon capture |
Suzanne Ferguson, Foster Wheeler
2010 / Q2 |
An investment planning roadmap for a project incorporating carbon capture should address the scheme's basic objectives and its viability in the market.
Online cleaning and decontamination of a butadiene unit |
Dino Polverini and Cosimo Cucinelli, Polimeri Europa Marcello Ferrara, ITW
2010 / Q2 |
Chemical treatment by closed-loop recirculation reduced cleaning time for a butadiene unit turnaround from a typical 20 days to 24 hours.
Optimisation of product yield and coke formation in a RFCC unit |
Sepehr Sadighi, Seyyed Reza Seif Mohaddecy, Omid Ghabouli and Mehdi Rashidzadeh, Research Institute of Petroleum Industry
2010 / Q2 |
Simulation studies of a commercial resideue fluid catalytic cracking unit indicate the conditions for an optimum balance of product yield with low coke deposition.
Optimising steam systems: part 1 |
Ian Fleming, Spirax Sarco
2010 / Q2 |
Simple techniques to reduce the cost of ownership of a refinery's steam distribution system and condensate return using steam traps and separators
Calculating column relief loads |
Haribabu Chittibabu, Amudha Valli and Vineet Khanna, Bechtel India PVT Ltd Dipanjan Bhattacharya, Bechtel Corporation
2010 / Q2 |
Conventional, steady-state and dynamic simulation techniques are compared in a study of relief loads for failure modes applied to a distillation column.
Crude oil selection: optimisation by weight or by volume? |
M D Pawde and Sachin Singh, Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd (HPCL)
2010 / Q2 |
The LP model should optimise crude and products in their trading units for accurate assessment of crude oil worth and maximisation of gains from product blending.
Designing for sulphur removal and storage: part 1 |
Shamim Gandhi, Wayne Chung and Krish Nangia, Fluor Corporation
2010 / Q2 |
Selection of technologies for the sulphur block must serve legislative demands and the efficient operation of upstream processes.
When MTBE outscores ETBE for bioenergy content |
Eelco Dekker, BioMCN
2010 / Q2 |
If MTBE is produced from biomethanol, its bioenergy content as a fuel additive will be counted twice, according to EU biofuels regulations.
Microchannel reactors in fueld production |
Derek Atkinson, Oxford Catalysts Jeff McDaniel, Velocys |
2010 / Q2 |
A demonstration plant aims to confirm the potential for microchannel and other technologies in the distributed production of biofuels
Hydrotreating in the production of green diesel |
Rasmus Egeberg, Niels Michaelsen, Lars Skyum and Per Zeuthen, Haldor Topsoe
2010 / Q2 |
A novel scheme enables co-processing of light gas oil and tall diesel to produce a renewable diesel meeting EN 590 specifications.
Selecting technologies for onshore LNG production |
Saeid Mokhatab, Tehran Raymand Consulting Engineers
2010 / Q2 |
For optimal design of LNG production plants, selection of the individual units must be made on the basis of an integrated approach.
Estimation of heat losses from process piping and equipment |
Alireza Bahadori and Hari B Vuthaluru, Curtin University of Technology
2010 / Q2 |
An accessible predictive tool calculates surface heat losses from refinery piping and equipment